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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Hi Swaffelen, Do you have a screenshot of the area that you are referring to, NOD / GDI Any video of you managing to get to the position would also be helpful when identifing how to fix it.
  2. Hmm. Strange. @Agent / @yosh56 / @Schmitzenbergh Any chance you can recommend some action to help this?
  3. Ok, try uninstalling the game and re-installing the game from the MSI file.
  4. Hi Hayden, Did you use the following file to install the game? If so, can you confirm the version of the launcher and of the game (You can see both of these in the launcher window). If they match the following details: Launcher Version: Renegade-X Launcher v0.76 Game Version: Open Beta 5.293 You can see an example of a fully updated version of the game and launcher in this image Can you then please run the following: Settings -> Verify Game Integrity / Reset Game (Either option will work for this purpose) Then try once more, If this still fails, we will need a log file from yourself to help diagnose this issue (if one is being created)
  5. Lights have been built to production quality without issue. I don't know what has caused this for you. However I will PM you the DL link for the light-built map.
  6. I'm about to attempt the light building, will let you know the results soon. Appears to be going fine atm
  7. If done in a Push to Talk style. Could use (for example) ; = Full Team Broadcast (Could be limited to a Commander) [ = Squad Leader + Commander only chat (Allows a commander / squad leader to communicate to a smaller group making commands easier to filter down) ' = Proximity Chat # = Squad Chat Would also need to implement a moving squad function (and potentially cap squad size) Unfinished list*
  8. Hmm, please provide a link for it, I will attempt to build lights for it tomorrow if you can provide it by then (unless we can figure it out before that).
  9. Is this a new install of the SDK? If so, then make sure you unblock UnrealEdCSharp.dll (in binaries) and check SwarmAgent.Options.xml to make sure that the file path is correct on <CacheFolder>
  10. Are you taking the characters from an external source such as IRC? Also Agent, can this feature also use player id number in absence of name or be expanded to do so?
  11. We used to have a much bigger US player base at a point in the past, but they died down quite a bit recently.
  12. I would avoid doing this, since this technically falls under IP theft, and since the Renegade X team do not own the original designs, they would likely break their agreement with EA allowing you to do this.
  13. Couldn't you also move them further away by making the mesh bigger, this would mean it would be more easily targetable?
  14. You need to be careful with applying the blocking volume as if you do it incorrectly, you will end up preventing users from using the ramp or causing unexpected issues such as mounting the Bar with vehicles
  15. I can understand the issue regarding city flying. I'll remove it from Testing server.
  16. This appears to be caused by mis-matched versions of the Rx_Mutator_AdminTool Delete the file and rejoin if you have issues. CT has a more advanced version of the mutator compared to Try's server.
  17. I'll look at updating the IGDL and CT server tomorrow, see if this clears the issue
  18. Was this on Constructive Tyranny? If so what time and level?
  19. If it's Frostbite I haven't updated CT in a long time with the map and the IGDL. But I don't think it will cause that issue
  20. When I get a chance, I'll look at the set-up on the server, what map appears to be causing this issue?
  21. Luhrian - Its much easier for you to include both Day and Night versions in a single download, all it means is that you can have it all in a single zip rather than 4 different zips.
  22. What’s the default value for this?
  23. Are grenades still limited to the classes who had them in the loadout previously or are they available to all? If limited Perhaps bring back the item purchase screen for purchasing a frag grenade?
  24. Remember Reservoir PUG for the first time? 2+ Hours on a single map
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