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Everything posted by RypeL

  1. It shouldn't have something to do with the hierarchy so that it shouldnt matter what class you extend from. First I would try to find out if it's a kismet problem or a code problem. For that you could add a timer directly in the code of the PT class to change the teamnum value. Then start a server locally and see if that replicates properly (for examples on timers you can search for settimer (... function usage in the code.
  2. Now you got a glimpse of what it felt like making the game And about how frustrating that can be at times. But you dont give up. I respect that and would like to help, but after looking through the code i cant spot an error just yet. Might have to take a closer look on the mutator you made and the kismet along with it. Some tests should reveal the problem. Maybe i have some time for that next week.
  3. One reason for the crashing could also be custom sounds in the map. Thats a guess but i say that because i know that the ammount of, prettty much uncompressed, soundfiles loaded is an issue in RenX. I cant remember exactly but ive measured memory consumption etc before and found that especially the big ammount of radio chit chat that you here inside buildings eats a lot of client memory. Part of the problem is that these files are in wav format i believe. And cant just easily be converted according to Havoc89 without keeping the game from beeing able to read them. Its a while since ive digged into this so cant remember too much details other then that the ammount of audio files loaded in a game of renx is on the edge. If a mapper now adds custom sounds himself this could result in memory overflows and thus client crashes. IMHO the ammount of radio files in the game is unoptimised hell and a ticking time bomb. But i would have to redo that analysis some time i guess to prove that point. Cause i lost that data and dont expect anyone to believe me that the ammount of radio chat inside buildings is problematic without proving it. (Basically there is a console command i believe to ouput a detailed memory usage report but i cant remember its name atm.)
  4. Nice. Do the helipads repair your air vehicle when you land on them ? (Yeah and the soft level boundary was never finished to work with vehicles. Its currenlty only meant to be for inf. People getting in and out of vehicles outside of ít and vehicle passengers screw it up. But atleast this issues should be easier to fix in this volume as with the old playarea volume and it seems Agent already is on to it.)
  5. We already did. Agent (afaik from EKT) and Yosh (afaik from TMX) are now the only active gameplay programmers and thus have a lot of influence. And getting all the fuzz from people is a shit job so you better acknowledge them and hope they stay else have fun getting the game going without programmers left. I hang arround cause i put in a lot of time into the game in the past and still want to see wheres its going (and cause i dont care how it makes me look to you when i speak my mind. and i dont have anything to prove anymore. even getting this game out there was a success given the circumstances, that i know). As i said before i dont have a particular interest in continuing to work on this game anymore for multiple reasons. And surely other devs just vanished quietly. But sure i know the problem of uniting the community. To counter that we started the so called "Community Dev Group" in which some respected people from all over the community were invited into a private forum to call shots and to share ideas without beeing distrubed by trolls etc that you have in the public forums. I tried to moderate that group and to keep it going but unfortunaly i failed cause even that costs a signifikant ammount of time and motivation and it seems i dont have that motivation anymore and other devs didnt really came in to help moderating that group. So the Community Dev Group idea would need some kind of new moderator. And whos in the group should change from time to time based on activity etc. Then it could become some kind of "council" for the game. Well at the end, as often times, i think the game needs some new/additional strong leaders/moderators to unite oppinions and to get stuff going. else youre just f*cked. Maybe Yosh could become such a guy. I dont know. All i know is that its tough and eats a lot of your time if you want to do it right. One thing i still would like to see really badly though is a tournament. Even if it would be the first and last tournament i still would like to see the game played somewhat competitively atleast one time. So thats something i will probably still stick my teeth into to help boost that in the not so distant future.
  6. Thx Mark. Updated it on http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard.php and added it to the Main Page. I will reset it beginning of October. I will save the json files from older months, maybe we could make them available later too. Or maybe Agents leaderboard replaces this one too by then. I dont know when that will be ready.
  7. Might aswell use the finished one in the meantime. Talks about a new ladder and stats system based on rcon output began long ago. When that's ready enough it can replace the old ladder. There are no plans to extend the content of the old ladder so it is not competing with the new ladder. I wanted the new ladder based on rcon output really badly and pushed thst topic to replace the old ladder aswell. But they use different techniques and can coexist till the new one is ready. Also if we get a more advanced php page for the old board we might reuse and extend it for the new ladder aswell. Agent promised to show something about his ladder project soon and I'm looking forward to that. Then again no reason not to use the already finished one for the meantime.
