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Everything posted by omega79

  1. nothing should be chaged with mining ...
  2. it goes quick if you know how it works ... the basics are simple to learn but going deeper needs a lot of time ... and not to forget, you need the assets .... the meshes and stuff ... that means you need someone who can use 3d moddeling programs and some texture skills ... or you learn that as well ... it is like playing an instrument, if you learned it, it is easy ...
  3. hi there, hope you have the patience to stay until it is done
  4. under is already beeing in development ... there serval screenshots in the forum
  5. once again a useless post ... has been posted already
  6. known ... check b4 you post please ... you spend so much time spamming the forum wth useless reports, you could have spend the time searching
  7. dont stand on it .. simple fix
  8. thats normal, get used to it
  9. who says it is not wanted like that? except for you? that is just an opinion not a bug and no issue .. do not think your opinion is better than others
  10. known ... you could check b4 you post bugs that are known
  11. ye i kinda like it aswell ... seems to fit fine, specialy with the boink
  12. has to be like this ...
  13. ye, not a glich ... it does not need to be fixed, BUT I would feel better if it gets somehow changed (fixed is not the right word here i guess)
  14. A strage thing happened a few days ago. After a map was finished and the next map started loading I had that common crash with the usual UDK errormessage ... I did click "close ..." and then it happened ... usualy I get back to my desktop and start the game again ... but this time I found my self in RenegadeX on an empty map, Goldrush. Goldrush won the vote on the server I played on b4 aswell ... The server I was on now was just local ... and no bots in it aswell I thought this might be interesting for the Devs
  15. just let em do ... we can not do anything, nor do we change things if we put pressure on them by demanding something that does not help or motivate ...
  16. I would say that the count should in general be limited to 34 ... I noticed far less crashes with 34 or below
  17. then you mised Kenz makig of Volcano ... that clearly shows that it is clearly alive, or why would he do that? and following the project for years, i know there always have been times without news ... I have no doubt that players will return
  18. uhm that must be you then ... bad connection or something .... OR you join a very bad server ... that in the video is a server problem, not a client problem ...
  19. not far from this C&C reality ... even if in an other universe ( pictures taken from: http://www.moddb.com/games/red-alert-2- ... ing/images )
  20. @get-a-grip dont quote me wrong please
  21. They did not know that there are so massive crash issues ... because they did not have that much testers ... on servers with less than 30 players the crashes are very rare for the most players ... and as less players are on the server as smaller is the crash chance
  22. I guess that the crash issues are not fixed yet no new maps are finished enough to be added and no new content is ready to be used ... so nothing new for a patch or even a news ... I believe that they do what they can ... but they have limited time and ressources ...
  23. You say it lags a bit, but i can tell that the intel gpu can run the game but it is on 5-15 FPS (not min settings) Dont you have a LED showing what GPU is used at the moment? (I have a green one for the Intel and a orange LED if the NVIDIA is used) IDK what you mean with that:
  24. i know it from other games ... a certain amount of players have to push a ready button .. in NS2 it is like that, after you joined a team it askes you to press the Ready key, the number of ready people depends on the people in the game ... if others join or load in, the number gets higher
  25. For me t is i the "NVIDIA system controls" > "3D properties" > "UDK based games" > "preferred GPU for this programm" > "NVIDIA high performance GPU" Works fine
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