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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. First question... isn't that supposed to be Private messages? You know, unless both party agrees to share it Second.... I believe we're using Unreal Engine 3.... without full source code and only ones included in UDK. So no C++ here
  2. It's not my server unfortunately... ...anyway, I don't know why B0NG put the mutators there... probably to test any exploits... but the AFK-kicker thing needs to go and get applied on the real deal
  3. Actually back in UT99, there was a tool to convert cache to real files. I was just too lazy to download it, rarely played online too anyways. Always sticks on botspanking because they're quite decent (It doesn't take much to code 'wander around, kill people, steal flags, go to this place' anyway...)
  4. ah, alright, I think I got it. Thanks!
  5. there's a function called 'HealDamage' I think, so you might want to look at that
  6. according to its' script, no
  7. go download the map in the bottom. Map Testing/Release Server topic, first and second post
  8. What're you crying about, you never drive the darned things farther than the infantry entrance to your own base. It can't be that hard to drive it that distance. But... but to get to the best spot you have to maintain a good turn, and then place yourself in a spot Serious : besides... I don't always camp inf path. I usually patrol around when someone place Beacon. and Walls are not really the best place to camp on.... it's at those time I wish they have a nicer turn and are not just flying around light weightless metal...
  9. This is one of a minor issues in my map. Every time I speed up my Hovercraft when friends are on board, they started to randomly take damage and died. I'm guessing this has something to do with the Anti-Position-Exploit mutator? They died of Link Gun damage, btw, the same damage I took when I suffered massive lag
  10. Additional note. The UPK file included in new beta is supposed to be in Vehicle, not Environment folder. It contains the new Hovercraft physics assets. All environment assets fixes are included inside the map itself (yes, you can contain models and textures inside the map itself
  11. Beta 1 is here! Btw, not yet implemented the door requested by sxmchn also, due to an itty bitty mistake, the rain feature is culled by accident. I used the trailer version of the map and forgot to reactivate the rain matinee
  12. Coastal Beta 1 is finally here! Hopefully with less FPS hit and bugs
  13. That's awesome B0NG! Hopefully my campus doesn't block FTP (for some reason I don't even know)
  14. Agreed^ for APCs humvee/buggy of both side are a pain to drive Especially GDI APC. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABIES...? D: *pets my camper APC*
  15. Or buy external fan, though in my case sometimes it didn't work and my laptop ended up shutting down
  16. Planned? We're already doing it on Renegade X Official Testing Server. See first and second post of Map Test/Release topic. You can actually download Alpha 0.0.5 right now and go play it there, along with Crash Site Beta and Tutorial (provided you have the maps as well
  17. Good news! Beta 1 will be uploaded within 8 hours at most! Beta 1 will include... -Rock meshes overhaul -Removal of 1 PP on infantry path to avoid bug when one PP was destroyed, nothing happened -AGT repositioned next to Refinery -Added more guard towers and AA towers -Hangar vehicles is only usable for coast defense -C130 is playable for.... reasons -Turret health buffed from 400 to 600 -Foliage adjustments -Hovercraft ramp now works. Mammoth needs to sway around sometimes. Loading ramp is removed in favor of slopes -Rain Post Processing is less blue and dark -Moved rain Particle System on the hill further to the sky -Lighting build improved from Preview to Medium
  18. I'd believe you need to look on DarkWalker in UT3... though it's not exactly a similar legged thing (the legs were not as rigid as the Titan)
  19. I can get you the demo files if you like. Ah, ok. thx
  20. Hmmmm I can't really help you much... let me check UDK's documentary hmmm found something. In the shortcut's properties, add '-fps=24' at the end of the Target textbox. Don't add the quotes btw
  21. I think lowering your settings might help the overheating issues. At the very least it will decrease the works in your hardwares You can give it a try
  22. Hmmm thing is it's not my server, but I'd be happy if you can teach me
  23. The Overload PP? Yeah, need to show it up in the next trailer. Also Orca-Rush Obis in the rain seems nice for the next trailer too. Gonna need lotsa people though (like 6, that means 7 if you include me the cameraman) Who's up?
  24. Get Teamspeak. AFAIK, you can't do it without the license. I could be wrong, but if I did, it means that it's too hard This is about UI, go post the topic(s) somewhere else... but I'll answer a bit 7, there's an idea about health and armor drops from dead body, which kinda works like OldRen's single player mode 8. ....needs EA Number 9 seems to be very hard, if not impossible, without completely modding the game and forcing people to get the models as well. Again, could be wrong. And I'd love it if I was wrong about it btw
  25. Yeah.... hmmmm ok.... later
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