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Everything posted by HaTe
If it was private and never released then it wasn't part of BIATCH really then, was it? Just saying that in public servers, biatch never detected RoF. I wasn't aware it was BIATCH that made the ROF detection privately, but I knew it existed. It's how wilo eventually 100% proved mibilest0rm was using it (which required him using scripts 2.3+ apparently - I'm no code expert, I just read the posts and changelogs regularly). I had assumed he made the code himself though. Either way, it still doesn't exist within the publicly released BIATCH, so the point still stands. And it was detected by RG (at least the very first version of ROF) if the client and the server both ran RG at least partially.
Yeah I agree with the losing team part. Renegade's ladder system favored long games far too much sometimes. It actually gave you it based on your overall time in game, compared to the time of the overall game though, which is something I should probably add into the calculation. But the multiplier for time was sooooooo much in renegade that you could win 6 30 minute games in aow, and end up getting a third of the ladder points you would for winning a 3 hour marathon match with the same score. It wasn't even fair in that aspect.
I'd personally prefer it a little different. That's not a bad way of doing it, and I like how you used kd as a minor determinimg factor. But I really think time should be emphasized greatly for ladder points so long as your team wins (though not as much as it was in renegade - that was too much). So maybe something more like: (Score^.75)*(players/32)*(time in minutes/60) So for a 35 minute game with 40 people and a player getting a score of 3000, he would have (3000^.75)*40/32*35/60 = 296 ladder points. If you were to get say, 8000 points, then you would get 616 ladder points. If you were to play a 25 minute game with only 16 people and get 8000 points, you would get 142 ladder points. So players in-game and time play an important role. That would be for a win. I'm a strong believer in rewarding the winner, so I'd have to disagree with your .66 multiplier. I'd rather not use renegade's flawed system of punishing the losing team either though. I think a .25 multiplier added into the final calculation would be best for a loss. I didn't put kd in there because I couldn't think of a quick proper way of doing it without screwing up the whole calculation. I think that if kd is a determining factor, it should be a VERY small factor (meaning like 2% of the overall ladder points, on average).
Leaderboard should calculate ladder points separate than score if you ask me. So that time in game, players in-game (excluding bots), and points are all a determining factor in the ladder points earned per game (similar to renegade, but not exact).
I'm just unsure if I am allowed to release such information before it becomes publicly accessible by the change log and patch... But it's not nearly as effective as it currently is. Trust my judgment on this one.
!pl (player list per team) !bi (building info - includes health % of all buildings) !gi (game info - map, time, player counts per team) !pi (player info - list a player's kills, deaths, ping, score, and time in-game) !msg (obviously) !page/!ppage Kill logs with weapon information (player X killed player Y with X gun) All of the essential moderator commands (!kick, !qkick, !ban, !kban, !gameover NOW, etc. with modlist and mod-level privileges) !ping player Those are most of the essentials that BR gave. There are more, of course, but those were the most used afair.
"Boink" sound effect seems very misplaced in this game
HaTe replied to lukeman3000's topic in Renegade X
haha glad i'm not the only one that laughed out loud to that first paragraph. I actually pictured it and it was quite funny. But I do think having the option to choose another kill sound will be added in a future patch. -
By using the past tense "increased" I think he thought that we meant it was the already released version. That was my mistake. I meant that private beta testers currently have access to the patch, and everyone else will very soon!
The UE3 document states specifically that you need external versions in order for the anti-cheat to work. Meaning it isn't UE3 itself stopping the cheat. Hence why you're able to use it, bodboy.
Also read the "False positives and substantial pack loss" part. It's not built in to UE3. It's something you can add to the code for detection. It's not UE3's anti-cheat (an anti-cheat is a prevention, not a detection, by the way).
That's discussing client to server and server to client lag. That's not anti-cheat, and any game has this. Renegade's awful netcode has this noticeably more than Renegade X. It's in no way anti-cheat. The only "anti-cheat" implemented by UE3 is to make sure certain files cannot be changed (which can be overrided by a third party program, as you know). The only "anti-cheat" listed in there is the anti-cheat you still have to manually add. Meaning it's not UE3's anti-cheat, but a way to solve certain cheats with UE3 (since it depends on the particular game). UnrealScript can only partially detect certain cheats, and does so poorly. Clearly you're already aware of this. Keep trying to insult when you clearly don't know what you're on about. You can evade bans like a kid-hero, but it's clear you aren't making these third-party programs yourself. Stop while you're behind.
