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Everything posted by RypeL

  1. Yes. Best to PM Havoc89 about it in case he might not read this.
  2. Yeah, thats it. I send you a PM with the source.
  3. Everyone who worked on the launcher has gone missing. I don't want to say that they didn't care, but at least they don't care anymore. If someone knows C# we certainly could use your help.
  4. I think HDR was a bigger leap then PBR, especially since LM. And PBR depends on game. I think its best in simulation type games like racing games.
  5. How much fps do you get ? Afaik it happen at low frame rates (or with high ping in multiplayer). To see your fps hit F5, remove the "say" and type "stat fps". Try changing video settings to improve your fps. Single player with bots is heavier for your CPU then playing in multiplayer. This is why you might only have this problem in singleplayer.
  6. Hey there Pr0eX Not much motivation cause the graphical difference isent huge. UE3 can still look good and will still be relevant for a long time. Also the issue is time. You know it all too well. Like yourself, most of the dev team members now have fulltime jobs and family and stuff which resulted in atleast parttime inactivity from all of us. We grew up. To start from scratch would also mean to have to find a number of new devs that are students again and ideally have no friends and no family so they have the time And with each new engine it gets harder to produce stuff that matches with big commercial titles, especially for the artists as everything becomes more detailed. This is why free total conversions, like you had quite a few for games like UT and BF 10 years ago, already pretty much died in the last generation. To make something ambitious and on par with UE4 you pretty much need to be commercial and that complicates stuff even more and can eat up a team from the inside.
  7. Yea imho the difference from UE3 to UE4 isent as big as it was from UE2 to UE3, especially since UE3 got a big update in the lighting department a few years after UE3 initially released. Still it's very interesting to see this comparisons and if the author of this wants to pave and test the way to a UE4 version that's nice. But the dev team will keep focusing on the playability of the UDK version before considering UE4 for the medium graphical update. Besides graphics I can't think of something the game would really gain from UE4 at this point. Also cause besides the new UT there isent really a UE4 MP shooter type game yet as far as I know, especially not with vehicles. A lot of UE4 is still unproven and under development. Meaning that if a game like this starts with UE4 right now you will probably have to come up with a lot of your own solutions to vehicles, UI etc that you can probably throw away later and start from scratch once more stuff like that is figured out and integrated in the base UE4 code itself. So experiments with UE4 and with converting stuff to UE4 are certainly interesting and helpfull to gain experience with it, but I wouldn't expect RenX to be shifted to UE4 anytime soon.
  8. Last time you posted that changing framerate smoothing fixed it for you.
  9. Why was it added ? From my understanding the idea came from Battlefield. There you also have a vehicle boost, though a limited one i think. BF was used as a source of inspiration and this feature was one of the things that Havoc89 really wanted from BF. I never was a fan of it but generally players seemed to have adopted it quite well as i rarely saw someone complaining about it. So it must have some value and i can see how different speed options (basically different gears) for a vehicle can be nice. Just wish there would be a way to do that without having to hold down shift.
  10. And what tests did you do to come to that conclusion ? From my experience the 'official' mirrors always were the most broken ones from EU atleast. When i browsed CT today i saw this comment from b0ng "As a few of you know, the download links on the official Ren X site are pretty messed up and have been for a while. If you're looking for a reliable download, here's the place to get it." And then "Being in Europe, you're best off downloading it from the Area of Gaming mirror from the Ren-X site. " wich is true to my experience aswell. And the general consensus was that the torrent should be the most reliable of all, but you didnt even label that as 'recommended' so i wonder why ? Also how did you come to the conclusion that for instance the Area of Gaming mirror is less reliable then the official ones ? And you have to remember that the official ones always worked better from NA but always had problems from EU. It might be a bit better now with official EU servers in the mix, but still the comments from CT are recent and the torrent and Area of Gaming mirrors should be as reliable so they then should be labled as recommended aswell. To my understanding the best mirrors will automatically get the most downloads so the thing will sort itself out on its own. The 'recommended mirrror' tag was initially just added to advertise the 'official' servers for whatever reason. It never made sense and there never were field tests to back that up and i believe that again there wont be sufficient field tests to back the current list up. We do not need to advertise servers just cause they have 'renegade-x.com' in them. And since the best servers should get the best word of mouth and so the most downloads the 'recommended' tag will never make any sense and only discriminates other servers for no reason.
