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Everything posted by DaKuja

  1. I'll try it! (Bad-) -luck but last week i started my education as Game Designer/Level Designer. This will take 90% of the time until i'm done with it. Sadly i got still the problems with my Win10 and hardware - seems my hardware getting way to old and died slowly after 7 years of duty *salute* Well i can't promise anything about some progress in the next 2 years But after finishing the education i'm pretty sure i get way more knowledge about everything for games nd hopefully I can put this into the future of Renegade-X and my projects! Greez. DaKuja
  2. Ye, still in progress but the work on it goes really really slow cause of hardware issues and missing time. I don't know when it's got his next update sure is that it will take several days - sorry about that but can't change it at the moment
  3. Sorry about the missing attention about Eyes. I worked many days ago on a new version of Eyes where we get some changes about more survivability on the battlefield, which one is huge an as an soldier you will get easy asskicked by Snipers/Tanks/Air's. Last time i started the SDK, my SDK got an horrible crash at the startup and seems on some weird way he has damaged my system too. Got bgi amount of issues about the startup my PC and functionality of Win7 and some programms. Currently i got some big issues with my Internet, many many...~ disconnect on less of minutes and really really slow bandwidth. Also i got some lack of freetime last days, to much to do even on Glasses and Eyes - not enough time to made these babys grown up for some real battles. If Yagi would be so nice and help me with the Minimap on Eyes to i would upload the newest Version of Eyes as soon as possible. So far there a bunch of problems to solve first until i can finish (hopefully) my maps for the next patches. Please be considerate... Greez. DaKuja
  4. CNC-Glasses got updated - (Downloadlink) http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/dat ... f640c1--de (Word in Porgess Thread Link) viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76122&start=15 Greez. DaKuja
  5. That was an hilarious moment in the PUG.
  6. Here an fixed Version of CnC-Glasses: http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/dat ... f640c1--de EndGameCam still missing cause of an weird bug - still try'n to fix it. I'm still happy about any kind of feedback - BugReports or Balance Issues Next Version may take a while cause not much free time these days, let you now guys if there some progress. Greez. DaKuja
  7. Some 'Update' for my Maps: Sandycrush is gone - it was just a Test, i don't like it anymore because ... things! and throw it on the ground. - Status: Canceled Glasses - Is 99% done, still need some Tests (if possible, cause more eyes see more.) Got some Issue with the EndGameCamera and still had to made an Minimap.
  8. Which is currently the step where I tried to work on
  9. I can see the Battles where Nod Vs. Nod plays - The Battlefield: No one there! The Bases: No one there! All the Guys runnin' around as SBHs
  10. Thanks for the Feedback Guys, ye i will keep working on it. I got some new Ideas to improve this Building alot! I'll will try to work with some Kismets for some sequences where the Crane move around grab some Stuff and place them somewhere like on a Truck or some small Storage. There is really much Space to put some Stuff in- and outside the CY, currently the CY is bit bigger as an WF. I don't think it should be much more if it goes InGame both Teams had to run like Hours and Enemys got it maby way to easy to kill it with an Beacon because the Space to plant is huge. I'll go for such things way later, first of all i had to made this Building sweet looking then i can thinking about the Playestyle about this One. It starts as an really bored at the Time Project but it had some potential, maby we can made this one great Keep up the Feedback and Suggestions! Greez. DaKuja
  11. Well ye after fixing and improving CNC-Glasses i spend the last Days on a diffrent Project - on a Building I don't think it will made his Way into the Game but it was fun to made this one and improved my Skills a bit around BSP's and Creativity. Only thing i'm not happy with is the Crane, maby i'll change him if i found a better Way to create him where he looks way better as now. Hope you like it: Greez. DaKuja
  12. Maby you can just put some Small Faction Icons on the Side of each Silo Icon - because both Silos stands in front of each Base that will be enough to know which one got taken
  13. Who will find the difference between these? ... derp
  14. Well I worked another Hours on Glasses and made some Progress: Nod's defense took some Damage! Nod reinforcement! GDI defense took also some Damage Old Stractures which get lost at the last Attacks from both Armys New Tiberium-Silo Chamber More Details - Covers on the Ways and Fields Adding/Fixes/Removes: - Added bunch of Rocks on the Field and Pathes to had some Cover - Added more Grass and Bushes - Added old Bunker Stractures - Added Rocks around the Tiberium Field (Infantry Path) to prevent B2B Action - Added more Details around the Map - Added Ambient-Sounds - Added PT Level - Added EndGameCamera - Fixed missing Collision at the Tiberium Field (Tiberium Meteor) - Fixed Tiberium Fog - Fixed Collision around the Map - Fixed Harvester Spin-Party - Fixed Missing Materials at the Tiberium Field - Fixed Missing Materials inside the bigger GDI Bunker (Back Entrance) - Fixed Collision Bug at the Nod Infantry Path behind the Nod-Refinery - Removed the so much loved Mini-APC (Sorry Guys!) - Removed LensFlares at the FloodLights at the GDI "Warehouse" Currently i'm still working on the next Version but i'm pretty sure i can release it in the near future on the Official Testserver Greez. DaKuja
  15. The APC Stuff is funny but on Pub. Servern totally overpowered. Its way to fast and nearly impossible to land a hit. Guys who learned to drive this little Monster will do maby 50+ Kills by Roadkills. The most funny fact on this is, you drive into the Enemy Base and there jumping 5 Guys out of the Apc like the Cartoon Cars with there 10+ Clowns. That funny APC will be not on the next Update, its funny but ye.. don't really important. Ye the old known missing Collision on the WF Prefab, i'll fix it for the next Update thanks for the recall.
  16. So if the WF stays on the New Place, Nod will able to rape the spawning Tanks like on Original Mesa? That would be pretty nasty!
  17. Nope, after uploading the Map Me and Ruud realized that some Stuff missing like the PT Level,EndGameCamera and more x) But feel free to made one, I would very grateful! That is the most horrific thing i had to do There is nothing missing where you can't play the Map, so i waiting for some Feedbacks and don't be shy! Every Feedback even negative ones helps to improve the Work! Greez. DaKuja
  18. Pathes are build? I got this same or an similar issue if i don't build the Pathes before.
  19. Maby try this, got maby the same Issue on my Map if you got to much on your Map it costs insany high amount of CPU, in my Case it simply crashed. 1 PC mostly can't handle this if you build your lights with Lightmass.
  20. After Ruud helped me to solve the Problem i'm nearly done with the first Version Here some other Progress Screenshots: Tiberium Field aka. Tiberium Cave: Let the Sunlight in! Infantry Path near the Tiberium Field: The new (Tiberium Cave) Infantry Path - Solid, good lookin' and functional! The "Field": Some High- and Lowpathes And the Nod Base: The Basic Layout still the same since the Start but seems pretty good placed Greez. DaKuja
  21. First Post got updated! derp.
  22. Preview to the fixed Version of Eyes: viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75036&p=147572#p147572 Greez. DaKuja
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