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Everything posted by RypeL

  1. I dont know of any dev or community dev decission to raise the limit to 60. So i kinda kindly ask you to remove that mutator. Reminder: Long agi and after carefull consideration Devs made the decision to limit it to 40 to preserve the intended gameplay. And 40 was already a compromise. I dont know why that decisions shouldnt stand anymore and i could police it if i have to. I still run the backend for the server listings and i can add filters to it, no matter what mutator you run. And seeing the situation i kinda dont know why i shouldnt. So pls reconsider. 60 for an evening or so should be fine, but a permanent 60 is against the one rule we made regarding serversettings.
  2. RypeL

    Voice Chat

    For random technical reasons its pretty much impossible to add this to the game.
  3. RypelCam v1.2 (Enhances Replays) View File v1.2: - Added display of hitmarkers when hud and crosshair is on (only works for direct hit, not for splahdamage) - Added 'boink' sound when spectating players or vehicles - 'w' button functionality switched to 'v' so that it doesent interfere with using w for moving the freeroam camera - When spectating a vehicle the camera now follows the looking/turret direction instead of needing you to rotate the camera manually (for manual control, as with players, hit 'L') Additional Tool included that creates an interactive graph of Player Score/VP progression for a demo: How to: - Open a demo with RypelCam loaded and press the 'E' key to start recording player data. Data will be recorded every 5 seconds. - After that copy the logfile from UDKGame\Logs into the folder of PlayerperformanceGraph.jar and rename it to "ToAnalyze.log" (an example ToAnalyze.log is provided) - Doubleclick PlayerperformanceGraph.jar and it should open a Graph for GDI and one for Nod. If it doesent install Java 1.8 first. Controls: - Hover the mouse over a point in the graph to display kills/deaths and the current frame for that point in time - Click one of a player points to highlight all their points (so that you can focus on one players performance and so that moving the mouse over other player player data wont interfere) - Click playernames at the bottom to change between displaying Points and VP or just VP So hovering over a specific point in the graph shows you the frame number. To goto that frame in a demo open the console/chat while the demo plays and type "seekToFrame X Y" with X beeing the framenumber and Y beeing the fastforward speed you wanna use (someting like 10 is recommended, depends on your hardware). Examples of GDI and Nod performance from the August 20th PUG match on Walls: Submitter RypeL Submitted 09/11/2016 Category Tools
  4. Version 1.2


    v1.2: - Added display of hitmarkers when hud and crosshair is on (only works for direct hit, not for splahdamage) - Added 'boink' sound when spectating players or vehicles - 'w' button functionality switched to 'v' so that it doesent interfere with using w for moving the freeroam camera - When spectating a vehicle the camera now follows the looking/turret direction instead of needing you to rotate the camera manually (for manual control, as with players, hit 'L') Additional Tool included that creates an interactive graph of Player Score/VP progression for a demo: How to: - Open a demo with RypelCam loaded and press the 'E' key to start recording player data. Data will be recorded every 5 seconds. - After that copy the logfile from UDKGame\Logs into the folder of PlayerperformanceGraph.jar and rename it to "ToAnalyze.log" (an example ToAnalyze.log is provided) - Doubleclick PlayerperformanceGraph.jar and it should open a Graph for GDI and one for Nod. If it doesent install Java 1.8 first. Controls: - Hover the mouse over a point in the graph to display kills/deaths and the current frame for that point in time - Click one of a player points to highlight all their points (so that you can focus on one players performance and so that moving the mouse over other player player data wont interfere) - Click playernames at the bottom to change between displaying Points and VP or just VP So hovering over a specific point in the graph shows you the frame number. To goto that frame in a demo open the console/chat while the demo plays and type "seekToFrame X Y" with X beeing the framenumber and Y beeing the fastforward speed you wanna use (someting like 10 is recommended, depends on your hardware). Examples of GDI and Nod performance from the August 20th PUG match on Walls:
  5. Good job! Really nice to see someone getting into moviemaking for Ren-X Btw it might interest you that i will soon release an update to RypelCam aswell as a "demo analyzer". The analyzer aims to make it easier to find highlights in a demo/replay as it extracts some infos from the demo and puts it into a graph with a timeline. This will probably be released this weekend.
  6. It was requested by some and like in the old ren it shows you exactly what location the barrel will fire at during times when your crosshair is not showing you an accurate hit location. For example it can be usefull when fighting inf close to your tank or when driving through uneven terrain. Those are times when your crosshair can deviate from your actual hitting location cause the barrel is lagging behind or can't make those angles. Old ren had a small dot for this. We would like to have a dot aswell, the + is just a placeholder.
  7. What is RypelCam ? The objective of RypelCam is to improve and enhance the playback of Ren-X replays (a.k.a. 'demos'), with special attention to features for movie makers. For example a programmable, 3rd person camera provides the opportunity to create stunning cinematic sequences, a framecounter, fast forward functionality and other small features help with the general process of making a movie or for just reviewing a demo. For v1.1 i basically updated and streamlined the tutorial and the UI a bit so that this version should be more comfortable to work with and easier to get into. The tutorial is included in the download. Download here Example Movies that use RypelCam for the camera flybys:
  8. That cant be all. Is that really all ? If it is pls try again by starting the game with the FORCELOGFLUSH commandline argument (Forces a log flush after each line). You cant add commandline arguments from within the launcher i think but you can add it to the udk.exe since im guessing you might be seeing that error aswell even when not starting from the launcher.
  9. If the game starts but hangs it's not a launcher problem. Can you pls post the gamelog ? Udkgame/logs dir I think it is.
  10. Might be worthnoty that you can also rebind the map button in the settings menu. Like for example to a mouse button.
  11. Stealth vs Stealth could be fun. Why should that be a problem. If both teams would want to run SBH then so be it. As agent said doing it the proper way, eg removing all GDI reference from the UI, would be quite a bit of work. But if you let UI aside it should be pretty easy (as GDI can already steal Nod vehicles the game code is ready for having both sides using both sides vehicles for instance). As it would be a fun, spin off kind of thing anyway nobody would care if the second Nod team would still be called GDI in the UI at some places. Except for the vocal perfectionists of course. Building two Nod bases with Nid buildings might already work without having to change gamecode, as every building has a teamnumber and there shouldn't be much hard coded GDI or Nod references. The buildings teamnumbers can be set in the mapeditor. Then you would need to make it so that GDI gets the Nod PT menu. With a bit of luck that might be doable by just changing like 5 lines of code. That might be it to get it to work if you let aside team 2 still be called GDI in the Hud and game messages etc. (sure it's typically more work then one thinks at first but generally I think this should be quite easy. not that I'm going to do it... just theocrafting)
  12. Leave the devs alone. Moderators should be recruited from active players. Agent can already grant global mod powers through her RCon. So the most logical and achievable step imho would be to create a new group of thrustworthy global server-moderators. The already moderated servers might complain then though. So ideally global mods should only have powers when no server mod is present.
  13. I think you can just 'Q' them to follow and unfollow ? Not sure anymore. I pretty much made that follow feature within 5 minutes and never looked at it again since. This was pretty much just experimental and never made it out of the experimental phase.
  14. RypeL


