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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Eh, all I know about inis are that you can turn shaders off and particles and stuff as to obtain a fps friendly settings using settings not in menus. we in smnc call it a grimbar config. Grimbar was the community sniper competitive player.
  2. I played 8, in all modes, aow, Mara, ctf, crazy ctf, inf only, 500sniper only, coop... I think both are competitive differently. Mara offers more comeback and demands completing the goal at hand.
  3. You don't want to bring a glitch back? Fine. You did change the mammy tank tho based on balance. well, lets do one better. Make the flame from the flame tank aim inwards, creating a spot of flame merging. That way, flame tanks have a very positional dependent way to deal with tanks and infantry. small adjustment, balance buff that theoretically makes awful tanks good (besides burning bases flame tanks only beat mammys and no other unit ever.)
  4. It takes a certain player to play marathon. I just think those wanting to play should be able. I mean, this game is based on getting to play what you want. Why not play battlefield? Because you hate battlefield and love this? Then enjoy your right to play this, while I enjoy my right to marathon. when I bring my clan into this game, I'll do aow. If they like the game and start to want conclusive games, I'll share Mara with them.
  5. cosmetic? There is a way to do progressive unlockables. just make them character versions, like throwback skins from renegade havoc or Logan as a 500 sniper and stuff. but yes, having to play to unlock weapons for instance, ruin the game. Its adverse effect is anyone playing for the first time a month from now will get tired of playing catch up against players with better weapons and quit. Progressives give players new to the game incentive to quit. No progressives give anyone incentive to start playing anytime in the future.
  6. I did, and then followed through with my premiss. Did you just dismiss my comparison solely on the grounds that it referenced Call of Duty? Not my favorite game ever, but it had a place once upon a time back in CoD1 and CoD4. If you remembered the stick of fuse-tnt and the artillery cannon you had to place it on, you would know what I mean. Anyway, again, the premiss is one targets "kill and destruction" as the main thing to do, while the other encourages territory to appeal to a score system. I dislike farming, I like a game with an absolute winner, not the guy who scored more, but the guy responsible for base-destruction. It is base destruction no matter how long it takes when it comes to marathon, and that is what I prefer to back. There are enough numbers willing to support that. We are unified in support, and outsiders cannot stop it and their opinion unnecessary to keep marathon open. Marathon will remain self sufficient and sovereign, and equal citizen in this game. I understand there are reasons for time limits, I hope you understand there are reasons for seeking a win by decisive events. Hey, it is better to compare it to chess. There are speed chess tournaments, because someone given enough time to think of every move will easily do better and someone able to think of good moves in less time is someone more sharpened competitively, and then there are standard chess tournaments, because sometimes people find interest in no other outcome except a defeat achieved by complete annihilation.
  7. I never liked score win. Sounds like farming. Killing is always better than farming, and S&D is always better than TDM. That is my philosophy. Then again, when enough people feel the same, they band together and make their own servers and use !qban on anyone that comes in complaining its not the normal. Thank god for those people who form the marathon server community.
  8. Have 4 guys from front and tunnels all run out at once in different directions. Works best for GDI. Have the guys from the front path run first, they are guranteed to die but will turn the attention from the AGT the best. Generally, those will end up being infantry only matches until time out, or in marathon cases the perfect canidate for sudden death and vote-mapend.
  9. Sounds like glacier will be made in the distant future then.
  10. Heheh, I made the same observation when I first got here. How'd he manage that? ...With difficulty I presume to be the mathematician's answer... Seriously, is there even a place to edit the link in your name, or did he actually have to change the code on the box hosting the forums?
  11. Could it be the link in the Renegade X Banner at the top of the screen? Right now clicking it takes you to the forums. A link that takes you to the page you are on, that could probably be sacrificed...
  12. That was good. We need something like this to show new players to Renegade. Was a good nostalgic watch for legacy players too I bet.
  13. Yeah, but this suggestion is equivalent of removing Master Chief from Halo. Adding some replacement characters would certainly make it more homogenized for the masses, but it kills the culture of the game. That really is the problem. I mean, you can remove Master Chief from Halo and it still work, to be honest there is plenty of other canon to pull from to make a whole piece without it. The point is in fact embracing new blood. People have a right to want to be professional. To be honest, someone will probably make some convoluted way to remove the boink if they wanted to. Unreal can limit it, but the fact that people can juke computer programming ensures it is possible someway somehow.
  14. I dislike the xwis stuff, as does everyone the last 6 years. Meh. I guess it could be worse when dealing with EA. We are lucky we can access the game. Back hacks work for me honestly. Thanks for the guide.
  15. The boink being disabled being an option is a preference thing and isn't harmful to include really. I would rather have the boink than nothing, but I could think of other fun sounds to add/replace boink with.
  16. Accidentally select engineer instead of refill a ramjet rifle, a 1000 credit character, and the bar has died since choosing so you can't select even if you had creds. Then you will see it affects gameplay. I mean, it is something one could put effort unto memorizing, like learning to use Linux and command prompt, but it is not inherently simple and easy, like you wouldn't know linux terminal commands without a tedious session of learning and memorization.
