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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. It's the global defense initiative... Also, it is Nod, not NOD. Nod is not supposed to be an ultra high tech faction. They are a hit and run faction with stealth units. Each team has their own technology, and neither team's is supposed to be superior. In the tiberium series, there is a constant struggle for technology. GDI had the ion cannon beacon before Nod had nuclear strikes, and Nod had to steal an orca to frame a GDI attack to win supporters. Nod uses guerrilla warfare and unethical practices, whereas GDI is a faction made from the UN and is supposed to represent world peace.
  2. Hm that's odd. It's 50 in Renegade, so I had assumed the same here.
  3. The same arguments were made when renegade was first released. Nod wins ~55% in jelly marathon in renegade to this day. You just have to know the strategies and have a team that is willing to help with them.
  4. St0rm AOW in Renegade used to have it so that when a minor base defense died, it spawned a little yellow crate that when ran over would deduct 100 credits from the player's credits, and put it into a pool to rebuild that base defense. The yellow crates would spawn once per like 3 seconds after someone ran over one and the defense would cost like $1200 total to rebuild. Perhaps something similar could be used. Such as: 2 minutes after it is destroyed, a small switch appears on the wall near the destroyed base defense. Everytime someone presses "E" on that switch, 100 credits goes into the pool to recreate the base defense. Have it be $1000 or so to rebuild, so that if a player wants to rebuild it all himself, he presses "E" on the switch 10 times. Each time you press "E" at the switch, a you get a PM saying "100 credits deployed into rebuilding Turret X. xxx amount needed to complete build." I think that would be better.
  5. They can edit the chance % of each crate option at will. So yes, in a sense.
  6. I meant that my post on "yes that was intended" was referring to the stealth visibility radius. I'm glad the stealth lock in is deemed a bug though.
  7. Noo my bad, I thought he was asking if the vehicle stealth detection radius being smaller was intended. I'm not sure about that. I hope not and I would hope that gets fixed...
  8. Except the Humvee. Humvee had the same stealth visibility range in Renegade (little known fact). I doubt as if the devs knew this and carried it over though lol. And yes, it was all intended.
  9. They do technically throw these spores into the air. However, I believe the density of the spores is larger than the density of air (the spores and crystals themselves are microscopic upon release). Meaning they are forced out of the tree into the air, but they then sink almost immediately. I do not believe any sort of wind could blow them very far, if at all (I am basing this off of the in-game trees, and the fact that blossom trees particles don't appear to go very far in any of the games, nor do they make the tiberium fields spread any faster) . While the crystals formed by the trees do spread the tiberium quicker than the natural root spread, they mostly land on already infected areas (unless already previously harvested), meaning that they do not cause a ton of spreading themselves, unless in a forested area.
  10. If you get too close to an enemy, or he gets too close to you, you can be seen. The same happens when you get shot. You become unstealthed temporarily when you shoot, and remain permanently unstealthed under 50 HP until your HP is repaired to above 50 again.
  11. It depends what time period you're talking about. Eventually, even Riparius is able to spread on its own via self replication. At first, however, Tiberium could only spread through roots (or veins). The blossom trees first had to be mutated or infected by these roots in order to largely increase the rate at which the tiberium spread. The blossom trees increased the rate of spread, but the spreading itself was not caused by the trees, but rather the roots that eventually reached the trees. The trees then created these spores which then matured into pods which eventually was how the blossom trees increased the spread rate. However, if not for the mutated roots of the original trees, blossom trees would not exist. They do not grow on their own without the tiberium spread first reaching an existing tree or existing roots.
  12. It's spelled "vinifera." Also, blossom trees do not have much to do with the spread of tiberium. The trees themselves are merely mutated trees by the tiberium. They were once normal growing trees. They would only spread more tiberium if the tiberium surrounding the trees was all harvested first (and the roots destroyed), but the trees themselves remained. Tiberium does replenish itself in certain cases. The roots themselves would have to be destroyed in order for it to stop replenishing. Since it has the ability to adapt, that became increasingly impossible. By the end of the third Tiberium war, the TCN was finally able to sustain it. Renegade takes place during the first tiberium war, however. Meaning that tiberium is spreading rapidly and will continue to do so for many years. Eventually, nod and GDI ally in an effort to stop the spread. The eventual faction of scrin is able to harvest the tiberium better and faster than nod or GDI were ever able to.
  13. It also grows blue Herp derp
  14. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72597 Try not sorting until it is fixed. The launcher should not have this problem AFAIK.
  15. Why is that because of the different system lol "Kil" had a great idea for this back in the private beta, and I am hoping that it is being worked on, because the way it would both look and play would be an awesome!e improvement over the current system, and even renegade's.
  16. Very thoroughly enjoyed this! Informative and funny! You have the perfect voice and personality for this type of work! Put this into the strategy section as well!
  17. For anyone who didn't know, the railgun reloaded a fraction of a second faster than the pic in Renegade. The tiny fraction was barely relevant though. (28.5 seconds for 10 shots for the railgun).
  18. You have no joysticks or controllers plugged in or synced up to your PC?
  19. I *believe* the cause is from sorting the server list. It's bugged right now so that when you sort it, it joins the server that was previously listed in that spot, rather than the one you clicked on. So not sorting the list for now would help, until it is fixed.
  20. Because they listen to the vets on how to improve the game for each new release. I play cod competitively as well. They understand that the competitive players understand the game and its developments better than the newcomers or little kids can... I'm just saying...a lot of the "suggestions" I've seen from new people are ridiculous and would ruin the game. I just hope the devs realize and understand that the vets understand the game's core elements to their entirety. The newcomers are basing their suggestions on several hours of playing. I'm not saying that they should be ignored, but they don't yet understand that making an edit to the game like they are suggesting, impacts way more than just that one edit. Every edit has great impacts. Vets understand that better.
  21. Is it just a blank screen? Try using the server browser for now
  22. Then why is so cod so popular
  23. Yeah but I didn't go posting about "you need to change this now" when I was new to a game. I gave it a chance and understood the game before forming a complete opinion or posting criticism about something I barely understood myself. I wish that some people had the same generosity is all, I guess. Judging a book by its cover can make you miss a great story.
  24. Weird...when you click to restore to default, that's what comes up? Do you have an Xbox controller syncd up currently?
  25. For those who dislike the Boink, what kill sound would be a possible alternative selection (as in option to change)?
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