  8. Nice. That sure is a start. http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard.php
  9. If you are not American try the Area of Gaming link.
  10. Yeah we need some sort of meta game even of it's nothing crazy involved. The old ladder was cool to look at. Ladder data is still beeing recorded and can be viewed in json format here: http://renegadexgs.appspot.com/leaderbo ... format.jsp (i think i did reset it a month ago or something, so its about a month of recorded stats atm) All that would be needed to display it again is an HTML page that transfers the JSON to a HTML table. Even if you dont know HTML i guess someone could get it done pretty easily just by googling json to html and going from there. I posted the json link with ask for help before but got no reply and i dont care enough atm to do such a transformer myself and would much rather see someone from the community to stand up for it. I dont want to hold leaderboard data forever on that server (cause im paying for that server based on serverusage and DB size) but i could reset it every month to make it a monthly leaderboard. (The previous global leaderboard involved this server and a second server that stored the data permanantly but that second server etc went inactive with its owner). So bringing the old leaderboard back is one thing you could actually do to help community size. If somone makes such a json to html site we could easily add it to the Ren-X site and you could link/use it wherever.
  11. Dev team doesent know how to talk with EA properly. We are no lawyers. That's the main problem imho.
  12. What weapons a player holds is managed by an Rx_InventoryManager. With the way it spawns and references its weapons you need to tell it the new weaponclass to successfully exchange a weapon with your modified version. The following code i did for a Mutator a while back contains some examples on how to change multiple stuff in the game including weapons: class PrePatchBalanceMutator extends UTMutator config(PrePatchBalanceMutator); var config int AirdropCooldownTime; function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) { if (Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game) != None) { Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).PlayerReplicationInfoClass = class'PrePatchBalanceMod.Rx_Pri_Modified'; Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).PlayerControllerClass = class'PrePatchBalanceMod.Rx_Controller_Modified'; Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).DefaultPawnClass = class'PrePatchBalanceMod.Rx_Pawn_Modified'; } super.InitMutator(Options, ErrorMessage); } event PreBeginPlay() { local Rx_Building_Silo_Internals Silo; local Rx_PurchaseSystem PurchaseSystem; local Rx_Vehicle_Apache Apache; local Rx_Vehicle_Orca Orca; super.PreBeginPlay(); SetTimer(5.0,true,'CheckRefDead'); Silo = Rx_Building_Silo_Internals(GetDefaultObject(Class'Rx_Building_Silo_Internals')); Silo.CreditsGain = 0.5f; PurchaseSystem = Rx_PurchaseSystem(GetDefaultObject(Class'Rx_PurchaseSystem')); PurchaseSystem.AirdropCooldownTime = AirdropCooldownTime; Apache = Rx_Vehicle_Apache(GetDefaultObject(Class'Rx_Vehicle_Apache')); Apache.Health=375; Orca = Rx_Vehicle_Orca(GetDefaultObject(Class'Rx_Vehicle_Orca')); Orca.Health=375; } function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) { if (Other.IsA('Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_RocketSoldier')) { Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_RocketSoldier(Other).PrimaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_RevisedMissileLauncher'; } if (Other.IsA('Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_RocketSoldier')) { Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_RocketSoldier(Other).PrimaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_RevisedMissileLauncher'; } if (Other.IsA('Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_McFarland')) { Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_McFarland(Other).PrimaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_RevisedFlakCannon'; } if (Other.IsA('Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_Shotgunner')) { Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_Shotgunner(Other).PrimaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_RevisedShotgun'; } if (Other.IsA('Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner')) { Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner(Other).PrimaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_RevisedShotgun'; } return true; } /** The following sets bLastHitWasDamagingPlayer wich is used in Rx_Pri_Modified to change credit gain */ function NetDamage(int OriginalDamage, out int Damage, Pawn Injured, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class DamageType, Actor DamageCauser) { super.NetDamage(OriginalDamage, Damage, Injured, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, DamageCauser); if(InstigatedBy != None && !InstigatedBy.IsA('SentinelController') && InstigatedBy.PlayerReplicationInfo != None && Rx_Pawn(Injured) != None) { Rx_Pri_Modified(InstigatedBy.PlayerReplicationInfo).bLastHitWasDamagingPlayer = true; } } /** Reduces Credit gain from a dead refinery */ function CheckRefDead() { local Rx_Building_Refinery Refinery; ForEach AllActors(class'Rx_Building_Refinery',Refinery) { if (Refinery.IsDestroyed()) { Refinery.CreditsPerTick = 1.0f; // Gets halfed once more in the Refinery class } } } final static function object GetDefaultObject(class ObjClass) { return FindObject(ObjClass.GetPackageName()$".Default__"$ObjClass, ObjClass); } defaultproperties { }
  13. Wait, what's a known issue? I knew about this issue for a while and how to crash the server with it but didnt get to fix it yet. Last time i tried to fix the issue a certain individual interrupted me and we had this nice conversation that resulted in me leaving the internal dev skype group cause there are limits of what type of behaviour i will except given what i have done for this game. Since then when i think of this issue i think of him and get kinda mad. But ill take another look at the issue next week or pass the details i know onto you.