  17. Ideally, PA has spoilt me with personalized UI. You could literally design any webscriped UI build for that game. Including cosmetic graphics for things, changing colors of things, changing the location of things, changing what you saw and didnt... ...Seeing as how that won't happen here, taking a list of popular UI features and making them options would be neat. Including a centralized number for ammo and health beside the reticle to either side. I am fine with the UI what I seen of it, and when health is critical you get that now-standard-for-shooters bloodshot tunnelvision view. When was that first standardized, Modern Warfare 1? Off Topic, if we could script our own uis... I would make a My Little Pony themed one
  18. Then why have a GUI for the PT? Why not have it entirely keycode? Why not have it command prompt style? Why not have no screen show up at all showing you accessed it, but it does the things when you press the corresponding key? Because it isn't very user friendly. Ken doesn't use the keys. He searches for the refill button. I have stated I seen him fail at least once in finding it, and resort to getting a fresh version of the free unit. I think in that case, maybe color code the buttons. Team colors seem neat, but I wouldn't mind if Green were free units, Orange was refill, Blue were characters, Purple were vehicles, and pink were equipment. However, I liked my first ideas the best.
  19. Oh, I didn't say random generation. I believe that is impossible anyway. What is possible is literally having 2 map files, one with tech buildings in balanced locations such as current ones, and another just the same but without the tech building. After doing that, it could either be a server options to always/never/randomly have tech buildings, and that would select one of the two maps to load whenever the game goes to load that map. So when it loads up field, it could load up one of those versions of field, one with the shed, one with the silo. Upon additional tech buildings, you could rotate them into this idea, either make the setting allow all tech buildings or disallow all tech buildings, or do it selectively, or even rotate their locations between one another (the silo and repair ones switch places with one another on different loadups)
  20. "Getting used to" isn't a valid excuse for a poorly designed interface. I agree, I will get used to it. In fact I usually didn't even have to use my mouse in renegade, I just used numbers. But that doesn't really mean it has to be left counter intuitive because "it'll pass". He is right. I have been seeing it saying the same thing. "it could be better..." Honestly, keeping mostly the same, and rearranging some things, would actually help, now that he mentions it. Maybe a hover-over for the stats since nobody will want to see them 100% of the time once they know what everything is. Expand the icons to 3 columns instead of 2, place the 5 free units at the top with a space below it seperating it from everything else. Place the items and sidearms together, and the character/vehicle catergories together. Or, and bear with me on this one... Put the "free characters" in their own catergory top-left, the refill top-right, below that the characters and vehicles, below that the secondary weapons and the items. Or, put all the stuff on opposite corners and center the character preview, that way each corner represents it's own stuff. There are a lot of ways to do it. I bet trying any of them might actually turn out to shed light on a better direction. Oh yeah, and I couldn't find it, but I remember one of the maps Ken records, he had accidentally thrown time c4 on the ground trying to switch to repair gun (which I also find "could be better", the weapon switching and such), so he goes back to the PT and I know he had to be searching for "refill" but couldn't find it for 4-6 seconds and finally settles on reselecting engineer after he was already an engineer just to get a fresh engineer. Case in point.
  21. People guessing. The first answer was mostly right. The speculation pre-release of the laser rifle and the arty for instance, isn't really that spot on. Technically, the arty still does it's damage and besides slight realism with the new shell visuals it isn't harder to aim. It isn't like a limp arrow, if you aim at the top of something you are almost sure to hit it because the drop will never be any more than the height of a med tank, the whole 4 feet. The laser gun worries me, it needed to be a different weapon, but it actually looks overly strong. Basically, if a SBH catches you standing in any one single place stationary, he can probably quarter-health you off, and then a few well placed shots finishes you after he has secured the gurantee from his first shot. All for 400. The buff was intended to make ANY player even bad ones encouraged to shoot more instead of "watch the game from stealth cloak", which is annoying if half your nod team is SBH and aren't doing anything at all. However, I have seen streams where the laser rifle secured a kill on a full enemy in half a clip, and some where people can't land shots. Then again, most the weapons in the game seem to encourage "pecking" more than previous renegade, with the recoil and burst of fire and aiming down sights, so even the handgun and rifles require waiving and firing and letting off so often to realign a shot or else all the bullets fire while the gun isn't on the enemy and don't fire when it is on the enemy.
  22. Me too. Should I PM you a Teamspeak3 I am usually available on?
  23. So, my idea... I was watching a Mesa gameplay recording. They added a tech building. Neat. Well, there is almost any place in any map they could or couldn't add tech buildings. That got me thinking. Why waste the effort of making versions with and without? Wouldn't it be neat, if there was a way, where a map had catergories. You voted for the catergory, field or whiteout or walls flying. Then, each catergory randomly loaded a version of the map, that may or may not have tech structures. The interesting thing here, is it may even mix up rush tactics. You would have to risk checking if there was or wasn't a tech structure, or just waiting to see naturally down the line. Instances include: -Versions of Walls-Flying with and without a Silo to the center of where the walkways merge at the top leading up to the top of the mesa -Versions with/without a silo on one or another or both sides of the field where the harvesters go in Mesa -Version with/without the silo in the center of Field (can even bring back the "classic shed" to the center in version without) -Versions with/without one in the back water-crossing between center islands in Islands. -Versions with/without one in either side and/or center in Whiteout. -Versions with/without one/two centralized ones in Goldrush and Lakeside. So map votes or rotates like normal, but may load in order or randomly any instance of those maps without specifying which (only specifying map name). This also leads to the option to turn tech buildings off or on (by limiting the selection to just choose always the version with or without the tech structure). Just a neat idea.
  24. Did any of them play the original that they themselves designed? ^serious question^ I am personally a big fan of some of their work. Wasn't best designed, but was early day fun for sure. My question, is did they think their simple library asset based W3D engine would be used so heavily in player mods? I mean, players built most of the most functional features, but it's the fact that it was the groundwork for that which is impressive.
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