    We had our own mutator section but it wasent really crowded so it got merged with the mapping section. You can now find the basic mutator tutorial here: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=74143 and some example mutators here: viewforum.php?f=138 And yes: you can do a lot with mutators so chances are even your idea would be doable with them. If you really might need an additional thing to be added to the main game in order for your mutator to work you could pass that to the dev team so we could see about integrating that.
  15. RypeL

    Coding AI

    Rx_SquadAi and Rx_TeamAi are also important and define bot strategies and behaviours aaswell. It's these three classes, along with some Ai hints in other classes like vehicles, that define the bots behaviour.
  16. Yes im not that good at english and yes it might have a german touch and i just did what sounded ok to me. Hopefully somehow it can get corrected someday. ... maybe if someone does a good list and sends a funny vid or something aswell i might get the motivation to change it. Then again id love new guys just take over stuff like this ... especially if its something quite easy like this. But then again everyone has different priorities and stuff they wanna work on. My status right now is that im in a demotivated phase again mainly cause the last updates, even though i thought they progessed the game quite a bit, didnt make the game grow. So the game seems stuck in this corner. Wich is fine aswell but ya, not great either.
  17. Nice to see some progress on this. But as the project now seems to pick up some speed I think we should warn you that EA might not be ok with it. EA told us to not use the C&C name anywhere. The same should count for this project. EA also told us that they are ok with RenX using the C&C license (besides the C&C title) in the current iteration of RenX, but that new "major releases" are not allowed unless EA´s is asked about that again. Your mod should count as a new major release and thus to be total save you would need to ask EA if they are ok with it otherwise there is some risk that they might shut it down as it is not covered by EAs agreement with RenX.
  18. If you have a mutator problem pls share your code so people can look at it. Don't expect the limited amount of coders to spend their time on guessing what type of code and what type of errors you might have done. That it compiled with 0 errors doesent mean anything in regards to if it will function as expected.
  19. RypeL


