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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. At least put some effort into posting. You're very informative, and it's leading me to become a better person. Want to post anything relevant to the topic anytime soon, darling?
  2. The only new players that aren't being treated with respect are the ones asking for it. Any noob is being welcomed graciously. The only ones that are receiving backlash are the *very few* trolls that aren't looking for anything more than an argument...
  3. Patches.
  4. Yes, wow, a few months before 1942 and ~1.5 years before CoD. Is this some kind of hipster thing? I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply, but it's already pretty clear that you're attempting to change the argument... Must be a communist thing?
  5. Also agreed. Though all 3 have been mentioned elsewhere. The more the merrier though to get the point across
  6. If you haven't played the original Renegade - you're effectively judging a game based off of less than a day of playing. By comparing it to other games based off of a day of playing - you are doing yourself no good. Especially since Renegade was made in 2002 and came before these big named games got so popular... Don't come to a gaming forums after a few hours of playing and state that it "sucks" because it's not the same as the modern games that lack any creativity whatsoever.
  7. Of course a new feature like sprint speed is going to be discussed frequently. His TTK suggestion was to make it much more instant. So like a CoD type game...that's not Renegade like at all. Editing any TTK (overall) would ruin the game balance. Weapon damage/spread/RoF/reload speed/velocity, etc. should be debatable. Not TTK. Squads? Why...? There's only 2 teams fighting for the same objective. What purpose would a squad serve? Immersion is completely perspective based. It's not something you can make an argument against. Some people are immersed by unicorns...
  8. can i bring meh squirt gunz
  9. Add a PT door to the back of the bar that opens up a door to a PT. The opening of the door takes 5 seconds (by pressing "E"), and the door is held open for another 5 seconds. It then closes, and you are forced to open it up again if you would like to use it again. Just move the logo on the back of the bar down a bit and have the logo be the door that opens up to a small version of the PT. It's not using the pt through a wall. It's not too advantageous. It will help stop many SBH nukes to the bar and buildings near the bar. It's a good compromise to not using a PT through a wall, since SBH nuking is undoubtedly more successful to the outside of buildings.
  10. He's requesting edits to the core gameplay mechanics because they aren't what he's used to, and in doing so saying the game "sucks." That's not critique. That's not criticism. That's posting looking for an argument or fight. That's trolling. Trolling the trolls makes them return to their troll homes. So, thedude, 1v1 Sims?
  11. Sure they do. Go check out Sims. I think you'd appreciate the realism of it, but probably complain on the lack of available facial features. Skyrim has 1000% more realism than The Sims. Check that out. Nothing gets more real than dragons. Game is too open for him. Makes him feel insecure. He already posted in their forums about it, no worries.
  12. Could you post your crashdump logs here? Crashing after a map ends is a known problem for some people, but if the crashing occurs while the map is running, a crashdump would really help out the devs on solving this! viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72159
  13. Sure they do. Go check out Sims. I think you'd appreciate the realism of it, but probably complain on the lack of available facial features.
  14. Honestly how many of the new players do you think watched it? If they don't intend on learning the game from a tutorial, that's their own right. I myself prefer to learn a game on my own for the first few times, and if I still don't understand it, then I will go look up some guides. Give it time
  15. The last 5-10 seconds is an undisarmable time currently. It isn't 30 and 10 though - it's more like 47 and 5-10 (I'm not sure on the exact undisarmable time - though I thought it was 5 seconds). This is a common report though, so the way it works may be changed. Either that, or a more clear stating of when the beacon becomes undisarmable will occur.
  16. I'd argue it's more tactical and less strategical than other modern FPS games. Those games you go into with a set plan per map and execute it. Renegade/Renegade X plans are constantly changing in order to adapt to the enemy's tactics. If you go into a map with a plan and do not plan on changing up on that plan, you'll likely lose pretty much every game.
  17. [super]BOINK[/super]
  18. An official more complex, in-depth guide is currently in the makings. You can also make your own if need be, which would be greatly encouraged.
  19. It's Renegade you don't like - not Renegade X. The game is based off of the game. That won't change. It's clear you've never played the original, and so you don't yet fully understand this game. Renegade was one of the most active clanwars.cc leagues and one of the most competitive games of its time (and the following 8 years or so).
  20. HaTe


    The game should create an unchangeable serial hash per player installation so that dynamic ip's/proxies aren't used to easily evade. That way you can keep a cheater out for as long as he doesn't reinstall the game. I'd assume constantly having to reinstall the game just to evade a ban on a single server would get more than annoying for these players.
  21. HaTe

    Joining Servers

    The in game browser is bugged. If you sort it in anyway, it joins in into the server that used to be in the position you are joining. Do not sort in anyway if you use the ingame browser until it is fixed. Either that or use the launcher
  22. Agreed that nicknames should be displayed in yellow/red. By names auto-completing, are you referring to using the PM function? Agreed that the ability to change controls (at the very least) in-game would be great (and I'm assuming is already being worked on).
  23. Only some guns in Renegade were "hitscan" or had a 400 velocity (which is the equivalent). Which guns in particular are you referring to?
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