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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. I have to admit, I have no clue why they thought this change was one to be made.
  2. SFJake

    Polls / Votes

    Voting can't be controlled server side? Thats definitely a problem. There should be a multitude of option there that are separate, including Kick Vote & Map Change Votes. Servers should always be able to disable specific voting abilities.
  3. If you have to be a dick, do it right.
  4. I know its rude but I would remove Open Beta 1 server from the server list. I would then change the 40 players max notice to some "Patch is available" message. Servers without the patch would see no servers at all and only that message.
  5. The launcher isn't telling anyone. A lot of players don't even know and servers aren't updating.
  6. So not even 25% of the player base seemed to have moved to Open Beta 2. I updated straigth away but now I came back, also talked to people on the Open Beta 1 servers and it seems nobody is getting the notification to update through the launcher, and neither am I on my open beta 1 installation. This is I guess why most players and most servers are still stuck on Open Beta 1. This is kind of a big deal. Only a fraction of the people care to follow news around forums and such. People online were openly clueless about the new patch.
  7. I don't think you understand their point. Secondary weapons allow infantry to spend some more credits to make themselves more versatile. They are secondary and don't intend to replace anything. An hotwire can get something to defend herself at range more effectively, for instance. So its completely ridiculous that you stay to beta 1 for this. And if people really do start to choose one version over the other willingly, this already dying game will be even more dead. Awesome.
  8. Have to add that crashing at map switch (its not RIGHT as the maps switch, but as you are inserted into the game, generally right as you're spawned for the first time, like always) was not fixed at all. Actually there's also one now right after the scoreboard (game freezes there). I don't recall actually having that before. There's also still the common freezing in certain maps when something explodes and seems to be seen all through the skybox.
  9. To be frank I wish every ammo was limited, vehicles and engineer alike.
  10. Unfortunately the Launcher shows all servers, including all the ones still running on the old Open Beta 1 version. Either use the in-game launcher, or check to the right if its Open Beta 2. There a lot more players in Open Beta 1 than 2 at the moment.
  11. Great work on the patch. I thought I'd write up a few things about it, small things that were missed and undocumented changes. Few minor things that have not been fixed: -Weapon reloading-cocking sounds don't play in 3rd person if you didn't "load" them in first person before. -You can still jump on the left (Nod side) wall of Walls_Flying. -Running out of stamina doesn't properly stop sprinting (it does, but stamina will never regenerate until you let go -> particularly annoying for people with toggle sprint). I get that this is very small but I just wanted to point it out. -I'm guessing the Whiteout tunnels will be expended? They are just one straigth way. Man its been so long playing Hourglass but I thought it went on the side. I know the tunnels are mentioned as "work in progress" so I'm just asking of your plans. -Whiteout defense respawn time is now 1 minute 30 seconds, in my opinion this nerf is WAY too soft. Undocumented changes: (tell me if I just missed those out of the change log) -The patch made no mention of removing the screen freezing effect from Whiteout, and only mentions the rain effect in Mesa. Do let me tell you that this is a GOOD THING it was removed from both, just that the change was not documented. -Vehicles now show passengers (shows Empty if nobody is inside, and shows ----- for empty seats, very elegant) -Allies are now GREEN instead of yellow or red, enemies are ORANGE (while this is good for newcomers, there should be an option for old timers) -Refills now refill stamina Nevermind, it does not refill online. I'm certain there is plenty more but this is just what I quickly could notice. Another thing: The LAUNCHER shows old servers. Since everybody is still stuck in Open Beta 1 it seems, its hard to get a game through there now. It shouldn't matter soon enough though, but for future patches you should consider applying that change to the external launcher just the same as the in-game one.
  12. Cones of fires are terrible. If anything it should be removed from the AR, not increased. Its ultimately one of the worst weapon in the game and if anyone dies to it, they really deserved to die. This isn't "insert any other modern game". Anything within its range it shuold be able to hit, otherwise bullets dissipate and as such you're not actually counter-"sniping" anybody Heck I wish ramjets and snipers would be so much worse when getting fired by autos just to get rid of the "sniper rules all" phenomenon but I know thats not going to happen either and plenty would disagree. 300? How ridiculous can you get? Main problem i have with the weapon is that it really feels like its should be hitscan yet its not.
