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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. No, it was a stand alone. I found it, called Nuclear Dawn. Watched videos about it, but never played it. I know exactly how you feel. When RTS's started turning from C&C style to World in Conflict/Dawn of War 2, I got turned off of most of them. I need me my base! And Ive played so much Civ 5, my first 20-30 turns are pretty much scripted. I might take you up on that Mass Effect offer. Ive been asking people why they hated ME3 so much and all I ever get is that they hate the ending. I always thought the gameplay of ME3 was the best and the storyline, while being rushed and initially out of place with the Reapers popping out of nowhere, was not bad (not ME2 great, tho). And AAA...you read my mind. I havent really been playing anything new for the same reason. The only two games Im currently looking forward to (besides RenX) is Dragon Age Inquisition and Witcher 3. Yeah, Im pretty much the same. Last new game I played was Starcraft 2 HotS and before that...I cant even remember. I recently even broke out the ol' Gamecube for some nostalgia.
  2. Id love to, but at the moment I cant promise Ill remain active. Might apply later if apps stay open.
  3. Natural Selection 2 looks pretty cool, never heard of it before. It reminds me of another game kinda like it with a commander RTS and foot soldier FPS, but cant remember the name. Ive tried getting into Dont Starve, but it just wont let me in. I liked Orcs Must Die 2, but not so much 1; more options in 2. Eww, DNF...
  4. Thank you BT, this was an awesome idea. What games do you fancy? Are you into specific genres; specific franchises (C&C, duh); thems thar indies; whatever else? Were there games youve been playing recently? Have any outstanding achievements you want to mention? Anything else merit note? Ill start. In the past couple months, Ive gone through several games: Mass Effect Trilogy, XCOM Enemy Within, TESV Skyrim, Starcraft 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age, Tropico 4, Civ 5...think there were more, but cant remember. And of course who doesnt like punishing themselves with one (or a hundred) spicy bone-striping play-throughs of FTL? As for achievements, Ill name my last bought of online gaming. Yes, I was all into SW the Old Republic. In its height of glory (ie the first couple months), I founded and lead the largest Sith guild on one of the most heavily populated servers, Juyo. The name of the guild was...Cotton Balls. Last I heard, theyre still alive and limping on. Long live Cotton Balls!
  5. Im not sure. I remember the demographic being pretty evenly split on n00bstories, though I didnt join them until Westwood imploded, so I dont know if they made any changes to the server pops system.
  6. Ok, fair enough. Im not sure why theyd turn off spectator mode, especially if cheating was their prime motivation. Unreal Tournament was a very competitive game and survived a spectator mode, as were many other big name titles. My guess is if its not in the game, its because its somehow not functioning the way it should or was just never worked on at all.
  7. I wouldnt touch Origin with a 20 foot sterilized barge pole being held by somebody else. Ill have to search and dust it off, but I was already considering a comeback. I forsee me sucking quite a bit, though. Its been a while for me in any competitive FPS online, let alone Renegade. Id like to revisit A Path Beyond and try out Reborn (no, never played it), but I think itd probably be a good idea to set some play dates and times for both NA and EU so we are all on roughly the same time.
  8. You would think, but I feel oddly outnumbered.
  9. I think the recording thing was a tangent talking about several ways of implementing it with various programs; I dont think any of that is set in stone. Spectator mode was in UT3, so I have no doubt its possible/probable in RenX (and also confirmed by a dev earlier in this thread). Limiting it to mod/admin is probably a server option, as is the option to enable it at all.
  10. No doubt. I would get to know the community before assuming we're just a bunch of trolls. The OP seems to be a solution in search of a problem. We can be nice...sometimes.
  11. You are a jerk to eye-sight. lol Anywho, yes RA3 was terrible. That may sound like a biased opinion coming from an oldschool C&C fan...because it is. But, I rather doubt that opinion is alone on here. If I really had my way, Id say a Dune conversion mod. Dune II came even before C&C and Warcraft and its recreation in Dune 2000 and Emperor Battle for Dune (less so in the latter) made me elated. Though thinking about it more, Im not so sure a FPS based entirely on a desert planet would be as...stimulating of a conversion. So I suppose a Warcraft or Starcraft conversion would make me cream just as much. Thatll never happen, though, since Activision-Blizzard would need to be roped in, too.
  12. Im not worried; innocent until proven guilty. Besides, the people you speak of arent even here yet. Nothing here but vets, and none of them have complained yet aside from some heated debates, which is exactly what the game needed.
  13. I am a little curious what provoked this thread. Because I dont recall seeing anybody complaining about nerfing. Just heated debates about recon bikes and free aim...
  14. First of all, RA3 was terrible. So thats out. Second, any new conversion mods for RenX would be similar to changes made to the original Renegade in conversion mods like Reborn or A Path Beyond (eg not much change to gameplay). I would definitely recommend looking at some of the videos people made for those two mods and compare them to Renegade to see what a RenX conversion mod would be like. Youll notice they are virtually identical with different looking buildings, but essentially the same game.
  15. Calm down, bro. Complaining is exactly what youre doing. Just wait and see what happens. The game will evolve as needed.
  16. /hijacked
  17. Damn, and I thought dealing with RenGuard was a pain in the ass.
  18. I would send them a Klondike bar. I wonder if EA would sue them over the monetary value of a hug. Best not risk it, I guess I can't even give them that lol. Realistically though, what is the monetary value of a hug if argued in court? Can it have monetary value, and what's the price? Does it depend on the person, so it would be more if it were a celebrity or something? EA lawsuits can get you wondering a lot of What-If's of legality. There is no doubt in my mind that the terms agreed upon by Totem Arts is extremely specific about what is define as "income". They probably had to sign a 20 page contract listing them all.
  19. On a newer engine like Unreal? No, it shouldnt change FoV. Older engines dont know how to process the extra pixels per inch, so they just show you more of the screen to fill all the pixels you tell it to; Unreal was built to be a bit more versatile. Although, I believe the aformentioned Unreal INI has another setting in it for FoV that you can manually change.
  20. I would send them a Klondike bar.
  21. For Black Dawn maybe, but not for Renegade-X. It was mentioned in several posts about changing skins and values that it would essentially become another version, and thus rejected from servers with the real version. My knowledge is limited in this, but I highly suggest you just play with the highest resolution that is supported by the game and possibly by tweaking your graphics card as suggested, but not tweak it in the files. Yeah, Im sure they will have it locked down a bit. They cant change the engine, though, and INI files are just a part of the engine. Now, they might bring out some sort of checksum that will verify that none of the files have been manually modified...
  22. Well said.
  23. Renegade X will be putting out modding tools after its official release (not the beta release on the 26th) and I have little doubt somebody will eventually mod it for Tiberian Sun (like Reborn) and Red Alert (like A Path Beyond). Dont expect it any time soon, though.
  24. Damn, how big is your monitor? The Unreal engine usually has a settings INI that you can manually change resolution and graphical settings from. Im not sure if it has a different name than "settings.ini" for Black Dawn, and Im too lazy to install it to verify.
  25. Did you play the original Renegade? The named character upgrades are just the way the game is built. Every 500 sniper on GDI is a Deadeye. There is no such thing as a GDI Technician, they are all Hotwires. Thats not going to change.
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