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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. CT used to have something that showed the server details such as map, player count and a few other things on our forum a while back. I believe it was written with Python so some way to retrieve this information exists.

    Is this what you are still after? If so then you will need to figure out what you are doing wrong.

    As for your other comments about 

    On 10/10/2014 at 4:46 AM, TacTicToe said:

    Proper administration tools are CRUCIAL to games, especially like this. Do you think I want to hand out full rcon access to all clan members to administrate the server? NO!! Please fix this. If you can't please let me know so I can drop support and take my server offline

    There is a usable administration bot which links to IRC which @Agent wrote and most of the servers use this bot, without too much issue.

  2. 2 minutes ago, CampinJeff said:

    Making a 2nd class just unnecessarily complicates the game. The problem here can be solved easily by moving around HottieTech arsenal and/or decreasing performance as well as repair tool buffs. Issue we have right now, is that they are too spammable, kill inf/tanks very easily, and given map design how infantry behavior works, are difficult to keep out of a base. 

    If anything, I feel it reduces the complexity of the game.

    You complained about their high damage output via the Heavy Pistol, in my suggestion, that is removed from their arsenal.

    As for ease of spamming them, their cost can be adjusted, $400 with their altered package would be reasonable, maybe even $450 depending on how it works.

    Killing Infantry would be much harder with the adjusted side-arm, and as for vehicles, their only real potency would be in the base defense, since while they have the ability to use their explosives out in the field, they have to refill to regain their main ability to kill vehicles.

    As for your last point of keeping them out of a base, my suggestion reduces their building kill potential which means that while they can infiltrate, their infiltration (while solo) will not easily yeild a building kill. Permanent damage would be inflicted, but not much more than a regular engineer rushing.

    Also the introduction of a new class is not a new thing to RenX considering the marksman did not exist from the original game, and adding a new unit will provide a meta-change shift which will also make gameplay more interesting.

  3. Here is a suggestion, Please read all of it since all aspects are linked

    Suggestion 1:

    Timed C4 (Reduce Potency vs Buildings, increase vehicle damage).


    Change Sidearm to Silenced Machine Pistol (or advanced silenced pistol (increased damage over normal engineer pistol)

    Keep Explosives the same as current, but with the Timed C4 Building nerf, limits their ability to 100% a building.

    In return, increase their role as a Medic by giving them some improved infantry/vehicle repair rate

    As part of this nerf create a new class aimed at building destruction at their core.

    New Class: Demolitions Expert 

    Cost: 500? Speed: Slightly faster than LCG but still lower than 100

    Primary Weapon: Advanced Grenade Launcher (Increased damage compared to the GDI base class) 

    Secondary Weapon: Heavy Pistol (as current)


    EMP Grenade (Recharge) 

    3x Blast Charge (Think Timed C4 but Building Damage is high) (All 3 should deal about 90% total health and armor damage from full (values can be adjusted to allow for balancing)

    2x EMP Mines (Think AT mines, but about 50-60% damage and does an EMP effect automatically on detonation)


    Extra: Allow engineers to purchase an Advanced Repair Gun upgrade once Barracks/Hand is lost so they can improve their healing output.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Axesor said:

    They deserve more than just being OP sniper characters. I think commando role suits Havoc and Sakura very well. Give em 2 timed's and 2 remotes. And take 1 timed from adv. engi. 

    I feel this is definately the wrong way to handle this.

    The only reason we have any definition to Sakura/Havoc being a Commando unit is due to the single player mode of the original Renegade.

    They don't translate well over to multiplayer games, since a Commando would be a Jack of all Trades, capable of killing units, destroying structures, only suffering vs Vehicles (but if they had extra C4, they can still handle vehicles).

    Their multiplayer role is that of a Long range sniper/support killer.

    You would be giving the class more utility than even the current Hotwire/Tech.

    Realistically, there would ideally be a Saboteur/Spy/Infiltrator - Demolitions Expert who would be the main building destruction unit. But as there wasn't one in the original, and since Hotwire/Techs kinda filled this role, they were not split.

    Realistically, I would reduce the Hotwire/Tech to a true Medic/Advanced Engineer/Base Defender and have a new class dedicated for building destruction. 

