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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. It still takes skill; they arent putting all their chips on free-aim. Its mostly a preference thing, I personally dont use free aim. All else equal, somebody with a specific amount of skill with free aim can best somebody with an equal amount of skill without it. In Renegade, though, all else is not equal. Thats why its a controversial topic; because its pretty much impossible to prove somebody is better because of this advantage and not just because their better.
  2. Yeah, that could work. Might hit you up tonight.
  3. One of my (and many others') tactics is to grab an engi and go blow up the harvester to get creds. The mystique is lost in such a game mechanic because we would be able to clearly see if there was or wasnt a silo and we could alter our strategy accordingly.
  4. Its my understanding that after EA LA went away, RenX has been treading on glass as it is. Call me a cynic, but I cant see EA allowing RenX on any digital distribution platform besides Origin. If it did come out for Origin, would you be as pleased?
  5. Did any of them play the original that they themselves designed? ^serious question^ I am personally a big fan of some of their work. Wasn't best designed, but was early day fun for sure. My question, is did they think their simple library asset based W3D engine would be used so heavily in player mods? I mean, players built most of the most functional features, but it's the fact that it was the groundwork for that which is impressive. I think the engine's massive versatility is the reason they used it, modding was mostly an indirect bonus. Probably the same reason RenX is done in UDK.
  6. Its a toggle switch in the original Renegade that releases the camera from the mouse. In other words, once toggled, it allows the trigger crosshairs of whatever gun/vehicle youre in to be moved by the mouse around the screen without the camera changing its position/angle. I would make you a video, but atm Im not able to play Renegade. The reason people like/dont like it is because it generally gives no-scope snipers an advantage since it can make it significantly easier to predict your opponents movements. It also tends to favor wall huggers moreso than normal third person views.
  7. Daedhart

    Ingame Hud

    Yeah, if they did it that way, I would be super happy about it. Aside from a game like Metro: Last Light that used minimal HUD effects (like designing the guns to be obvious how many bullets there currently are loaded without an indicator), the ammo and health indicators cant get any better than what HL2 did.
  8. There, I played some on RenCorner...and sucked horribly. I usually available from 10pm-4am CST. We need to get some of these forum peeps on there, because I think 4v4 is boring.
  9. Anybody got a working link explaining all the craziness with getting server listings working? And do they still use Renguard, or am I just an old fart to mention that?
  10. I always wondered why base building was never incorporated into Renegade. I mean, sure...there were obvious reasons, but I could always think of ways around them. And having seen games like Natural Selection 2, Nuclear Dawn and Half Life 2 Empires, I genuinely think that should have been the direction for a FPS based on a RTS game to take. Though I certainly wouldnt want it ending up like the phenomenally terrible RTS mini-game in Space Rangers 2, which kinda tried and failed with that formula.
  11. Did any of them play the original that they themselves designed? ^serious question^
  12. Nice troll run with the buggy in #2.
  13. The game is pretty short and super easy. I breezed through it in like 10-20 minutes. If the options arent available, Id say just make due with whatever settings are there or just wait for RenX.
  14. Crimson shut down n00bstories for many reasons, inactivity being only one of them. It would certainly be awesome if she did set one up for RenX, but Volcom is probably right.
  15. Daedhart

    Mac Client

    The engine they are using, UDK, is compatible with Mac, but only by porting the code. This requires some effort. Its possible in the future, but dont hold your breathe.
  16. That right there is a pretty bad design decission. I dont see why. Sure, Renegade and RenX arent meant to be totally realistic, but isnt the entire point of RenX to introduce graphical upgrades to the original? And isnt a graphical upgrade's entire purpose, by definition, to bring the virtual world closer to a realistic world? And is it not true that spotting a single person from a distance in real life can be a little difficult due to things like light reflection/refraction, blooming, and pattern recognition?
  17. If this was done, and Im not saying I condone it, I think the best way to implement it would be to have crates that can upgrade a tank. I think I like vanilla, though.
  18. Yeah it was, it was called Bionic Comma.... Oh wait.
  19. There is no UT beta tag on these forums. Im pretty sure Phase 1 meant for the SA version. I wouldnt worry too much about status, since a small forum like this gives status to the active (and Im not talking about titles). Usually forums like these have specific post counts that automatically upgrade your title after a certain number of posts, but I remember randomly being upgraded to Junior Member overnight, so I dont think they use that setting here. No biggie about the thread res, just watch your dates from now on.
  20. Daedhart

    Ingame Hud

    I agree. I actually prefer the RenX ammo counter (and with the inclusion of the mammy tank with two ammo bars, its kinda necessary to be implemented the was it is), but the health info would be nice like the first Renegade. I havent actually played RenX yet, so I may change my tune once I do, but I doubt it.
  21. Its like the Lexus of tanks.
  22. Im not sure, but I think the game is technically copyrighted by both Totem Arts and EA. They could legally prevent you from monitization, but I doubt either would. It does show the devs a certain amount of respect to ask them for permission, in any case.
  23. I thought that was a joke at first...
  24. I was big into BF 1942, but Vietnam killed the game for me (maps were too big, there was an over focus on air combat, and wasnt really any strategy involved). Titan mode sounds like Alderaan PvP in SWToR. I agree that style of gameplay is fun.
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