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Everything posted by Truxa
Not at all! These arent standard vehicles so fighting over them through crates is a great way! Less fuss balance wise too. To the victor goes the spoils (crates) If you do want to buy them in your base, perhaps you could make a map, tiberian sun style with vehicles accordingly. I'm much more for that sort of an idea than to mix them with tib-dawn vehicles for purchase
what the fudge?! Beta 5 already?! Time flies or you guys are gaining momentum! Fuck yeah! Nice into too! Reminds me of the GDI Tiberian sun intro
You are right, it is regrettable that there is only 1 or 2 active servers at any given time. Our community is very small. Peak times are when a patch has been added or a new beta version came out, but even then it's only 4 full servers or so and a handfull servers with very few in them.
It shows as no ping in my screen too, it's no problem, unless you want to know what your ping is and choose a server accordingly. Problem is though, you'd be able to choose between 2 servers as they'd have the most people. Why want to know ping if there is no one on it?
Dont get me wrong, I would attend both if I could and felt up to doing so. Renegade is played best, when 2 teams are trying to organize stuff all the time. However, we do need a few designated teamleaders who are up to leading and organizing tactics and stuff.
While it may sound nice, increasing the frequency, also puts more stress on the organizers, resulting in splitting the attendees over the possible days it's organized. For me, it's either 1 or the other day, not both. People organizing the teams and server n stuff could get stressed out for the obligationness of multiple organizes. I might over exaggerate a bit though, but to me, it looked stressful last saturday, getting the people together on the same time
Thats a bit more managable for the EU guys, great. Tokyio might disagree though as I heard he played from oceania region? If it wasnt for the time after the 3rd round (0:30am Amsterdam time) I would have played longer. Next week is a no go for me tho. I'm not home
It actually increases the fps on the main menu (x2 or more) but that's about it ,no effect on the fps in game,it's exactly the same. I've always wondered why the loading screen and the hangar scene when starting up the game, reached only 30 FPS on my counter while ingame multiplayer always reached 60 FPS.
I hope you disable voting again, permanently! If there is a stalemate situation and people are disgruntled about the situation, !modrequest to force a map switch through mods is the best thing. For me, stalemates are the best games! As for the voting: the system takes into account the total number of players availible to vote. So in the example of 20 people, 12 abstain and 8 vote yes, the vote WILL pass, as none votes against. 20 people availible, 12 vote yes and 8 vote no, vote will pass because of ALL the voters, majority voted yes. A "no" isnt counted double, the server merely takes the total number of availible votes into account. I believe that if more than 50% of the people vote (11 out of 20 e.g.) a no will weight equally to a yes. So 6 votes yes and 5 votes no wile 9 abstain, the vote will still pass. Correct me if I'm wrong, but thats how I feel voting works. Source: Personal experience
Yup, I get that. The old ren took into account what you needed most (solo missions atleast) dropping health packages when you are low on health and dropping armor packages when you needed armor. The combined idea is just to counter the infinite ammo idea and running back to base for refills. Furthermore, people would need armor more than health anyway, because thats get hit for the most part. So effectively, you get 50 armor and 50 or less health when you have lost less than 50 health. As an extra, 1 ammo clip. It might be too much, like I said the drop values are up to debate, maybe even 25 health 25 armor and 1/2 a clip. or 50 health/armor and 1/2 a clip. I guess the values needed to be field-tested
Was there any yesterday? How did it go? Perhaps it would be neat for people to start recording those matches, putting them on YT or perhaps livestream them. To advertize the game more
Back to the Original Post. If it makes you feel better, match length has been acknowledged. What made Moba's so signature, is their scaling. It isn't just the fact it gets more extreme as people get stronger, it is the fact that everyone outgrows the objective and that facilitates games possibly being real quick but NEVER being excessively long. Now, RenX isn't a moba, and who knows if it would be as fun if it were a moba. But it needs that progression, without changing the game into something it isn't. If it changes too much, it loses the veteran fanbase which is real important. If it stays the same with 18 hours of much the same throwing away a life over and over, it won't collect any more players than the veterans, which are also real important. It needs a way to make games reliably end in 30 minutes, that isn't something artificial like "turn off base defenses" because we tried that and it just makes the game dice roll for who's base dies first with the entire 30 minute match meaning nothing prior to the base defense shutdown. It needs a way, to play exactly like it does now, but for some sort of progression to naturally end the game after enough valiant effort is displayed during the length of the match's playthrough. Another thought about AOW too, is that when I watch Kenz, I see him play either 12-16 minute games, or 40 minute long games. Nothing ever in between. I think AOW should be 24 minutes long. Given the fact that the field switches hands many times by then, and 12 minutes is plenty of time to break a base siege and regain score, especially when you gain score by defending a base siege. But that is just a side-thought. The ideal thing, would be not needing a time limit or a marathon/aow server, because the game did something to enable a team to earn a deserving victory out of hard work in 24 minutes instead of sometimes 5 hours. Marathon is one of my favourite settings for games, simply because it renders the point whoring obsolete in terms of victory. It promotes teamwork. Now, teamwork can also exist in timed-games (AOW) but points are the decisive factor in the end when time runs out, which is the one thing I dont like. What if, to promote teamwork, we get automated EVA messages filling the screen (with sound) for 2 seconds or so, telling the team at the 15 minute - 30 minute - 45 minute marks to start buying medium/mammoth/light/flamer tanks (depending of team) to prepare for a rush, 5 minutes after the initial message. Not to actually start a rush or anything, just as a friendly reminder to team-up and organize rushes together.