Not by BIATCH alone. A player had to have RG or a future scripts version (I think maybe it was 2.3+) in order for it to be detected. It wasn't completely server-side then. That's the point Iran was making. Or you could just constantly turn it on and off, and changing which bone the aimbot targets. Any good cheater doesn't just go out and advertise a cheat - he uses it secretly to his advantage. You're not doing it right.
Extra work? Yea, it's not like someone has already written a nice little example of usage or anything. I think you may be half retarded because my post clearly says "go ahead and do it" because the only ones that get banned by it and affected by a hardware ban would be the people wrongfully accused, as the guilty wouldn't receive the ban in the first place given they can spoof it. How the fuck do you breathe the same air as i do? By now I'd have thought inbreeding would have led you to develop gills. Pure laziness kid. Needs to cheat using UE3 premade cheats to get his hard-ons. Not everyone would spoof it. Not everyone knows how or is willing to look up how. Sure, kids like you could bypass it. There's only a handful of immature teenagers that go that far just to pointlessly try to cheat in a free game. You should be honored that you're pathetic enough to make that handful. You're not even doing it to be good. You're doing it solely to prove that you can, and try to get attention out of it by doing so. Not only that, but you then are narcissistic enough to think that people actually think you're cool because you can troll a community's dedicated server in a free-game and think that people will notice you by doing so. Daddy issues? Or did mom not feed you properly? "NOTICE ME GUYZ I CAN BYPASZZ UR UE3 ANTI-CHEET!" (There is no UE3 anti-cheat, good job bud).
aimbot is one of the most destructive and there's no real server side check that can detect it.
Not sure I follow what problems its adding, but let's assume you're right. What do you suggest? An apc rush on a base defense map. The driver is facing the building he's rushing, exits behind the vehicle and gets owned by base defense. I know you can just aim the other way before exiting, but wasn't that the problem to begin with? I suggest predictable exit points, meaning what original Renegade had - when I exit any vehicle, it's ALWAYS on the back left (unless something is in the way). ^Exactly. I don't want to have to take the extra time to point in the opposite direction (then leaving myself vulnerable to any units coming from that opposite side). Back left corner is logical and predictable. It's also logical in the sense that if you turn your vehicle around to drive (to have the smaller side of the vehicle be the front, since the turret is in the back - which made hugging a wall much easier with a vehicle), you'd sacrifice your exit point and exit on the vulnerable side. It's just the best exit point there is.
If a known cheater and utter troll is posting that you shouldn't do it - do it. Takes the time to post about how easy is it is to bypass, yet makes sure to mention that you shouldn't do it. Clearly he doesn't want to do the extra work himself. That's just pure laziness, giganticfaggot. I blame the parents.
Agreed. It allowed you to change characters and still detonate the remotes. Currently, you cannot do this.
I think a subway line leading from one base to the other would be cooler. especially if the trains still worked. how scary would that be.. lol I suggested the subway system as well in jelly forums. That way it'd fit both meanings of "metro."
The first patch slightly increased the stealth visibility radius for all vehicles, actually.
It measures distance from the pt, and if that distance exceeds a certain limit, a log to the server is sent. I actually went and looked up the exact same thing as iran when you had first posted that, but decided it not worth while to argue because I understood your point regardless. But he is right - RoF wasn't detectable by BIATCH alone. I know because I had to personally ban several players for using it, and the only evidence of them using it was a lack of tracers. If that user had been using RoF with just a sniper rifle, he'd be insanely good and no one would ever figure out what cheat he had.
Some servers had their exit points edited for whatever reason (rencorner) in renegade. By default, it was left side in multiplayer, and only right side if that was blocked.
Yeah, so I'd classify that as a glitch. It should be putting you a few feet in the air at the back left corner by default. I've never once heard anyone complain about how Renegade's exiting system worked, and I see no reason to change it. It was just very logical and predictable.
Too lazy to go on and test it right now, but Renegade's exit system exited you a few feet in the air to avoid the tiny hill hindrance glitching it out. It also put you a good 2 meters away from the vehicle as well. How does Renegade X's work?
It's back left corner, and if that is blocked, back right corner. I think scripts enabled it to look for alternative exit points if both happened to be blocked, but there's very little randomness to it.
If you're not constantly exiting your vehicle to repair it, you're doing something wrong.