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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. There aren't many reasons for the repair gun to be able to harm people. No balancing of it would be fine if its not weaker than the pistol and why not just switch to the pistol when attacking?
  2. You're lucky. Europeans can get servers. At American time its very dead, especially during the week. Why? A bad open beta release, thats about it. The game should have remained in close beta. The crashes, the issues, too many things kept people away and still do. A new patch might bring some back, but ultimately I'd be looking for a complete re-release. If it was me, this would go back in close beta and I'd wish to try and erase the release history of this game. Lets start again when the game works and we can keep a bigger portion of its players.
  3. Lets actually be realistic here. Trying to heal enemies never really "works", they always get killed anyway because people don't even play along with "trolls" except in ridiculously rare occasions, and infantry healing is quite terrible anyway that it shouldn't matter. There are far, far FAR worse griefing capabilities in this game right now than that would be.
  4. Things like snipers having to go back to base are a good thing. If anything, I wish vehicles had to run back to base every now and then. Of course regardless, its probably nice to have a few more ways to get ammo. Personally, I'm just for weapon drops, though -> that should be a source of ammo. Otherwise there was also an item we saw in one of the beta video (in the menu, wasn't implemented), like Ammo Station or some such. Being able to buy something like this to deploy and refill yourself (and others) isn't a terrible idea either.
  5. You can say it however loud you want you're not giving any solution. In the old Renegade Jelly ruled the scene too, and it got its fair share of ban drama. Its just how it is when a game like this has so few players.
  6. They just need more damage in general to infantry. Mounted turrets in the old Renegade did FAR more headshot damage than in this game. A change I don't agree with at all.
  7. Past Problem: Pressing 5 for refill was awkward. Make it R! Good solution. New Problem: They just dump E for Engineers! Why the heck? You know, making R refill but keeping the rest how it was would have been fine. 4 Engi, 5 Marksman. Letter shortcuts are all harmless.
  8. The fact that you can't see where the shot comes from when you die (from both the 500 and 1000 sniper) is completely dumb, actually. Snipers are too powerful, even in this game, if you ask me. So I'm not in favor of any buff to their ability to hide. There is nothing less fun in a FPS than snipers and they already can kill people left and right without any chance to retaliate.
  9. Just click "view new posts". I have no idea what you're talking about otherwise, the categories are laid out very normally and actually categorize things. The only problem being the place is not very active for all the sections.
  10. I hate motion blur and have it off and get crashes.
  11. Essentially stopped playing at this point because of the player cap so I can't wait. 40 is my minimum, worst part being is every match it empties out to hell and the match is won randomly by either side's boring first 5 minutes stunt. 64 players and the crash fix will help that.
  12. They are kept in skirmish mode. Someone forgot to make it work online.
  13. But thats just the result of having map defenses which are hard to break through.
  14. Its against one mentality of C&C passed down since Renegade, but what does it matter? So are sniper servers, or deathmatch servers, and etc. Its only against one way to look at the C&C mode, one way that wasn't even the first way. Renegade has had more than one way to look at things. Marathon alone completely breaks the mentality into something else.
  15. I think that would be an interesting crate to have in Marathon server, but what about a twist? -> When a team is missing at least 1 building, every crate they get adds to a Building Counter. When that counter reaches 100, one of their building is rebuilt. -> The less buildings you have, the more each crate adds to the building counter. Maybe.. +5 when your team has 3 or more buildings left (so 20 crates for 1 building) +10 when your team has 2 buildings left (10 crates) +20 when your team has 1 building left (5 crates) -> The counter resets when your team loses a building. Something like that. The benefit of that system is it gives a warning to each team and doesn't feel too random. You KNOW the other team is going to win back a building, its just a matter of time. This also encourages aggression, since that resets their counters. I have no idea how they ever worked in the original since I've never seen those crates. However, I tend to hate the end game in Renegade and it devolves into that even in non-marathon servers these days, where one building just dies in the first 5 minutes way too often. So you have no idea how much I want something like this in the game.
  16. I want to defend a higher than 40 layer count but we're really getting the stupidest of discussions over it. Actually thats all we get nowadays. This forum is so dead, do we really need the little sparks of life in it to be so dumb?
  17. And how much is that limit?
  18. Its a painful day job to clean spam via moderators, though.
  19. That was more an excuse. The truth that nobody seems to have realized though is that most servers were just in over their heads. Maybe a 64 server in this game is more demanding than others and could use optimization and tweaks for sure, but fact of the matters is there was at least one 64 player server I played with no lag issues, but nobody cared. The only "real" reason is they didn't want the servers being stupid and just using the cap even if they can't handle it, having to downsize it so the population stopped whining about lag excessively. Its a server owner problem and a bandaid fix to counter idiocy.
  20. The whole fun is the struggle. In most games when people don't like stalemates, I always say "its what I like the most". Of course, a stalemate that can't break (like a game of Field) isn't fun, but otherwise its the whole fun of that kind of warfare... its beating the crap out of each otehr but staying up, long enough that you care about this base. And I don't like it personal either. I like to be a man in an army, but you can still distinguish yourself. I've done it plenty of times. Thats the fun. Its not fun just to be able to break through. Its fun to know that they have 32 players and you managed to screw all of their plans. High player count is fun, damnit.
  21. I believe in C&C mode and it should be at the core of everything Renegade, IMO. That said, some alternatives that still use the same base aren't bad ideas. Just the same way you could win in the past with pedestal beacons. Its just a "variant" that adds something without being something else entirely.
  22. I made that topic about demo recording and i implemented a global ban list. But so far nobody has ever reported any hackers since then so with no reports we cant ban people (as most devs like me dont play the game anyway we dont know if there are hackers). Either there are no hackers anymore or nobody fking cares to help us getting them banned. This is one reason among teamintern and personal reasons, why i stepped down as lead programmer and are not actively contributing to the project anymore at this moment. It is often far too frustrating with no compensation (and not even a steam release) in sight. Well, to be honest that job is on the moderators of a server. A server without moderation is a bad server, thats just what it comes down to for a game like this. You're also relying on the servers to do a job, all of that with a command the majority of the player base don't know about. That won't get many hackers, nevermind permanently. I don't blame you for stepping down, though I believe some people on the team have had unrealistic expectations. This is a very harsh world for this kind of work, even for free, unfortunately.
  23. I'm not sure what you just said about the servers. There are less than 50 players online at the moment, all playing in that god awful MoO server. It has hackers and grifers. Nobody kicking them. It seems to be the new Fubar, with fake player counts (at least it fakes as in it stops at 39) and can take more than 40 players. Its sucking the community to itself and it alone ruined my night. Thanks, MoO. Anyway, its already a ghost town, and this is a VERY good night as far as I'm concerned in terms of player count, that is if some of the players in MoO aren't fake (I swear to god it feels like there are). Between the glitches, the issues and of course, the really bad servers like that one, we just aren't going anywhere. Both Renegade are in a state I consider "dead" right now. I'm hoping a release later down the line gets the game back on track. In the meantime, there is no multiplayer game worth my time. Long friday nights this will be.
  24. SFJake


    You know, Renegade had some terrible maps. I wish we could stay away from them and keep on the mindset of improving them. I wish Field had that treatment as well. Hourglass was just a really bad map and I have no desire to see it back in its original form. I'd press against it.
  25. Well, thats kind of just excuses, in that all of that just strongly implies Renegade X needs some fixing. The player counts was limited because as a temporary alternative to fix the lag, etc. Just as vehicle balance compared to Renegade is just completely off and needs fixing. Of course they should focus on that before adding weapon drops and shells.
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