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  1. No, it wouldn't make sense for server-wide names to be pulled from a client. It would make even less sense for each client to see a different name.
  2. Pretty sure any server admin can edit the list.
  3. I'm talking IRC bot people. BrenBot style. If you want one, what are the essentials to you? Commands to list players, to list game information, to kick people, etc? Reports about kills, wins, etc? Tell me!
  4. Not sure I follow what problems its adding, but let's assume you're right. What do you suggest?
  5. *points to St0rm servers* See what you think. In there you will exit behind the camera, a bit in the air.
  6. My mod does this, you can see ExitLocation.Z += 100 as putting you higher in the air. As for default renx, unless I overlooked it, or ExitOffset is set to a positive Z value, it doesn't do this. It just tries the next side. Thats why it almost seems random ingame.
  7. Default code tries points around you. However this doesn't adjust for Z blockage, so if theres any little hill on one side, you wont be able to exit there and it will shoot you to the other side. And I mean any little hill. Like an ant hill. From the UDK: if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * Y), bFindGroundExit) ) return true; if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) - (PlaceDist * Y), bFindGroundExit) ) return true; if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) - (PlaceDist * X), false) ) return true; if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * X), false) ) return true; if ( !bFindGroundExit ) return false; if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * Y), false) ) return true; if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) - (PlaceDist * Y), false) ) return true; if ( TryExitPos(ExitingDriver, GetTargetLocation() + (ExitOffset >> Rotation) + (PlaceDist * Z), false) ) return true;
  8. If you die because you expected to be randomly exited on one of four sides, but were predictably exited, then...well sorry
  9. Updated my post with a fixed version. No known issues found so far. The mod causes you to exit 180 degrees behind the camera. It's running on all St0rm servers right now so I invite everyone to come try it and share feedback. renxsrv1.st0rm.net:7777
  10. There are always ways. As an example, St0rm uses a combination of steamid and IP with mask bans. This lets us ban by both steamid and/or IP, but also an IP -range-. If someone changes their IP we can simply ban his ip with a /24 or higher mask. The risk of banning an innocent with such a small range is relatively low if we focus it on region. Theoretically we could analyze existing bans and find if a large number of them correlate to a small range, and translate those to a range ban automatically. I think this is pretty elegant.
  11. That is not the current system...
  12. Attached. Extract to UDKGame\CookedPC and start your server with ?mutator=St0rmPublic.ExitBehindMutator I'll run this on the St0rm servers this weekend if you want to try it out http://www.st0rm.net/ class ExitBehindMutator extends Mutator; function bool CanLeaveVehicle(Vehicle V, Pawn P) { local rotator CameraRotation; local vector CameraPosition, ExitLocation; if (V != None && P != None && PlayerController(V.Controller) != None) { ExitLocation = v.ExitOffset*vect(-1,1,1); ExitLocation.x -= (v.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius + 2*P.GetCollisionRadius() + V.GetCollisionRadius()); PlayerController(V.Controller).GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraPosition, CameraRotation); CameraRotation.Pitch = 0; CameraRotation.Roll = 0; ExitLocation = ExitLocation >> (CameraRotation - V.Rotation); ExitLocation += vect(0,0,100); v.ExitPositions[0] = ExitLocation; } return super.CanLeaveVehicle(V, P); } St0rmPublic.zip
  13. Looks like it tries to place you to the left, right, back and front in that order. If the placement is blocked it keeps trying. The problem with a modification like this is you have to consider what happens to passengers. If you're in an APC and facing left, you want to exit right. But what about your passengers? Do they also always exit opposite of the main turret?
  14. Why do you do that and not just get the ::StaticClass()? That's not UnrealScript... Other.isA(class'Rx_Vehicle'Harvester) is. neat little tool, although if they decide to pack/encrypt the files you will be SOL. Then what? They've already suggested they would release the source, I doubt they're going to do a 180 and encrypt what they have (if you can even do that and still have it runnable). At any rate we'll worry about it then.
  15. Good tip! I'll add it to the Tips and Tricks, but I'm going to leave the tutorial the way it is as demonstrating making prototype classes is pretty important for doing a lot of things
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