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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. They actually have a pretty darn good AI. The 4v40 match was pretty much a suicide. As crazy and silly it was, it still was kinda fun. We got MRLS rushed after 5 minutes of the game. We almost couldn't leave the buildings we spawned in. Yeah, I played a couple test matches first. The AI is so much better than the original, but still pretty sad. They make for really good practice for newbies, though.
  2. The game is so buggy, but its so awesome! It hurts so good, give me more!
  3. Theyre all plain beautiful. Lakeside damn near brought a tear to my eye.
  4. Practice makes perfect.
  5. Once you know the layouts of the maps, this wont be necessary. Im not sure if a "friend color" would even be possible. Maybe include a little icon next to a name of somebody you have friended in Steam.
  6. That doesnt make me confident in the claim made earlier that the bots have a decent AI.
  7. The Cain in Mass Effect shoots what appears to be a nuke and has a big radioactive symbol strapped to your back. In seriousness, Ive had my friends have the exact same reactions...after I spent 10 minutes trying to convince them its not a Battlefield clone.
  8. w00t I still have to wait. *sadface*
  9. Player count is up to the individual server to decide.
  10. At work, cant wait to get home! Must have!
  11. Why? Because I misinterpreted the original quote where you said you couldnt play it with this issue, or that it is that big of an issue for you? <- serious question, I cant tell by your post.
  12. I understand the skill level completely, and I dont doubt it. Even so, regardless of how skilled you are, free-aim when properly used can give an advantage (a boost to your skill) for close combat sniping. I witnessed this in many of your videos. It doesnt matter if that advantage is due to the shadow effect or simply preventing headaches. Simply put, free-aim allows for easier close combat sniping. However, since I usually avoid sniping (since Im terrible at it), it would be rare to catch me with my pants down in such a situation. Any use of free-aim against me wouldnt give too large of an advantage, since it would be at long range. Thats why Im not really caring if its included or not. In the end, you cant deny the advantage it grants. Whether or not this advantage can be declared as a personal preference is a matter of debate. Such a free-aim system wouldnt be found in real-life or in any other FPS, but Renegade was never the same as other FPS's. I always like comparing to CS:S because of all the traumatizing memories I have . Grenades in that game are included in the same vain as free-aim is in Renegade. Nobody could deny they gave an advantage to the players who mastered the fiddly little bastards and knew exactly where and how to throw them so they ended up right in the other player's face. But was their use just personal preference? After all, everybody had access to them; its not like its the elite players' fault that everybody else wanted to just play with their pointy-shooty makes-them-fall-downs.
  13. Its a silly comment because youre making this sound like a game breaking issue. It isnt, no matter how hardcore you think you are.
  14. Yall need to calm down. Im just as excited as you all are for this game, but preloading a partial torrent would be more of a pain in the arse than its worth. For one, you would need to superseed it (so that the full torrent was out in the wild), and you would need to sit there and purposely stop the seeding before the share ratio was full; since theres no way to make a torrent client only partially seed. On top of that, to utilize this system to do what you want, you would need to use multi-file RAR archives, which would confuse the average person. Second, you would have like 10k people bitching and complaining on the torrent site "SEED PLXZZES!!11!11!" when everybody got stuck at 90%. Third, you cant guarantee that some of the people you superseed to would remain connected on Wednesday, thereby negating the advantage. Im all for a torrent release, but trying to take advantage of the peculiarities of P2P systems is really not the answer to ensure you get the game a couple hours earlier than you normally would.
  15. Although having purposely tried using all night tonight (a good 4 hours of gameplay), I must say I frequently ran into the issue where there are two many keystrokes pressed and it just stops registering new key presses. Is that something you run into often, Hate?
  16. Hate, do you have any videos of you actually using free-aim for sniping (not the demonstrational you already put up)? I think showing a video of you sniping without excessively utilizing the "shadow" effect in B4L's video would support your argument more than more words. I personally used free-aim tonight and I think I might know what youre talking about with the movement disadvantage. However, if I understand you right, this disadvantage is the primary balancing factor for free-aim's "shadow" advantage? Im not understanding why; the disadvantage doesnt seem that big since most players will serpentine while moving, so you can just wait the quarter second it takes them to change their direction back to the optimal one. Perhaps I just didnt notice as much because Im certainly not good at free-aiming, but I think its a bit unfair to demand somebody who is good at it to come here and denounce it and that only their opinion matters. I dont think anybody would willingly give up such an advantage; they would defend it passionately, as you have here. The single argument I would make is that it clearly does give an advantage close range for instant-hit weapons like the sniper or Rail/PIC. Since both of those weapons are meant to be mid to long range, that alone should be enough of a reason to not include it so that those weapons arent more effective than they theoretically should be at specific ranges. Frankly, I dont really care if its included in the final product or not. Its not going to be in the beta, but it sounds like its probably going to be added later. I think that point will be the best argument for/against the feature, and heres why: if free-aim is suddenly added to the game and we see a significant increase in K/D ratios for known snipers, then free-aim give an unfair advantage. If it doesnt, it doesnt. Im not quite as passionate about this topic as the others are. Im just not wanting snipers to be as OP as they use to be. Since other things have changed to accommodate that desire of mine, then it doesnt matter that much to me. BTW, I believe the word you are wanting is "negated".
  17. I personally saw a mammy take out a flame full health tonight on Jelly. Maybe if the flame was able to get on the side of the mammy and face parallel with it, the rockets would miss it. But at close range on the front, the rockets hit. True, but the APC is fast and can dodge a lot more. My original point was that the flame was fairly balanced in Renegade.
  18. ...eww.
  19. To point out how silly of a comment this was.
  20. I havent purged my memories of Brink and Space Marine yet. Screw that guy that has a giant hammer that can kill in one shot simply because hes an even more hopeless shut-in than I am (a scary thought)!
  21. Heres the last CnC soundtrack anyone ever needs: Track 1: Hell March ... Thats it.
  22. Flame tanks are situational, as is pretty much any Nod vehicle; thats just the style of the faction. GDI's units are more generalists. The flame tank was the highest DPS tank on Nod's side and was seconded only by the APC in survivability, which made it perfect for rushes. It could easily be blocked by Mammys and APCs, though, so I felt the balance of the tank was pretty good in the original. And no, single Mammy would win in a 1v1 duel, assuming the Mammy's pilot wasnt stupid and used rockets instead of the main gun that would clip through the tank without doing any damage.
  23. If the mods werent going to allow us to manually edit the INI files, they wouldnt have used the Unreal engine, which is notorious for its fine tune tweaking.
  24. Could always have customizable, resizable and movable menu items. /troll
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