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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. I don't generally agree with this. Using a rav/syd gives some benefits from a regular sniper. The sidearm, the grenade and reload/antitank differences can save you. Such as LakeSide. I usually don't get ramjets because I will easily get killed by an apache or orca. However, a sydney or rav can destroy an orca/apache in one clip. The characters serve me the same purpose, kills. It is generally the situation that dictates the character that I purchase, not the fight style that I want.
  2. If you're referring to my video demonstrating the changes of sniper spread, it is very rare that I (or anyone for that matter) gets those kind of kills. While it is easier to kill from close range than mid range, it is easier to kill the sniper from mid range, so don't let them get close. I also have a hard time getting close kills with ravs and pics myself. Any character can kill a sniper, or anyone for that matter. It just depends on aim, skill and the level/situation. Engagement circumstances and such are important.
  3. Because we want a game where aim requires skill. Unless you want me running around as Mendoza 24/7. My advice: if you keep dying in 1 hit, you have to 1 hit them first. Practice. Get better aim. Nobody starts as a poi
  4. ANd they can still instakillHEADSHOT can they not? Anyways, it's up to the devs to implement my changes or not. I have look at regular sniper particle system and it seems pretty simple to add smoke as well
  5. Just because people can't see it, doesn't mean they don't care about it
  6. Changed the smoke color for the ramjet, and changed lifetime to 4 seconds (4 seconds is a long time, it's just to show the color. A realistic time is more like 2ish seconds). First shot is at 1/3 speed, next is full speed. (GIF changed the colors of the beam, it stays a constant blue ingame.)
  7. I think waiting a little bit more for 1.0 is probably worth it
  8. File in zip format now, includes install instructions and the package/mapfile for it. Added water volume, added water post process effects. Added mountains in the back (probably not the most efficient way ever) Finished the bars for catwalk Rendered in production lights.
  9. @Comrade Maxim is this patch you? he spams A and D like a chicken with no head
  10. So I think that some of you are forgetting that these characters cost 1 thousand credits. While that doesn't entitle them to god-status, they should be stronger than other characters. I think the dynamic of ramjet, pic/rail and tib/volt each have their roles. Anti inf, anti-tank/inf and anti everything are all fine. They all have their own different armors, sidearms, explosives and range/reload differences. I don't know why anything needs to change
  11. Well hopefully you can't see behind your head, even in 3P it doesn't show that much behind you
  12. Currently working on background scenery, and possible idea of a second base entrance/inf path/tank path. Rendering now, will be posted in the morning! (finally finished the inf path at middle as well, has proper beams on the floating floors :3
  13. If a blue laser from ramjet is not enough, then maybe they should get glasses instead. It's not very hard to find the person that killed you when you die from a ramjet. Also its easy to find them if they miss you Also, people keep saying snipers arent balanced, im not good at aiming, but look how many times it takes for me to get a noscope
  14. Yes, the out of battlefield bug. It's not a map-exclusive bug; the bug lies within the code of the soft level boundary itself. Hopefully next patch will fix this.
  15. I still don't know why you guys think snipers need more balancing
  16. I hope by cunts, you are referring to toxic players.
  17. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday I work most of the day organizing, creating and assigning teams their work orders. I process new requests and triage the new work orders we receive. I partially coordinate lunches for the teams and keep inventory of our tools/supplies. Work is tedious, dirty and disgusting. Basically the same thing at every house. There are large neighborhoods that were destroyed (unlivable). Luckily, mine was not one of them. It's a great thing to see the state and community as a whole overcome our differences and make a positive impact in the lives of each other.
  18. Then don't get close. I am about to upload a video that shows exactly what you're talking about
  19. And unscoped hipfire radius isnt enough?
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