    I will try to give more information in a bit, when I get a bit more time.

    • Like 1
  5. Issue 1:

    It appears your main issue was you were booting a server rather than attempting to join a server that already existed. 

    To Join a server already in-progress use the Join Server rather than Launch Server.

    Issue 2:

    A known issue for some players is that you lose access to the in-game multiplayer server listings, but you can simply reconnect via the out of game launcher.

    Extra 3:

    Due to a bunch of DDoS attacks on many of the servers that ran Renegade X over during last year, much of the community stopped playing, and many of the larger communities broke up and no-longer play. We still have between 1-2 servers running at any one time with a reasonable number of people.

    • Like 1
  6. Also as for the following:

    1 hour ago, dtdesign said:

    Oh and please, do something against these "spawn->crate->humvee->remote-c4" tactic,

    I can change the settings for the crates so money crates will not spawn for a set time, eliminating the rush for the credits to do the early APC/humvee rush. 

    I may trial this for the PUG next saturday to see how this impacts the gameplay. 

    May set this to be a 3-4 minute delay so they will still happen in the mid-game, but early game rushing will be pushed towards the mid-game.

  7. 21 minutes ago, dtdesign said:

    Oh and please, do something against these "spawn->crate->humvee->remote-c4" tactic, it is just super cheap and a hit on ref usually means the other team can pretty much surrender from then on. How about having buildings in some sort of reinforced mode in the first 5 minutes that prevents permanent damage (you can still farm money by hitting it's "shield"). Would also prevent flamer/chem rushes on Snow ;)

    The main problem is that the main way to end a game is often determined during the first few mins while resources are low enough to prevent a fully developed defence from being in place, it is incredibly difficult to end a game after this, even when a successful sneak occurs, for every attempt that works, at least 10 will fail especially on maps like Under and Field.

  8. The main reason for us taking this change is because as you saw, many more people are actively playing rather than waiting out of game, very rarely would there be 2 servers running and this means that players would miss out on the opportunity to enjoy a game.


    Now I can understand that for some people smaller games are more fun, however as a community should we leave people out of game that they could be enjoying?

    I feel that a level of balance (both over the gameplay and the server's ability to play at the increased level) is necessary and 50 players appear to manage very well and stable (at least for CT). It also allows for more map diversity instead of the smaller maps that dominate gameplay now (Islands + Walls) we have been seeing more play shifting to the larger maps in our rotation (Eyes, Tunnels and Arctic Stronghold) and this can only be a good thing since new players are being introduced to many more modes of play and with the larger player count to support those maps.

    Since the bigger maps are being played more frequently we can also look to make more larger maps which in turn means more people are likely going to want to play the game and see a lot of the hard creative effort that goes into a map and the creators (both current and future potentials) of those maps are more likely going to want to continue to create content for this game.

    However don't think we are leaving you without the smaller game alternatives, We still have the PUGs and there are servers out there that appear to manage far better on smaller player counts (where hardware is likely to be a limiting factor), plus CT hasn't made all the servers larger just marathon + Event servers, this means that if we start getting overflowing amounts of players we can start to fill the AOW server as well where possible. If it comes down to it I may reduce the player limit of AOW to 32 to support a smaller game style.

  9. The immediate disconnect is odd, I will check our irc records later to see if the join request gets through but just disconnects or if it never reaches the server.


    there is a good chance it will be firewall related.

    try going to windows firewall and creating an exception for the udk.exe to make external connections through the firewall.

  10. start UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=<REMOVED>?maxplayers=40?mutator=Rx_Mutator_MaxPlayers.Rx_Mutator_MaxPlayers

    (Bare in mind that the "Max Players" number does not make any difference in the event of using the mutator, it does not drop the limit down to the specified number, since the mutator has a coded amount to set it to.)

  11. 7 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

    Okay, this is way more interesting ;) than the first screenshot.. the harvy couldn't unstuck itself, at some point I just pushed it..

    @kenz3001 I assume the normal harvy route to get back to the field is via WF, but sometimes it's taking the ramp route. Is that harvy behaviour intended or not?

    [GDI harvy tends to use the ramp route after every ~4-5th drop]

    That behaviour is allowed by the Harvester Pathing.

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