Already in the works, as I've only suggested it 2-3 times already... Great! I've read this suggestion before somewhere and imo it's either infinite ammo or these carepackages. With my strongest preverence for the carepackages. I hope this ends the discussion about infinite ammo!
Mcfartland and infinite ammo? Thats a no imo! They do heavy splash as it is at a long range. It's a good deterrence for them to have to watch their ammo. Infinite ammo is something we had on old-ren and for that reason I might consider it nostalgic. But at the moment, I'm find with the limited ammo as is. People running back to base as soon as they hit the 50% health/armor mark anyway. So when you are on a 1v1 battle, the victor will return to base anyway to refill. I've only seen a few players sticking to their position with low health. And imo, staying in the field is what is mostly needed to win. Holding a chokepoint while waiting for reinforcements is better than to walk back and refill and lose the chokepoint. You'd lose the advantage! I'd rather die defending it with a 1k character and emerge victorious in the long run than to accept defeat just because I didnt feel like dieing that one time. Now, how to accomplish this? Infinite ammo might help, but it will also increase sniper-staying power from long-distance sniping. Which is a negative imo. I'd say instead of infinite ammo, care-packages should drop when you kill an enemy. Be mindful though, everyone can pick those up! That way, snipers still have the staying power as they have now, having to run back to refill ammo when long-distance sniping, while in the CQC, people have the carepackages to consider. How much in a carepackage? 50 health, 50 armor and 1 clip for your primary and secondary. Not exceeding the amount you start out with. For free classes this means 50% health and 50% armor plus a 100rnd clip (soldier) 8 shotgun shells 10 marksman shots. For higher tiers, it's less than 50% health/armor, but for an officer e.g. a 100rnd clip is massive! For a 1k character, it's 50% armor and 20% health. But again, snipers get just 4 shots while mobius gets a 75 rnd clip. This means, relatively speaking, free-classes or lower tiers benefit more than higher tiers. So, in short, carepackages > infinite armor is my opinion. And the amound within those packages is up to debate. But one thing is certain, there should be static values in those packages not % values. Now for the topic: I do find myself running back t o base quite often. Not when I run out, but already before that happens. (lets say, when I have 1 clip left, for the trip home)
1 Thing I just realized though, SBH's will be OP in this type of map. Since a tactic could be massing infantry to counter the guard towers (if they are implemented that is) the SBHs will still be owning the infiltration part. For me, I like to run wildly with an SBH+carbine/Flechette to generally kill off the snipers in field, or to supprise attack unsuspecting infantry rushing towards me. Even if you have guard towers implemented, the first waves of assault would target them, to allow SBHs to be present in follow-up rushes. You might want to think about the OP-ness of SBHs on infantry-only maps. For me, I like the ref vs ref stalemates just the free and T1 characters to be used. (and ofcourse crate spies/1k's)
If you truely love this game, you might want to be a bit more careful with your actions! Trolling is fine and all, but the way you do it scares the newby away. Scares any new player who wants to try this game away. Why? Well, they see that this game has a pretty bad exploit, shown by you. Gets killed quite often because of that exploit, ruining their gaming experience in Ren-X. This WILL result in a bad reputation for Ren-X and that WILL attract fewer new players and it WILL attract bad reviews. If you cant see that thats harming this game and it's community, you sir, are a toxic player to the community and not "just a troll"
Shells made it possible to bypass vehicle limits on the server, allowing for a 20 medium tank rush. The reason why I still feel this is a VERY BAD idea on ren-x is simply: The vehicle limit currently, is lowered to 7 or 12 or something like that on certain maps, because too many give you HUGE VEHICLE LAG. You know, the orca/apache/chinook tremble? The unbearable control of driving tanks/buggies/humvees and the likes? I believe Devs posted about this issue back in beta 2 and in beta 3 people brought it up again. Guess in beta 4 this "issue" still isnt fixed, or maybe it's not possible! Your idea would allow for the recommended vehicle limit, to be bypassed by atleast 50% through player-choice .. creating shells removes the vehicle from the counter; upon reaching vehicle limit, repair the shells and voila, more than what the server allowed ... but, the game would become unplayable by everyone
I'm just sitting here wondering, why does he feel the need to cheat? Why does he feel the need to destroy this game in it's infancy? Why does he feel the need to destroy games to begin with? ... makes me realy wonder ... -sigh-
When/what time is he normally online? Please list the time as GMT. I'll try and get on when he's on so I "spam" the recorddemo command trying to catch him.
