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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Option 4: Make it like fog of war, so you only see within a radius of X meters of your teammates. So also in the enemy base, as long as you have people close enough to them.
  2. A quickswitch between regular team deathmatch and sniper mode would be nice. Sniper mode is simply team deathmatch with a little bit of Kismet that replaces all weapons with sniper rifles.
  3. Can we do a test session for Tunnels in the near future? To possibly find some bugs and get some feedback on the gameplay.
  4. A lot of times when the game ends, people were just placing a nuke or ion (or they decide to quickly plant it when the Surrender graphic comes up, it seems), and during the whole endgame sequence we have to hear the countdown anouncements, it becomes extra annoying when there's multiple nukes or ions. Could these sounds be disabled please?
  5. Henk

    [Map] CNC-Tunnels

    It depends on what you define as a tunnel, if you count the infantry-only entrances, the "trenches" in the bases and in the center, and those 2 mini tunnels in the center, there's 11 of them. But those small ones in the center are accesible to vehicles, and there's enough open space for vehicles.
  6. Tunnels is now 100% done: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=76578 Hope we can have a playtest on it soon. Edit: Minor text fixes.
  7. Updated version of Tunnels (v1.2): https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gbuqx0o8ap2rki/CNC-Tunnels-1.2.zip?dl=0
  8. Continuing over here, because the map is now posted in the downloads section: https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/75046-level-map-cnc-tunnels/ Download: https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/75046-level-map-cnc-tunnels/ Description: 4 structures per team 2 Vehicle entrances 1 Infantry-only entrance 0 base defenses Lots of routes to take and open fields to battle in Lots of tunnels Lots of cover 1 Rock to jump over the Barracks' sandbags Preview: Top-down map: http://i.imgur.com/64QLfGY.jpg WIP topic: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76494 Leave a comment!
  9. More update! Download version 1.2 here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gbuqx0o8ap2rki/CNC-Tunnels-1.2.zip?dl=0 Changes since 1.1: - Harvester pathing fixed - Floating stuff fixed - Changes to the barriers - Added wind - Added a second grass mesh - Bigger bushes - Brighter minecarts - Added a light to the GDI Refinery - Fixed invisible rock and hesco barriers - Lot of small aesthetic things Does look like Exile indeed, had never seen that map before. I'll also open up a topic in the Releases section, Since it's no longer a WIP.
  10. I like exploding grenadiers and flamethrowers (and chems and mc farlands), and rainbow smoke.
  11. About the version number I presume. But it doesn't matter if you're using 2011 or 2017. Havoc89 also recommends Substance Painter and UVLayout, on this page: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75056&start=210 But don't know if they were used for this game.
  12. Fastest way I do it in skirmish is add a lot of bots to the enemy team, and keep using the command Killbadguys. Doesn't work for units inside vehicles so maybe kill their strip/WF first.
  13. But leave your mic on. Because teamwork stuff.
  14. Option 2. Wanted to explain why but do I even have to?
  15. How about a fog of war mechanic. Show everything that is on people's radar like Jeff said (better: within a set radius, because the radar image scale can be different for each map), and give the rest of the map this fog of war. I don't know how difficult it is to implement this but it would fit with the C&C theme.
  16. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsdkasvs84hj5g4/CNC-Tunnels-1.1.zip?dl=0
  17. You could just get out the moment before it's destroyed.
  18. Update! Added 2 new tunnels in the center of the map, allowed for vehicles, also gives bases more cover. Added 2 bumps in the terrain on each side by the tiberium fields to nerf Rocket Soldiers and Gunners a bit. Added some crates to the GDI base by the Power Plant Fixed small rocks collision Fixed being able to get vehicles on top of the bunkers Fixed being able to get stuck in the small area behind the GDI base. More Foliage culling Decreased Fog Density Fixed UV channels for the minecarts. Changed level coloration slightly Decreased bloom and blur in the tunnels A lot of small changes to the landscape, cover meshes, placement of rocks to make the map look more polished. Screenshots: I'll build lights soon and then probably release the updated version.
  19. The game crashed for everyone after both refineries got destroyed. Twice. We restarted the map after everyone got back into the server, the same thing happened as in the first match, GDI ref got killed, then the Nod ref, and then it crashed. The game was going on but all the players crashed, the map didn't reset. That both refineries died in 2 consecutive games on this map also proves my point about those buildings being too vulnerable on this map.
  20. Stay inside building, Plant 3 mines, Get VP, Refill, Defuse 3 mines, Repeat. I like this. But could also be exploited by donating back and forth. I think it would be pretty difficult to implement this in the right way so it would not be able to be exploited.
  21. I like this, and I would prefer a set damage for running through the armed lasers instead of a ceiling turret. But to keep the value of hotwires/technicians, give them a tool to repair/reset the laser defense, exclusive to those 2 classes, so only they can reset it, just like it is now with mines? That way we keep their value, the advanced engineers are one of the most important units mostly because only they have access to mines. Not sure how the HoN on flying maps would work with all of it's windows, a fuse box for each window? The Airtower could have one at the front door, and one inside the tower, by the elevator hole.
  22. I think the refineries are a bit too vulnerable to sneaking. Because it's very easy to get by the base defenses without being hit, and as far as I have seen not a lot of people use that path to get into the field, so less chance of getting caught by someone who is coming out of their base. The EMP cannon is cool, but I'd like it if there was some sort of cue to know when you can use it, or when someone else on your team has used it so you know you can almost move in. You can't see the emp cannon on every path so you can't see it charging. (is the audio radius big enough to hear it though?) The endgame camera is a bit too fast. And lastly, I like the fog/mist field in the low path, but it starts so abruptly if you know what I mean. Maybe you can make the fallof a bit longer, and/or add some fog particle effects, so there's some height difference to the edge of the fog/mist.
  23. To get back on my framerate issues: the default selected gpu for the game was reset back to my intel one after the update, instead of my nVidia card (hybrid laptop thing). So no framerate issues.
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