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IndieGames Mag: Renegade X Multiplayer Beta Announced
HaTe replied to [NE]Fobby[GEN]'s topic in Renegade X
It was only mindless if you didn't know how to do it properly And that's coming from a competitive Renegade and a competitive CoD player's perspective. -
Both statements are actually false. The pedestal was always in Renegade, but whether or not it was an end-game option was decided server-side. The orca and apache did the exact same damage. The only difference between the 2 was that the orca's machinegun had twice the range of the Apache's (for the record - flying vehicles did not make the original release of renegade, and were added in a later patch, along with the flying maps). The GDI soldier did also do more damage than the nod counterpart, as stated in the renegadewiki page. As far as a tutorial for Renegade X is a concerned - hold tight. One is currently in the makings
There is a possibility for future versions of the game to use dx11 as well. Currently, there are a few graphical errors when using dx11, but when/if it becomes a major priority to fix, it could be an option as well.
The recon bike's mechanics do not fit the game's gameplay mechanics. Even in Renegade this was true. Even the extra vehicles (sedan, pickup truck, chameleon) were too ridiculous to have as an actual vehicle option.
If the developers do decide to attempt to get the game on Steam, it will most likely not be until the actual release of the Gold master version (which is just the technical term for final version of the game). February 26th is the open beta release. Note that this means that minor bugs will very likely still exist, but most to all major bugs should be fixed by this time. Hopefully, there will be an in-game patch system in place by then as well. Based on how the game is developing now, I would personally estimate that the Gold master release will likely be several months after the February 26th release (best personal guess would be 2-4 months - again, purely my own speculation). I'm sure negotiations could definitely be made for Renegade X to be released on Steam, eventually.
Renegade is a 12 year old game that still regularly has 75-150 people online at any time. The graphics and netcode was and is also very poor, both now and even for its time. The gameplay is what keeps people playing because it is unique, competitive, and downright entertaining. If you missed or overlooked that, I am truly sorry that you failed to see it and I hope that you do recognize it in Renegade X.
Well the algothrithm at the end of the game would basically make it so that the next map had the 2 teams split up evenly by the points they earned in the game prior. Meaning it would appear to be random, but really it would be splitting them up in an even way. The discussed option is to make it so that anyone in the same clan has the opportunity to join the team of his clanmate(s), so long as the clan size ingame is not too large
Lol if that were possible then it'd be a good first bug report for you
No, the bots that get added midgame have a default setting I believe. Its the ones you can setup beforehand that are editable. I believe server owners/admins have access to it because of this. I am not 100% certain on how it works for sure though, and I am sure someone else can go into it deeper with you
The bots behave rather well and have different functionality. You can set them up to be primarily attacking bots, defending bots, or an in between, as well as choosing your own number and the difficulty of the bots per team. They behave very human-like for the most part, or as close as a bot can get to it, at least.
Donate to the devs by joining on their team Feb 26th and donating every credit earned straight to them Also, note that the Feb 26th release is still a beta release. Just an open/public beta rather than private. Meaning some small glitches will still be in existence because they may not have yet been discovered, or more likely, they were put on the bottom of the priority system (I can tell you that the devs are very hard at work and doing an excellent job currently at bug fixing and reading feedback/balance posts as well). I'm overwhelmingly impressed with the planning part of the game in particular, personally.
Yes, the idea is to not have one clan exceed a certain overall server player count percentage, and if they do - they'd be split in approximately halves. It should work rather well to do exactly as you say - give friends the ability to play together, without allowing for a huge clan to "pubstomp" an enemy team, because any larger clan would be split up. The complete details are private though - so as to not allow players to find a way around it or abuse it, as I am sure you can understand.
There is no automix team implemented currently. That's why it is being discussed - it is in the makings (at least it was, I have not had the chance to install the new beta that was just released like yesterday privately). So they were on the same team every game because everyone was because that was the only possible way (though for the private beta, everyone has access to team change at will regardless). Team remix will be added though, so no worries. The discussion is if and how there will be a clan priority algorithm in place. Obviously for clanwars, no team remix is necessary for those servers.
Certain communities will host clanwar (password protected) servers specifically designed for clanwars. There is already one up in the private beta even. There is also a discussion in place to possibly provide a team balance system that would attempt to place clan members together on the same team (so long as they do not exceed a certain % of overall players), for public servers. If the clan exceeds that specified %, it would be split into 2 and separated evenly based on points (as far as the start of a new map in concerned). It's in large part based on an algorithm created by blackintel (stealtheye specifically) in renegade servers. Again, as of now this is just a discussion and I cannot go too much into detail.
