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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Ok, as voting for this seems not to have changed in the last few days, I will close the poll.

    As for the results, they are mostly in the positive.

    I will figure out a schedule and a plan for each event to make them feel different than normal.

    Some will use custom maps and other mutators and the like in addition to the crazy movement and jumping mutator.

    I will release the first details soon.

  2. Hi All,

    As many of you were aware, Constructive Tyranny was hosting a server over the christmas period which used a bunch of unique settings along with a mutator that made Jumping higher, and movement faster.

    I would like to gather your opinion on this, and see if you would like to see a server dedicated to this to be available on a more "permanent" basis

  3. 10 hours ago, EdsBusy17 said:


    Something I stated in another thread, but didn't realize until after that this is the proper location for that discussion. I'm not sure if I'm correct, but it may be possible for you to be able to create a new updated torrent files with your updated files (when you update the game) with any with already existing/old files that don't need replacing, which would help with saving bandwidth.

    Something else I hadn't mentioned that I just remembered, was another method that could potentially be useful. A file syncing program called "Resilio Sync" https://www.resilio.com/ , which does have that option, as it only relies on the independent files, as opposed to a "torrent hash" (which is created on each torrent creation).

    EDIT: Oh, by the way, please do not use utorrent. It's riddled with ads, and was bought out several months ago. Here's a list of torrent clients https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BitTorrent_clients and the 2 I personally have used after utorrent hit the fan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deluge_(software) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tixati

    EDIT2: Another useful thing is having a direct (or indirect, like on MEGA or mediafire) link to the zipped [preferably using maximum compression] update(s), as those are easier to download than through the launcher. At least in my experience.

    Torrents are normally uploaded by @[AoG]iTweek normally within about 24-48 hours.

    Not to say that they couldn't offer it as an option, the fact of the matter is everyone should start to use the launcher, since it offers much more than patching as an option, plus I have never had issues with downloading via the launcher.

  4. 4 hours ago, PalFiu1-HU said:

    Thank you for your kind help! So far I made a batch (.bat) file that works well, so I can set up the strating map and the numer of bots before strating the server. What do you think of this batch file?


    @echo off
    path "X:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32"

    start UDK.exe server CNC-Lakeside?AdminPassword=999?GDIBotCount=4?NODBotCount=4?GDIDifficulty=5?NODDifficulty=5?maxplayers=8


    That should work fine.


    4 hours ago, PalFiu1-HU said:

    But I could not find out how to manage the game/server while we are playing.  After typing "adminlogin 999" ino the command line the "addbots 2" command does not add any bots to the game. :-(

    You need to prefix the command with Admin or / (for example /addbots 3 nod)


    4 hours ago, PalFiu1-HU said:

    If I set the max number of players to 8 and put 4 + 4 bots on the map then the software replaces a joining human player with one of the bots :-), but if a human player changes side/team then none of the bots changes side in order to keep the server balanced. :-( What should I change in the batch file or type into the command line to keep the server/game balanced?

    Thanks for your help :-)

    Not my expertise, but you can try asking @yosh56 or @Agent more about this.

  5. Yeah, rather distasteful chat, if it continues, just let me know what server and time it occurred and I'll go back on IRC and check.

    At worst a chat suspension for a while unless directed at a specific player, then would be more serious.

    As for CT admins, Myself and DoctorB0ng will help if you need it when it comes to things like this, although come to me first, as I will normally respond first.

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