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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by DaKuja

  1. Ye, an Tutorial Map is what this Game needed. Bunch of Players get frustrated because they dont know what happen right now, in the worst case they got flamed/kicked by overmining, running around and don't know what the hell to do. Maby there can be more than 1 Tutorial's like : 1 Basics : Movement,Buildings and there Jobs,Shooting Training like in the Original Ren. 2. Infantry : Purchases diffrent Units via PT and do some diffrent action to show the Pro and Con's - That Gunner destroy Tanks in less of Seconds etc. 3. Vehicles : Purchases diffrent Vehicles, some small Track where they can drive around to get an the feeling, some small Battles where also Pro/Con of every Vehicle like :"We need more Firepower leave the tiny Humvee and take one of the Big Ones! *Enter the Medium Tank! and shoot the Nod Light Tanks in pieces!* Seems that would be the right Time to improve my Skills in the SDK with the Kismets and everything.
  2. Is till there the Issue if to many Vehicles active on the Map it's getting really laggy? Like in Beta 1-2
  3. Well, after adding the PostProccessingChain seems the .udk Map File is broken At the moment it seems there is no way to fix this Problem in the worst case i lost the whole Map ...
  4. Streaming / Recording PUGs will be the best Advertising, PUG shows all things you can do in this Game like: Teamplay,Fun,Good Strategies,Hard Battles,Emotions @ TS, Sideshow of the Maps etc. Always to stream RenX is an good Advertising, sometimes there will be some Peoples how take a look into the Unknown Game, see that crazy and funny Stuff and will try a look because it's totally Free!
  5. APC's was yesterday! Angry-Engineer-Bus is the Future!
  6. Made some Progress: GDI Base: An Infantry Bridge to the Silo: The Basic Stuff is done, now i'm workin on the Details and testing all the self-created Stuff. Its not missing many and the Map get ready for the First Test! Greez. DaKuja
  7. It seems that, most of the Players don't know about this Paths so those 5 Minutes Games on Eyes are just Mistakes and will probably not happen that much anymore if most of the Players known about all the Pathes and Moves you can use. I think the GDI PP stands good, AGT is really aggressiv against Infantry kill them really fast if they dont take care about there Steps. Nod PP Doors are faced to the Base, i dont think it is thaaaat easy to get in if the Doors just mined. Otherwise if the PP's goes down, the Team failed to Defend thier Base. The Eyes Version where the Players are not able to sneak into the Bases while AGT/Ob are Online, was pretty annoying because it was only possible to reach and kill an Building if the entire Team works together and we know that maby 50-70% of the Team are able to join such Rushes or Pushes. Even on the PUG's where the Map got played was it really really hard to take an Building out or even do some serious Damage to them. Also an AGT/Ob should or can not Defend the Base Solo against a 10+ Player Team, i'm pretty sure after the AGT/Ob nerf both Team got pretty good Chances to Rush the Bases down like with an good old Stank Rush - works by 90% of all Time. There is just some Strategy needed to handle such fast Rushes, next Time tell your Team to watch out on those Pathes/Places, If nobody cares about Defending the Base, well you will definitely lose Buildings. GDI can reach Airstrip,Ref and PP without getting killed by the Ob. Nod can reach WF,PP,Ref. without getting killed by the AGT. Sounds pretty balanced or not? But ye as already say: Tank Rushes are an great Option to kill some Buildings too! I still think the Players need just more Time to check all the Changes and possibilities, Eyes get since a week way more voted as previously. Greez. DaKuja
  8. That is really good, new Art of War i like it and hope to see more RA2 Stuff in the Future Keep up the great Work!
  9. And ye about the Design and Details on this Map it's really far away from looking good. Eyes is my First Map, made alot of mistakes all over the Map. I don't change that much on this One because i'm working on a reworked Version of Eyes called : CNC-Glasses I had to fix or rebuild so much on Eyes to get it really looking good but it will takes way more Time, so i decided to made a complete new Map which got similar Design to Eyes but dosnt will be the same, its smaller not bugged as hell and get already now pretty sweet Places which looking really good to me. here you can follow the Updates and everything about the reworked CNC-Eyes viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76122 Eyes / Glasses will be not the last Maps that i made, i got tons of Ideas for Maps there will be comin' more but one Map after another! P.S. i'm always happy about Feedback of any kind, Feedback always improves the Map! Greez. DaKuja
  10. So ye, i fixed (hopefully) all known Bugs and didn't some new Ones... Well i also made some small Changes: I 'closed' the Silo Area and the Way from the Silo Area to the Tiberium Chamber for Air Units On this Map Ground Units get really small Chances to survive enemy Air Units because of the missing Cover or Areas where they can probably survive. And the Silo and the Tiberium Chamber Inf. Path are the only Places in the Middle of the Map there Infantrys can't get killed fast and easy by Flying Units. Just a better chance of survival. - Moved down the Rocks near both Ref's to keep Rocket Soldiers or Gunners again the Chances to rush some of the Enemy Buildings. - Added a new Crate in the Main Field near of the Silo - so there is no more just 1 Crate who get whored by Stealth Units or what ever want to camp there. - Added more Cover on the Fields and Bridges for Infantry and small Tanks to dont get so easy killed by Long Range Units - Fixed the missing BlockingVolume at the Bunkers at the Bridges where u can drive into them with an Buggy/Humvee or APC. - Fixed also the Inf Path at the Nod Ref. GDI Tanks can no longer hit the Ref. from the Bridge - Fixed GDI PowerPlant I hope you will enjoy it! Greez. DaKuja
  11. Ye the last Times while playing Eyes i saw few Bugs on it and i will fix them. Also i take a look for changing the Bases a bit to give Rushes more Chances to land some Hits or Building Kills because this Map can be so damn campy if one of the Team lost there Bar/HoN or Wf/Airstrip. Thanks for your Feedback Guys! Greez. DaKuja
  12. A small Update in forma of a Screenshot: I took a huge Time so create something new i though it's about time to bring some new Stuff into the Game. That dosn't mean this Stuff goes common, but maby some of the Mappers get inspired by these things and go more creative and create more awesome looking Stuff. Next Days there will be more Updates Greez. DaKuja