I have suggested a current visible vehicle queue inside the PT to at least let the team know how long their approximate wait is. That way you are aware of the potential risk that your vehicle building may die in that time, and you know how long you will be waiting for your tank. Glass shooting was fixed by 4.0 and you could do it in first person even. It wasn't a free-aim specific glitch neither. Free-aim just changes the angle. You still have just as much potential for the reticle to snap as you do without using it.The only difference is that you can control which angle (to a degree) you are shooting from. That doesn't mean you can control the reticle snap, however. It does change whether or not it will snap, but not the probability of it snapping when compared to not using free-aim. Trust me on this one, i've been a scripts beta tester and an elite sniper for a long time - I know how it works to a very high degree. Regardless, renegade x's reticles work differently and don't appear to snap nearly as much. It is also a reticle-per-weapon system, which helps control that too (for sniper classes the reticle is literally just the dot).
I think the double damage would be better off replaced with what rencorner has now. Buildings cannot be repaired, no proximity mines, and base defenses turned off. I also think that there should be a ~7 second wait time after dying and before respawning when the mode is activated, to assure that the attacking team gets the full benefit. To be clear, you would have this be a normal 35 minute aow game, and then if no team has won by then, this mode's features would be activated? So it would be a mode set in between aow and marathon essentially, since you have that time limit before hand, and then the mode sort of tries to help enforce base destruction, but after an additional 10 minutes (45 minutes total), if no team has won yet, the game ends and the team with the highest points wins? I think it sounds like a good way to split the difference between aow and marathon, personally.
Cod is different. For one, there are penalties for leaving too many lobbies. For two, you spectate per round in s+d, and then continue playing the next round. To have it not repsawn you for the rest of the game would make most people just leave that game. For three, there's dedicated servers here. Meaning communities that would prefer regular members, not server hoppers because of a disliked feature (they want you to stay for the next game too, preferably).
Sudden death mode is a poll enabled option in certain renegade marathon servers currently. What it does is it shuts off the power of base defenses and makes buildings unrepairable. Having no respawn would prove to be a bad idea. Lots of people would just quit and join another server as soon as they died. Since dedicated servers are in place, this is just is not a very logical idea. Making the whole building act as a MCT would also be sort of silly. All it would take is 3 sbhs timed c4ing the outside of a building and it dies? Seems like a rather ludicrous idea. The idea is interesting enough that it can work and has potential as a gamemode, but the ideas you suggested need to be more thought out, such as having a 7 second wait time before spawning instead of no respawn. Interesting concept, but you need to do more critical thinking on the ideas.
There is no cancelling a vehicle that has already been cued. You must plan accordingly. I do not believe vehicles get refunded if that building is destroyed. Much like in renegade, if you purchase a vehicle just before the building dies, no refund is given and no vehicle comes. The only difference is the cue system which can potentially make several vehicles have that same effect if no precaution is taken place. I am not 100% certain on this, but as far as I can remember, there is no refund system. As far as free-aim is concerned, that was never a glitch in renegade. It was intended. It is called angle shooting, and it has the same effect as not using free-aim. If you aim ever so slightly over someone's head in renegade, the dot of the reticle will "snap" down to the head either way. It's the same effect with free-aim, but just more noticeable because of the still camera. Free-aim has its disadvantages as well as advantages, but it does not allow you to glitch shoot. The only time glitching is possible is to target a non-moving stealth enemy, but you can do that without free-aiming too if you know how. The addition of sprint in renegade x also makes the even possibility of that extremely low anyway. You can see around corners in third person, but you cannot aim down sights. It's personal preference, and a lot of people change it up per character/weapon, or per situation.
Well certain maps are remade and reimagined, and others are inspired off of certain Renegade maps. They have changes and the graphics are much much better though. I just don't think that reverting back to the bad renegade graphics is something that would be done for this game is all.
Weapon spawns will likely be editable server side upon release I assume. Yes you can harvester walk on certain maps, just as in renegade. Right now the crates you mentioned are the only ones available. I have no doubt that more will eventually be added, though. As far as upon release though, do not get your hopes up for more available options than that. The developers are more worried about fixing the bugs and evening out the balance aspect than adding in many new features/crates at this point, as I am sure you can understand. I don't think the idea of making an old graphics map on a newer graphics engine is something that the developers would do. Not only that, but making an identical or close to identical map could potentially cause EA to get irritated; which is the last thing needed at this point. Free-aim has been a constant debate on it's importance. I for one can't even play Renegade without it. The Dev team is intending to add it, but it may or may not be in by the time of the release. Perhaps hearing more regular Renegade players' input will persuade them of the importance though. So by all means, please post your opinion on it . "X" or 180 spin is another debate too on whether or not it should be added into the game.
Greater than or equal to 20% of total players seem reasonable?