I tried to reproduce Swahhh's positioning and trying to get a glitching effect, but to no avail. (in skirmish so that might also be iffy) As far as I could see, he uses a humvee tilted or sloped, then jumps to get an unknown effect, crouches and starts shooting. I don't know what exactly to look for, so maybe thats why I failed. However, judging from I'm Osama's clip and Tokiyo's screenshots, he is aiming in the direction of the enemy, but through the humvees and buildings. I have the impression the humvee is needed in this cheat.
Now don't be like that. Sure some people doesn't appreciate us and relies just a tad too much on defense comprising only on mines. But we really have no need to call names. Just keep the forum friendly Unless you play WC3. When shit gets real, just Scroll to Town Portal back to base I didnt say he doesnt appreciate us much, I just refer to his post and it's demeanor. Defenders do get less points for actually defending. We DO get loads of points when we are under siege through repairing, but other than that, killing solo infantry trying to sneak in the base just doesnt yield points. Oh and WC3 ... yeah lol, skirmish and MP only tho
I totally agree. It's just too bad that some people (like Gatsufox) think it to be unhelpful because you dont actively help the attack. I always wonder if people with that opinion ever played a real RTS game. Taking out all forces out of your base to attack, without leaving any defense. Later finding out you are getting ass-raped because your base is undefended. That 1 last defender is important on ALL maps. Non defense maps for obvious reasons, but with active base defense, there is this thing called a spy.
Ah, another defender. Glad to know I'm not truly alone. What sucks is when our team is full of good attackers and managed to keep the enemies at bay without us moving a single finger at all, just aimlessly patrolling at base and stayed on the bottom end of the score list. I don't mind scores myself though You have a low score because you're not actually doing anything. Defenders usually have the highest score, but only proper defense (repairing vehicles, defusing beacons, and repairing buildings). When you have a low score, maybe you don't need to do such heavy defense anymore? This is off topic, but think about it and there's no need to reply. Here is where you are wrong Gatsu. There is this off-chance of a single hotwire able to penetrate the Nod offense, able to sneak into the Nod base (or trying to) It is against those players me, Silent Knight and Handepsilon are defending mostly. It can be most disturbing and off-putting when a single hotwire manages to sneak passed the front lines, only to down a single Nod structure, questioning the current tactics from the Nod front line. In essence, scattering the offensive. To prevent that, you NEED atleast 1 or 2 designated defenders, even when you are seemingly idle or not helpful, you are helping by disallowing that single infiltrator to pass. This is even more true now, since maps are a bit redesigned to have multiple paths to attack from. It's also a multitude of paths to infiltrate from.
Teamstacking is hardly gamebreaking though on EKT server with EKT members, I tried to do that. Team up in TS with just 4-5 people and "work together", well, it doesnt always work as well as intended Not saying EKT is a bad clan, we just had a great time on TS without actually teaming up to completely overrun the other team. Besides, the community is small, so everyone is kinda getting to know eachother by now. Recognizing player names and their quality during the initial first couple minutes will give you an idea of the team's overall chances of winning. I just know that when facing certain players (like Yosh), they will try and get a spy to infiltrate the enemy base. I keep an eye out for that. Others I know of will ALWAYS try and keep on trying to infiltrate as a hotwire on non-defensive maps like Walls. Then there is Silent Knight. Whenever he's on my team, I feel completely save to leave the base for couple minutes, without fear of losing any buildings. He's pro at defending. When we both are defending, the other team has 0% chance of infiltrating. These things are noticable without the clantags by just knowing the player and his usual tactics. Me e.g. I usually join Nod and defend the base with SBH+carbine, to counter hotwire and spy infiltrations.
I remember swahhh the other day, I was on TS with EKT-Dinozzo. Map was under. So many times he spotted me trying to infiltrate GDI base as SBH (powerplant was down) You wouldn't believe. When I confronted him, he said: I ran towards you and you were just crouching in that corner. I did see him coming and as soon as he stopped moving, I realized he spotted me, so when I intended to walk away, BOOM HEADSHOT! Quite hard when you as an SBH are still invisible on a snowy map. This wasn't the only instance, there were many times in the midfield being invisible, he was able to hit me.