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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. Well yeah, thats an obvious one <-< Not very alive, though, same problem.
  2. Renegade X is great, but it too, is pretty much dead. No US players here as far as I know, and very, very small community, too often the games die off, and I enjoy this game only at high player count (I'm still waiting for 40+ players per server, but there might NEVER be enough players again... how depressing) So I look elsewhere, but everything is terrible. I'm talking about "player vs player" kind of games, by the way. I don't care for deathmatch or last man standing games. I hate anything without the ability to drop in and out of a game freely. I hate small scale games (10v10 is my absolute minimum player count in a game, but I prefer 32 and above). Anything with "microtransactions" that means the game in total costs more than 60$ = screw them. No games where you need to unlock a bunch of things over hundreds of hours. MOBAs are obviously out of the question. I like shooters, but anything like CoD, BF or Counter-Strike is, to me, really, really bad. I have never had any enjoyment out of those. I've enjoyed Renegade the most, Team Fortress 2 for a time (not anymore), Chivalry (game is utterly dead in US east) and the old Unreal Tournament games. Do I live alone in this ridiculously depressing multiplayer gaming world?
  3. The game is almost dead already and you propose people need to donate to play? This game is to be free, by the way. Going around that, even if they don't get the money, is against their terms of contract, I'm sure. Even if it wasn't, it would be terrible for this game. Its ridiculously hard to keep a community with it being free. And I think hackers that have the ability to change their IPs will happily pay 1$ to hack again.
  4. Is this serious? I hope this wasn't a dev. I don't like SBH being too hard to detect, but thats it. No C4 is completely stupid. Might as well kill the game and turn it off. What an idiotic idea. Jesus.
  5. In the old one they flickered when shot. If they decloaked, even if it was just for a split second, allowing you to spot them when shot, I think it would be fair. But thats just me.
  6. Hah! You should have included some way for the game to recognize special dev teams members/VIP members.
  7. Its bad enough that -we- have to live with the fact that games like this simply don't exist anymore and even this game has such a tiny population. But you're posting in an old topic. I'm pretty sure the guy has been gone for a while.
  8. So basically if someone spotted it, an "arrow" would appear over it in real time so people could get to it easily. I don't think that would be unfair since its the equivalent of proper communication. By the way, I am TOTALLY for the stealth detector. Something that makes stealth visible at some range (and within line of sight of the detector). Can be destroyed. Something like that. Otherwise, maybe a motion detector. Something that makes noise when it detects motion and alerts the team, without actually revealing the unit. Again, could be destroyed.
  9. What? No. Just no. That is its worst, cheapest use and pretty much the entire reason I despise airstrikes. They should not even be usable over beacons. Thats not teamwork, thats cheapening the entire game. But then again thats what airstrikes do in general -> cheapen the game.
  10. Geeze. Use paragraphs.
  11. I hate fake beacons, particularily beacon spams. I would permanently ban people from spamming beacons end game. The game should have a system that at the very least prevents that. And if I had anything to do with it, I'd remove the ability to place beacons in your own base as well. Makes no sense, looks dumb, and is annoying as hell.
  12. Thats very possible since I avoid EA and Origin like the plague they are.
  13. There's very few games that have a nice server-client connection system. Queue, then when a spot is open, only send request for a spot, reserve it for a limited time, THEN load the game. I've never seen a game with that feature, though. The problem even with Queue, is that when you load the game, someone else got in faster. And then you have to close it down and start over anyway.
  14. The only real problem is they're all underground. Its just a work out of passion etc, they don't get paid etc, all fair and fine. Why do they have to hide everything, though? The community is ridiculously small and most people don't even care about the forums in the first place. The handful of people that care enough to be here don't have to be kept out of the game's development. Heck, most of the time it just feels like the devs do not exist on this forum.
  15. Yes, the game needs to stabilize before going for a Steam release, then I hope they can use it to boost this game's popularity. But we'd be just be wasting that if everybody went to this version. This means we need to get rid of crashes, but also the dreadful freeze issue.
  16. SFJake


    And why exactly would we want to split people up? Anyway, none of this entire topic makes sense. This game has a hard time filling a single server across the world. Exactly what the heck would we accomplish with any of this?
  17. The Artilery has some sort of really weird, ridiculous auto-aim that likes to kick in and completely changes your shots. It really makes no sense whatsoever for it to be this way.
  18. Have you been playing GDI at all? Or are you the one that spams the "change team" button as soon as you realize you are on GDI team? SBH needed a detection nerf as it was nigh impossible to detect SBHs, especially the cloak should fluctuate when they get hit by bullets. At the moment, only driving/running around in the hope you get an SBH off-guard will give you a chance of foiling an SBH investation. Mounted guns for infantry only? then they need a targetting buff, higher fire rate/faster bullet travel and larger magazines in order to support the "anti-infantry" paradigm. Biggest problem was the INSANE nerf from Renegade to their headshot damage. Around 4x less, I believe. Yes, that much. I agree, I think these vehicles should be more anti-infantry instead of being given anti-armor bullets but.. they need to be much stronger. Other than being rolled over, those mounted machine guns don't threaten infantry nearly as much as they did in the original. Heck, I've tried many times to just take an APC for anti-infantry purposes, and I thought it was really inefficient.
  19. Thats the problem ain't it? Bad team ruins the game. I've played through too many games where this is always the same thing. One team is always drastically weaker than the other for some reason and it makes a game utterly boring. Being on the loser side is all the worse (but its still not much fun on the winning side when its so one sided).
  20. But the old launcher does not work right now.
  21. I agree, in the end it really doesn't hurt anyone. I've seen gimmicky plays around the weird physics only in long marathon games gone to hard stalemates and thats about it. But its true however that physics in general could use some fixing, so...
  22. Yes, well, congratulations for yet another completely illogical move of dropping support for a browser people still used, forcing people to wander randomly into a random forum in random sections to figure out they need to update their launchers. Sigh...
  23. Are you implying that you would want this game to look more photorealistic? I'm not discussing or downgrading your skill-set in any way, but making a game photo-realistic is the worst goal I've seen in any games. Even if I could snap my finger and magic would make this game photo realistic in every way, I would not want it. Thats not the point of games, and photo-realism is boring.
  24. Yeah, because changing mere values takes more than a few minutes which are CRITICAL minutes they must NEVER waste on anything but gameplay.
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