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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. Im not so sure thats the problem. I had a major issue with them on Walls where there were like 10 snipers that were sequentially spamming them while some SBH was planting a beacon. It was impossible for us to get out to the beacon because we kept getting blown away by an enemy we couldnt defend against. At least if the beacon is being covered by a vehicle, we could run up and blow the thing up with C4.
  2. 2nd'ed
  3. As of now, you can hold "V" and look at player locations as a workaround.
  4. That would be an awesome way to do it. I wont hold my breath for it, though. It will probably be a low priority thing.
  5. Honestly for most guns, I dont think it would matter. Its a lot harder to track infantry with the crosshairs in RenX than it was in Renegade. For auto rifles, youd probably score just as many hits in either case, whether you had your crosshairs on them exactly when you fired or by them just walking into the bullets youve already fired.
  6. I feel the love in the air.
  7. Boink haters...
  8. HAX!
  9. I noticed that hitting M puts some waypoint arrows on the ground. Im not entirely sure where its sending me...
  10. Yeah, I was forum lurking a few months before the game launched. Yesterday saw a MASSIVE spike in forum use. I can barely keep up.
  11. I just hated it at first because I was really confused why I couldnt disarm the bugger. Turns out that means it was already activated and I was supposed to be running away.
  12. If its an issue with the Engine, dont expect a fix.
  13. Theres no need for 64 bit on a game this small. I only saw about a gig of RAM/VRAM being used by this game on max settings. On topic, Ive got an AMD processor, but an NVIDIA card and it works very well. I remember friends having issues with ATI/AMD cards and Unreal Engine, so its probably an issue with the card. On a side note, updated drivers can often provide a boost to game performance.
  14. VAC cant be enabled with this game for multiple reasons. Im not surprised things like this are popping up. At multiple times while I was playing, I would clip into a rock or vehicle and then get slingshot at super speed. Im sure these are more exploits than straight hacks. Once bugs start getting addressed, I suspect many of these issues will vanish.
  15. Yeah, the game doesnt automatically detect the native resolution of the monitor its on, unfortunately. If your monitor doesnt support the default resolution, you have to change it outside of the game.
  16. Im not sure the community would want it. Renegade had plenty of velocity based weapons, it was a big part of the game (initial soldier vs soldier skirmishes). Did you play with a mod that made them all hitscan?
  17. Youre just too use to standard games that make allies blue and enemies red. Once you get use to the yellow vs red, it wont be an issue.
  18. I think the current system is adequate, but thats just me. It would be nice to put kill indicators in the chat long, though.
  19. There is a donate function already. Hold CTRL and look at the bottom of the list. In game settings will be added, the devs already said they are working on it. The naming scheme kinda has to stay the same. If youre already logged into Steam, it will automatically pull your name from there.
  20. Strange, Im on Win7 x64 and didnt have this issue. Are you sure you have your DirectX 9 fully updated?
  21. Dude, sweet. I knew about A Path Beyond, but this is the first time Ive seen this one.
  22. I think the feel of the game is great, IMO.
  23. I dont like the stank because it has waaay to long of a range. Kinda defeats the purpose of being stealthed. The flyers are worthless IMO. You have to pretty much snuggle your enemy to be in range.
  24. I think the main reason is because the HUD is so confusing and not very helpful. I like this, though. Everybody is basically at the same level for the moment.
  25. I like them all. Maybe also add a dependence on the power plant. I mostly hate them because the devs built them in such a way as to prevent them being spammed on top of a beacon, but that is exactly what ends up happening anyway.
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