  13. I had no idea there was one on the Nod side but there appears to be one: The GDI entry were so easy to spot, but I never saw that one mentioned before. Its not nearly as big a deal at least, since Nod is the one with stealth.
  14. All good ideas. -An algorithm that decides the default vehicle cap would be an improvement over just having a default of 7. I'd cap it at 14 though. -You know me and airstrike. Even with the upcoming nerf, beacon covered by airstrikes are still a thing. If I was to add anything on that post, I'd make sure that airstrikes can basically not kill infantry (except perhaps the base ones). Its just not the role of airstrikes at all. If they did really low damage to infantry, them covering beacons would be far less cheap and would only force vehicles to move away. -Disarming your own proxy should be a thing, totally for it. -Your tunnel tech building is an interesting idea. I also happen to -hate- field tech buildings. I definitely think I'd prefer that. Could add a new layer to tunnel fights, however I think as a result tunnels would need to be developed more. And thats not a bad thing. Make them a bit more complex in the process, but of course they remain infantry-only. I'd personally keep the tech building MCT mirrored, so that each team have their side of the tunnels that they need to protect. I just really like this opportunity to make tunnels more interesting. I was never a tunnel guy, I avoid them all the time. The fact that MCTs need to be DESTROYED is also important in bringing more roles to the tunnels. The more I think about that idea the more I like it.
  15. The railgun - PIC had a rate of fire buff (all fine) but the actual weapon switching glitch was not fixed..? Or was that missed in the patch logs? I also wonder how long it will be before 64 players is back...
  16. Geeze, thanks for that bit of wisdom. Still boring as hell when it happens which it will because its part of the game, but doesn't mean there should be no way to do anything about it. Might as well be against crates.
  17. While I appreciate the variety of things this game can do and I foresee GREAT use for many of these (and good work on these particular mutators), I hope the game will soon enough allow us to see what mutators and such each server is running.
  18. The team you join didn't seem to have any relevance to your previous team at all... I was switched all the time or so I thought, mind you I crash half the time so its hard to remember. It should be completely shuffled, in any case.
  19. Rarely do people actually take it out on the devs. Perseonally, if I ever get in any special mood because of this game, its only because Renegade X is literally my only hopes of having a multiplayer FPS that I can play with and unwind. Take all this as a sign of deep affection over this project. I want this to be good and popular so badly, because there is nothing else. Once Renegade X is dead, I don't see myself playing anything in multiplayer anymore. Like, at all.
  20. Thats just another "why are techbuildings mid-map terrible" proof.
  21. -Not every maps have silos -Most silos are just "winning team = controls the silos", stealing a silo won't last, etc. I see no fix there.
  22. Why can't we separate points and credits more? Give more ways to give credits without their being abusable for points. When the PP and Ref is down, making credits is incredibly difficult beyond repairing. It really shouldn't be that hard. I don't agree there is too much money. Without the harvester, the ticks is really not that fast and money gets precious enough. And like I said above, what do you do when the ref is gone anyway?
  23. Happened to me as well, but only when entering a game. I entered, and I spotted 2 sbh (without their cloaks, from my perspective) hiding in base. I proceeded to kill them with a carbine. They called me a hacker (especially since they thought I killed them from that distance with a pistol, not a carbine). Was just weird. I mean, I wasn't hacking, but it obviously wasn't fair. It also happened on Walls_Flying but I have no idea if thats relevant.
  24. As far as i know, no. Some performance issues have been fixed but i don't think the vehicle lag has disappeared yet. .......... you're kidding, right? And vehicle lag exists in some 40 player servers. I've had experience in the first day at 64 that had no vehicle lag. The vehicle lag sucks when it happens but beyond that the servers should decide what they can handle.
  25. Commander mode is way too ambitious (not that I don't want it). The basic map feature is really something I do hope you look at, the radar shows the map decently already, just extending that to a full map would be gorgeous. The map AND the radar could also use a few features such as: -Beacons. I have no idea where beacons are, even friendly ones. Friendly beacons should show up VERY obviously on the radar and even in the corners of the radar if its out of range. Hostile beacons should show up once someone has started disarming them. Otherwise, enemies should appear in the radar as well -> either when spotting them (safest way) or damaging them (I much prefer that way, maybe only count direct damage, not splash, and only show a dot at the last position, not its movements). A lot of simple things like this can really enhance the "team play" aspect without people having to constantly communicate everything and it all stems from those systems.
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