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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. Uuuuuuh can you remove my mod from the server? I believe it's wrecking the game files for clients who doesn't have certain summoned packages.
  2. No, it can be done with PostProcessing as well, but the game has the option to turn it off. Might also be able to be done with thick fogs like my Coastal's rain cycle
  3. Beta 0.2.2 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Patch changelist - Fixes collision volume on Nod tiberium hill. It's now realigned back to the edge that leads to the field - Removes dead chem trooper that floats on the Nod coasts - Giant turrets now possesses mammoth tank weapons - Added more SAM sites to middle coasts - Reduces GDI GT in the main entrance by two - Added cliffs behind GDI Refinery. Now Nod long range infantries can drop off from aircrafts and assault GDI Refinery from behind - Fixes GDI defensive sniper point on GDI infantry path entrance - Raises the height of the rock mountains to prevent unwanted sniper exploit points, except one hole nearby Nod base which is saved for easter egg spot
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Coastal 2.2, some minor fixes here and there. Also, new assault path for Nod to blow up ref. Needs air vehicles
  5. Okay, while the Day/Night cycle seems cool, we really need to test how much impact it can make. I tried to tweak brightness of my Directional Light through matinee this one time and the result was quite horrible performance-wise
  6. It's quite a big issue. You did not define what PC is. You only tell the function that it's of a PlayerController type, but did not determine which PlayerController in the current world PC is referring to. Unfortunately I don't know how to get all PlayerControllers, except maybe with ForEach.
  7. Supposedly a function can be fired with Timer ever since Unreal Engine 3 came (can't do so in the previous iteration) So a function within a function isn't necessary.... not that it will work anyways Also Bro, that's kinda confusing. You can't make a function inside a bracket... unless it was a bracket for State, which should not be necessary
  8. Well, I do know that Ruud's map are gonna take forever for the first time... but then that would be it. I have no idea how to import the shader of the map though Pickup is Saturday night right? How about Sunday then? The idea about it came in Sunday anyways, but it's still up to everyone
  9. What was the meaning of TA btw?
  10. So.... we haven't put any schedule of it. Any suggestion?
  11. 1) Just check the Map Testing/Release Server link... 2) There's another PT for Titan. And I believe it's TitanMech.TA_Vehicle_Titan (?)
  12. I'd like to know as well, I possibly can get around it by creating new gametype and new vote handler, as well as new vote option....
  13. Nice one Thommy! Haven't watched it due to limited apps. I see that the thumbnail if the video is my RocketHill lol Edit : We need that video spread on all RenX-related forums... naow
  14. not sure if I wanna dl tjro github. For non-user it's such a frustrating moment trying to download ONLY 20 mbs of a zip file from there
  15. Oh, and keep the creds 150. We'd need to see how normal games play out whenever the server is on the roll And fix RocketHill's Mines and Vehicles
  16. So yeah, the Official Map Testing Server is probably the most underrated server around here due to a lot of issues about custom maps, and that some ppl seems to look it down. I propose we have at least one day or at least one night to fill up the test server, just so we can see how map plays out for real Download the maps in the second post of this topic : viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75116 For installation instruction, just follow the ones included in the zip files. If problem persists, post in this topic
  17. Seeing as we haven't gotten too much player in the server, and it's for the testing purpose anyways, can I have this gametype playtested as well? You know, if you got the time to restart the server viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75284
  18. Also, you might wanna fix the tiberium cave in Lakeside now. That's quite a glitch now for drivers who forces themselves into the forest. I guess you can just open the forest for vehicles since their movements are restricted anyways but as of now it should be solely infantry and aircraft path
  19. Trust not the ping in the ingame browser, but do believe in the Launcher. If you have no ping in the launcher, then try pinging anything from cmd
  20. I have discovered that while using Enable Cheats command allow you to summon things in multiplayer, it only summons client-side, and no one else would be able to see or be affected by it, and not even you btw. So I invented this thing that replicate the Summon and GiveWeapons command, EXCEPT NOW IT WORKS IN SERVER https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing Summon is replaced into SandboxSpawn, while GiveWeapons is replaced by Gimme. The syntax is the same. This little gametype will turn your Renegade X server into a sandbox mode, all you need to do is put the file into this directory [your Renx directory]/UDKGame/CookedPC/ Then put these parameters in the server Target box in the properties ?game=Rx_Sandbox_Game.Rx_Sandbox In my test, the server manages to spawn in the actors server and client-side. The server gives collision and damages and allows you to drive the summoned vehicles. Weapons also works well. They're actually summoned to your inventory Warning : Your buildings can still be destroyed. The internal modifier is still WIP and the included mutator doesn't work as of now. There is also no way to delete your summoned objects. Do not overdo it
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