  14. Its a known issue. Should get fixed in a future patch.
  15. If with primary server you mean the server that holds the server list then no. There is no evidence that there is a problem with it, plus it's hosted on a Google server that automatically scales. Most likely it's a socket on your end that is blocked or overloaded.
  16. Awesome! Could i ask though, who exactly worked on this change? I recall multiple people working on this. Ive done all the coding for it. So if there are bugs with it you are welcome to blame me. BroTranquilty had the original idea and wanted to make a mutator for it but this wasent possible with just a mutator so i picked up the idea and integrated it into the main game cause i believe in its potential. I do not really have time and motivation to spend substantial time with Ren-X anymore but this idea sounded too promising to me so i took the time to just do it. Now im waiting if people will either just not get it, trashtalk it, ignore it or if it actually might have been worth it to work on it.
  17. My guess is the ribs und vehicles weren't adjusted for AI. Every vehicle needs a bit of code to give AI some info about the vehicle. As the tubs und vehicle mod der probably has no clue about that of course Ai sucks with those vehicles. But that is not the Ai fault. Vehicle Modders need to adjust the vehicles for Ai like the stock vehicles. There is no tutorial about this sadly.
  18. For example you could save the last 5 hitters or so (in a FIFO list) and reset that list like every 10 seconds or so if no hit was made in the last 10 seconds. This shouldnt cause any noticable increase in CPU usage. It would get more complicated though if you would want to only give an assist if someone did more then X ammount of damage over a certain time.
  19. Cause i never made such events for a kismet node before and have very little experience with Kismet stuff. So it was easier for me to just get the barebone functionality out for you guys to figure out the rest in kismet yourselves. Take it as Kismet practice for mappers They need Kismet knowledge much more then the coders do If you wanna take a look at integrating an event into it Handeps then that would be great and you could send the code to Yosh for integration in the next patch.
  20. Good stuff. The repairgun fires very often. Using touch in kismet whenever the rep gun fires at the MCT should be heavier on performance then just using a timer with reasonable intervalls.
  21. Hm... maybe what you could try is to place a volume at wf and as and create a kismet touch event for it. Then you could make that check for harvesters touching it. Then you should have a reference to the harvester in kismet and could then destroy it by inflicting damage through it or, maybe better, could set it to hidden, set collision to off and freeze it's controller. So it would be invisible, non collide and wouldn't move. ..... or just wait for a map property to be introduced in a future patch. I'll pass it on or maybe work on it myself.
  22. RypeL


    One reason buildings need to be part of the map is cause their exterior lighting is statically build with the maps lighting. To have dynamic spawnable buildings they would need to be lit dynamically. That was tried before and it absolutly killed fps. So thats one big reason why the Buildings cant just be spawned mid game.
  23. They were never finished and then put on hold cause project lead demanded a different system for them (armor drops etc and complex rules for weapon drop chances etc). Since then they are put on hold waiting for a dev wanting to pick this up again. Or for someone to do a mutator.
  24. When you do pls make sure you use the same SystemSettings.ini as a modified SystemSettings.ini might very well be the reason for your fps differences.
  25. Would be nice if someone could take the time to actually compare (same map, same place) on B4 and B5.
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