  13. Everyone fine with the new Version of Eyes? Some Bugs found? Let me know.
  14. Awesome, keep it up the good work!
  15. Here an Update to the Map: I made huge Steps on the Map creation! - GDI and Nod Base nearly done! (Missing some small Details and maby some Covers) - Tiberium Cave is done, it got everything what it needed: Tiberium! - Bunch of Pathes for Tanks and Infantry - Good old Silo in the Middle of the Map, at his known old Place from CnC-Eyes - Cool Bridges for more Mobility on the Battlefield for Rushes, Scouts or "Sneaky sneaky Guys" - Self-created Bunkers in each Base (see the Alpha Screenshot on the previous Post) - Self-created Structures in the Infantry Pathes and in the Nod Base - AI Pathes working pretty good, Harvesters got randomly so called "Derp-Moments" (Will be fixed for sure) ToDo: - Minimap - Fixing Harvesters - Adding some Details/Covers - Adding some sweet Visual Effects - EndGameCamera - Adding to the Test Server (Gameplay Tests) - Create a second Version with Flying Units So ye, this one going pretty good. Less Details for more performance, but it will looking sweet maby way better then Eyes? I'm sure this Map will find soon his Place on the Official Test Server and hope you Guys will enjoying it! Greez. DaKuja
  16. Or just bring back the Deathmatch Maps
  17. Great Work and thanks for sharing!
  18. Yea, i think most of the Maps are pretty good and not bad balanced. The first Days after releasing new Maps are the worst Days if u want to play serious, but most of the Players wants explore first these Maps and checking everything out. I'm pretty sure after a week every Map getting played good and most of the Players will like them.
  19. Future Project : "Renegade X - Next Gen Tabletop Game!"
  20. Let make this PUG awesome 100/100 Players on Agent's Server!
  21. That would be awesome if u can do this for me. Totally forgot it.
  22. Here it is : http://maps.constructivetyranny.com/dat ... db7db1--de For all those Guys who can't waiting for it, there are now able to download it and test it Solo. Until it finds his way into the Game with one of the future Patches. Greez. DaKuja
  23. AGT needs bit slower Firerate with his Guns, maby the Range can stay at the same. But the RocketLauncher on the Top needs more Range not so much but like 5-10 yards should be givin' Why? The Rockets are more then a Poke against Rushes and Sneakers (Rockets can most on most of the Maps dodged Running-Jumoing, run behind Covers), like against Flamers they got a huge amount of Ammo/Life no question they are not soo easy to kill no even if there are like 8-10 of them, with every Yard the Enemy comes near to the AGT he will feel more of the Burst from the AGT. I think an AGT/Obi should do some serious amount of Damage against Rushes without that one of the Teams have to stay with 10+ Players in front of it to handle it without losing everything. The AGT/Obi are like 90% of the Time the Target of all Rushes even on Field with Smoke and Engis Rushes! It will be fair if they can defend them self better. Obi Range had to be nerfed no question, the Range of the Obi is insane atm. Maby the Range nerf can be enough. Not even an MRLS can hit him without getting toasted if he has no Cover or the Obi got some Blindspots because there hanging some Rocks around or what ever.
  24. I'm pretty sure free Donations are total legal. RenX or the Devs dont want your Money to get Access to the Game or something else.
  25. I tested your Map today, there was an bunch of Bugs they i found. Here those Images : http://imgur.com/a/NNYZz Be careful with scaling the Prefab Buildings, as you see in the Screenshot u can massed up many Stuff and this Point the AGT can't fired with his RocketLauncher and the Guns stucked on half way in the Building so there got restricted view Keep an Eye on your Tunnels, there are many places where Rocks or some other Stuff looks inside and the Tunnels are deadly too. Now i'm get feared about dark corners The whole Map needs more smooth and the AI Pathes from the Harvesters are broken, they got stucked on diffrent Places. Otherwise an really beautiful Map design, love the Waterfalls into the Tiberium Crystals, Details in the GDI and Nod Base bunch of very nice Ideas. Keep it going, i can't waiting to play the next Version Greez. DaKuja
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