    I've also already warned Axesor to not derail other threads. Just keep it cool Axesor. "still no..." personally usually doesn't trigger me. A well proposed idea/solution however sometimes does. As for snipers for instance: community is devided about them, so nobody really knows what to/if to change. Then again changes come when people have time and motivation. For me trying to keep up with my friends in the devision currently eats all my free time. Rocket league etc also seem to suck up some dev time. Yosh also takes a break currently after he spend a lot of time on the game in the last months. So currently dev activity is low but that might change again but nobody knows when.
  20. Pls do not forget that dev and active community members are pretty much the same thing. It doesent matter if its a dev or community member. If its a community member doing good stuff for the game he can totally get the dev title and as you may have noticed people like B0ng, Schmitzenbergh, Glacious etc have become devs lately. We are actively searching for interested people that can provide something (and at best proved that) to join the dev team so that "handing it over to the community/players" can continue. But yeah i understand that you need some kind of official statement from the RenX authority. Here is my view on it based on how we decided on that in the past: - We said its ok to make any kind of mod or total conversion based on RenX aslong as its free like RenX is. Lately we even tried to encourage the old Reborn etc teams to do a Tib Sun game out of RenX. So a reskin of RenX is fine aswell. But then again the catch is "aslong as its free". Because as soon as money becomes part of the equation to be ultimatly fair money would need to be provided among all the RenX contributers or we would atleast need to ask pretty much all of them. And how should we decide who should get what ammount of money ? So as soon as money gets into the mix it could get pretty complicated as people might claim they dont receive the share they should or whatever. That ALSO counts if it would be another "official TA" game since no previous renx contributor/dev signed something like "all my content belongs to TA". RenX devs werent even required to sign a NDA. So technically "TA" doesent even hold the rights to sell RenX themselves even if EA would allow it. Yes and No. Yes to the first part, no to the second. We are not looking for someone to bring TA into a real game developing business. TA is not a company, TA is just a name for the dev team and what the dev team is fluctuates based on who is in it at that time. TA/aka the dev team was formed to do RenX and that is all there is to it. It is not about forming a gaming company or doing a new game next. TA is a interest group of people that want to realise RenX. That is what it is right now and i do not ever see that changing anytime soon. Yes there are if/whens/whatevs that could have made TA into more but that would have only happened if RenX could have been sold so that there could have been a real company and infrastructure beeing build arround TA. But that didnt happen and according to EA wont happen so TA is still just a title for a interest group of people that want to realise and evolve RenX.
  21. Everything redline had in his post was pretty much spot on. You should pay more attention to what he had posted cause it reflects the reality. So pls do not talk someone down for saying how it is. He made fair points about what actually is achievable. A steam release however is not realistic at all and at best a few years away. Reason is a) we got official word from EA that RenX on Steam or Origin will definatly not be allowed and b) the dev team doesent have the members left to reskin RenX nor do the devs have enough interest in doing so. Most devs, especially the leads have been on this for years and now have life to take care of. Making it onto Steam for RenX is impossible so it would mean a lot of work to reskin etc and would pretty much need to be a new project by a new team. RenX devs could maybe aid as advisors but i cant think of a current, remaining dev that would actually invest heavily in contributing. The strategy and plan of the core dev team members is to wrap up and to hand it over the community for them to maintain it in the future as much as possible with the old gen devs only acting as advisors from time to time but beeing able to live their lifes. We have dayjobs and stuff now. Also we gathered all of our remaining energy and new devs etc to make the latest bigger releases like 1.4 and 1.5 but still playernumbers didnt really increase. That is dissapointing and certainly demotiviating aswell. Redline is right that the game should get something like a youtube campaign. It doesent need to be the biggest youtubers. But every bit of promo could help. If player numbers would increase there would also be a much bigger chance to find new devs wich then again could open up new possibilities. But now we are back in the predictable cycle of declining playernumbers and players blaming the devs for that and asked them to make revolutionary changes and will tell them whats wrong with this and that. Instead of advertising the game and such. I will tell you this: I do nto care anymore (and as you can see by the number of other devs posting they dont really care much either). If the game dies then it dies. Ig the community decides that its this time again to just blame the devs for dedicating their freetime for them instead of the community trying to do things like youtube advertising and such then why should we even care about you ? Steamrelease is a very far fetched dream. But the guy with actual ideas you talk down instantly again. Really, get a clue and do it right or dont. For all i know: It was a big achievement for us to get RenX going. Most projects like this died brutal deaths. We can be proud of making it till here. If it dies it dies and i can have my peace and atleast some players migh have had some fun and we atleast made a playable product where most other projects failed long before that.
  22. Current devs cant. Our major artist had the time when he was a student but now he barely has any time. The other artists that contributed to vehicles and characters only joined to do a character or two and then for the most part went their own ways again. Wich is fine, considering its a free project and most people only have limited time to help out. Meaning right now the modeling power of the current dev team regarding vehicles and characters etc is pretty much down to zero. It would need a lot of new volunteers to get this going.
  23. Forget about EA dreams. Its not the reality. EA legal department told us that in order to avoid confusion among their customers regarding EA´s involvment in RenX they 'regrettably' can not allow us on Steam or any other platform of that sort. They are, understandably, commited in protecting their IP, wich they still might use in the future. They do not want people to confuse RenX with an official C&C game. That is why there is no cooperation and why there will be no cooperation and why it wont be possible to do RenX for a living. EA will let us be in the current form though aslong as we dont use C&C name, dont go on Steam or the like and dont make money out of it. As per RenX development: its a constant struggle and no dev knows whats going to happen next. It all depends on peoples interest and availability and those fluctuate a lot. Dont have time or energy for a longer awnser right now.
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