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Everything posted by testman

  1. It is 2017 and I am very happy that communication got stramlined a lot. Q-spotting has really come a long way, and the tactical map gives more and faster information than team chat ever could.
  2. ^ I like this idea a lot.
  3. I'm not saying that minimap should be removed from the game. I understand that it is very useful tool in various situations. However I would be very grateful for the option that would allow one to replace minimap with whole map. Like I said, I don't find myself often in the situations where minimap would be more useful than whole map. And the "lol just cover your whole vision with a giant map for 2 seconds" is not the most practical solution IMHO.
  4. B-b-but I play in first person. >top kek bro do you even tactical advantage M-muh immersion
  5. I was not in last few PUGs, will hopefully join next one. I watched this "Ryz complains for 12 minutes" video and I would like to point out few of my observations and see some discussion happen around them: Is team balance really in the hand of RNGods? From what I recall, it was agreed some time ago, that it is not necessary for commander to pick his team alone. Isn't it so that teams get made by people who know well the skill and behavior of most participants in PUG? Should re-balance stop being an internal meme and actually happen more often? I agree with a lot of stuff Ryz complains about. Teamwork is more important than individual skill. Is it hard to understand what team could use the most in certain moment? If you hear your teammate notice what the team could use the most, and you know that you have the skill, is it hard to switch to the more useful role? Is it hard to keep an eye on the team composition and switch to the most appropriate role every time you spawn? Fucking shit will someone make @Ryz shut up? The last thing team of 9 people needs is some fucker clogging up comm channel with unproductive shit that kills team morale? Like I said, I agree with the message, but I do not agree with the way that message is delivered. Thing is that while playing with bad team, I have very similar thoughts to those of Ryz, but I try to keep demotivating shit-flinging to a minimum. I only use it when I see (or at least hope), that me throwing shit at someone else will eventually make them realise "O wow, I'm shit. What I am currently doing is shit and I should start doing something more productive." If you throw shit at everyone, but your target audience does not change their ways, all you achieved is that people who did not need your shit also got a lot of it. And in the situation which team was in, tactical / strategical info would be much more useful. Feedback should be given to strategical suggestions. What makes me say that is that not all I heard from Ryz in that video was complaining. During the middle of the match there was a lot of suggestions about what could be done in certain situation. However there was no feedback, no discussion, no democracy. After some time he became a fountain of suggestions, which was also a bit annoying IMHO. But that probably happened because there was no feedback on any of those suggestions. Also not-so-related thing: Would it be possible to get a compilation of best examples of amazing team communication? I'm thinking, something similar to this or this. I mean, we have a shitload of material in all those PUG recordings, but filtering it to the best of the best would make for an orgasmic video. Either just cut best team communication out of those PUG recordings and stick them together or even better it would be to have voice chat played over some @LavaDr4gon-style video.
  6. From what I see you pressed 2 and were moved to passenger seat. I presumed you did that on purpose to lure in enemy pilots who just lost their orcas. AFAIK the vehicle shows as empty but is un-enterable when someone is in the passenger seat but there is no driver.
  7. 7:45 You monster
  8. O yes, thanks for info. I first saw this game concept when Assassin's Creed 2 multiplayer was revealed. I thought to myself "how cool would this game be if everyone was not overdressed faggot?" Then I found out that concept for that game mode was taken from The Ship, but nobody was playing The Ship any more then. Then The Ship: Remastered was announced and later released, but 20 EUR price tag was a bit high IMHO. But for this deal, I am ready to sell my stash of refined Tiberium and buy the game.
  9. @14:55 one of the moments where my suicidal nature was actually useful
  10. What about Enemy Territroy: Quake Wars? Not C&C, but it's basically Battlefield between GDI and Scrin GDF and Strogg. No resource control or economy, no destroyable bases, but still fun game IMHO.
  11. My dick is so diamonds you could stick it into refinery and get 2k credits. I would have played the shit out of this. Fucking EA.
  12. I am very grateful to everyone on my team for keeping the tank count up. That's one of the reasons we didn't lose.
  13. I am aware of my surroundings by... wait for it.... looking around. I'm not saying that I am neglecting the bleeps-around-me minimap. However I do find myself wishing that space used by minimap would be used by something that would give me more information than just "dude, there is some sand around you, maybe even some rocks if you are lucky." Toggle between local minimap and global minimap? Fuck yes that's an awesome idea. Where do I sign the petition?
  14. Would it be possible to replace minimap with an overview of the whole map? It does not have to be as detailed as map which appear when you press M. No need for tank rotations and terrain detail. Something that shows about as much of a map as minimaps in RTS C&C games did. Displaying units should work the same as in big map. See only your team and spotted units, see all except enemy stealth units if your team has command center. I would really like to see that, because most of the time I don't care about bleeping dots around me, while I do care a lot about overall state of the map and how our team is doing.
  15. Voted for Reborn because I prefer the futuristic setting more than some Sci-Fi sprinkled onto WW2 setting. I am mainly a tank guy, and tanks in APB have ear-raping squeaky sound when they move, which annoys me very much. On the other hand, I could play as harvester and shower my team with additional credits. I would join this PUG regardless of the choice.
  16. On the bright side, we had first traditional round of RenX Kart. Congratz to @Schmitzenbergh for historical achievement, being the first RenX Kart winner in history.
  17. Gravity? What's that?
  18. !noob freak
  19. Apperantly I was in the driving seat. However, my brain was not in the most functional state at the moment. Allow me to explain my thought process: tl;dr I had no idea that I am driving APC I am engineer at wall entrance, running out of our base. Quinc3y says we should do early Humvee rush. I'm at 250 credits, so I can't buy humvee yet, I can be more useful if I go harass Nod. Suddenly Quinc3y scratches that plan as we have early APC. OK, fill up APC with engies, right? I look back, APC is not full yet, therefore I should get in to increase our chances of success. I am still at wall entrance when Quinc3y says he wants to drive. I don't really care who drives, I just continue running towards APC. I am still about 3-4 seconds away from APC. I presumed that this is enough time for people in APC to get to their desired positions, so I just jump in and we go. I manage to get in there and after that I consider myself a passenger until we arrive to Nod base or until APC gets blown up. Here is how my brain saw the screen: Then Nod APC came, and as our APC did not go block it, I got out and ran towards Refinery, as I presumed it was the real target, going around PP just for bait. And that is the story how I made my team lose the match that could otherwise be very fun. I hope that in time you guys can forgive me for this war crime that I committed.
  20. It's funny how that's the exact reason why we lost walls IMHO. On field we had both tanks literally cranked up to 11 and also had lot of field repairs. On walls, not so much. I wanted to be repairbitch for Apaches on top, but there were no apaches to heal, so I went to do other stuff I considered useful. I got salty AF when we didn't get tanks on Walls. I got so salty you could get a lifetime supply of salt from me.
  21. If conyard got into the game, what would be it's function? Would it auto-repair itself and other buildings with equivalent of 1 AFK engie?
  22. testman


    Not me, sorry. OSU! never pulled me in as a game.
  23. Oh, that's not the thing that I saw many versions ago, that's something new.
  24. I will just hijack this thread instead of making new one. When downloading new map trough the launcher, the "Cancel" button below the progress bar does not cancel the download. Even after I clicked cancel, map was still being downloaded, and only after map was downloaded to 100% it said "canceling". @Schmitzenbergh if you find a moment or two, please take a look at that. I don't know if that happened just that one time or if it can be reproduced.
  25. Simpsons got @TONY-STARK 100% correct: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5M_1gBxnWnhSzJlWklRYnVVeHM/view?usp=sharing
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