  11. Who added that 'recommended mirror' BS to the downloadservers again ?
  12. Spotting is one of the number of things i brought to the game and thus is affected by my recent inactivity, especially since i left it unfinished. And the new dev generation already has enough to do. So give them a break, they might get to updating it eventually. Never forget that this is a fanmade shooter and that whats beeing worked on is mostly dictated by peoples availability, interest and knowledge. Though after i pushed building armor i once said that it would renew my interest in the game a bit if building armor would survive fan feedback in wich case i would then work on a veterancy system. It seems like it did survive, so i guess i should work on a veterancy system. If i do i might also update the spotting system. I would then add C4 spotting aswell. Or maybe someone else updates it before me if you think its really important. We will see.
  13. Yes static decals afaik can't be fixed and still cost a lot of performance. There are a lot of them in the maps (the static tire tracks) and mappers would have to remove most of them to lesson the problem. So If you do not have a highend PC then you should turn them off.
  14. Hiding the PUG server from the server listings would be possible. Just shoot me a pm with the server details and I could hide it. Then people would need to get its ip and port from TS.
  15. I was maintaining bot stuff but I left the dev team. So bots are not a focus anymore. Maybe when there's really nothing else to do some of the remaining devs might look into it.
  16. If he wants to work on AI he needs to learn how AI works in UDK from a code side of things. You can not expect to make decent AI from Kismet. That won't work. @Hande: If the bots would just shoot the building objective thst would be stupid. They do that however when the building is at low health. Then they shoot it no matter what. Otherwise they try to focus engineers repairing and other defenders depending on the situation cause I did the AI priorities with the goal that they should aid you as teammates in a human/Ai team. When to shoot the building and when to shoot the defenders instead isent an easy decision, so the Ai priorities attacking the defenders while the human teammates should bring down the building. For a survival type of mode against a pure Ai team you indeed would want to change that logic a bit to make them more focussed on the buildings itself but that could be done by just changing a few numbers. There is an aimerror or something like that that can be adjusted to make them hit less. This also scales by skill level. You could check where the skilllevel is used in code to get ideas what you can change to make them better or worse.
  17. Black Dawn´s AI was just the base UDK AI that was given some directions with Kismet. That AI has no idea how to attack a base, how to properly use the RenX weapons and tanks etc. It would be much better to modify the current AI to just attack. You can already tell them to just attack and where to attack and it should make for an 'ok' survival mode experience. However i dont know how you could tell them to do that through Kismet. Propably would need new Kismet nodes and/or a mutator. (Only allow ATTACK order and not DEFEND, increase importance, or something like that, number on the BuildingObjective/AreaObjective nodes. Know what you are doing -> the hardest part).
  18. They are different lleaderboards. And yes the monthly leaderboard was reset at the beginning of this month.
  19. Yeah i believe he said that about the sound cause i posted in another topic that i believe that stock renx already uses too much soundfiles that fill up too much memory (especially the radio chat played in buildings). If a mapper now adds additional sounds too its living life on the edge. Your findings of toggling a sound before its end to sort of stack it seems to confirm this.
  20. Addding maps to the builds encourages the mappers to keep working on them. If we only add a map once its perfect we really wouldnt get much custom maps that get done i think.
  21. This site for example can be used for that: https://www.mathsisfun.com/binary-decim ... erter.html if you paste the 0x0 number into the Hexadecimal field. So basically you need to convert the hex 0x0 to a decimal number.
  22. The leaderboard has been reset. Ive stored the old results and we plan to make those available again later on in an archive. We also plan to merge them so we will have a global leaderboard again aswell. The plan is for weekly, monthly and global leaderboards all beeing available and not much more work is needed for that. But for now its only showing the results of this month.
  23. The main reason i suppose CT servers are lacking atm is that they arent EU servers. Before B0ng made this proposal he first should have proven that he can host a EU server with that Protection aswell. Else there is no point in it. He also should have made clear that some people from each community should get full admin access on the servers to host all the IRC stuff etc and to remain control about what serversettings, mutators, IRC mods, local stats databases etc are used. If he had said that it would have made it look a lot better and more realistic.
  24. As _ERROR_ said, surely enough people should be found to pay for the additional 10€ a month that was mentioned here. That the serverowner cant (and shouldnt) pay for everything doesent mean the community cant.
  25. Communities like TMX and EKT kept the game alive. It is also the difference between them or competition or whatever you want to call it that keeps them (and in return RenX) alive. Asking them to shut down their sevrvers and letting the DDoSer win is ridiculous. From what i hear both TMX and EKT are trying to get protection aswell so that should be encouraged.
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