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Everything posted by omega79

  1. but field is already there ... i suggested the tunnels because they are "indeed" easy to add plus the general layout would still remain the same and at the same time it will spread the people more over the map ... cuz that is still the main problem of field .. too much players with not enough options to leave the base without the chance of not running into an enemy within the first 5 seconds
  2. I always felt that 32 to 40 is perfect for renegade ... but on some maps it is harder with more players than others ... ie field ... but i have seen a lot sneaky ninja actions on full 40 player servers ...
  3. I think it is fine as long as you play on a moderated server havent had any issues with glichers lately ... even if there a lot of gliches ... i enjoy the map
  4. I never liked Steam when it came out ... I also liked the Discs ... just having a physical thing in your hands after you payed for it ... even the forced online system did bother me ... but now i became used to it ... mainly because the sales, getting major AAA titles for less than 10€ is just great ... getting indy gems for a small price ... and if the game does have a Singleplayer you can play them offline aswell ... yes, some games still do require you to be online, that is annoying ... and steam has the right to close your account, losing all your titles, at any time without the need to legitimate it ... never heared of anyone having a problem with that so yes, there still downsides to steam, but in general it is okay
  5. I believe the glich fixes are main priority for mappers ...
  6. for me it did not delete anything ... win7 64bit
  7. it is legal and it is standalone
  8. as far as i know they do not force steam in the future it is just an extra way to get it ... and steam support is already in the game ... serverowners can even force steam already RenegadeX is no singleplayer game ... and classic Renegade was popular despite its singleplayer it did grow a community only because of its multiplayer ... from this multiplayer community RenegadeX did grow The game right now is far from gold status too much bugs, gliches, crashes ... but i have no doubt that this will change over the year BTW, i guess you not have to tell the history of westwood here ... the most in here know what happened and do miss them in charge for C&C
  9. i have no idea about this stuff ... still wonder ... and the missing map picture is also not normal ... smells fishy and looks shady
  10. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=73073 hope he saw that
  11. they have plans for putting it on steam ... hopefully come true once the game is gold
  12. sounds like not a legit download ... try one of these http://renegade-x.com/download.php normaly you download a huge file and then you install it ... it is not a webinstaller where you only download a few KB first and then the full download starts after you did run that tiny installer ... you should probably run some Virus, Adware and Spybot scans
  13. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=73318 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=71862 viewtopic.php?f=14&t=71734 viewtopic.php?f=13&t=71066 I am not a fan of this phrase ... BUT ... PLEASE ... use the search, or at least read a little bit on the first page of the sections your question might fit thank you
  14. Well if they cost 1500 i say they could stay for a match, but should be only available if you hold the techbuilding ... but i got used to it, i like it how it is now ... I only buy em for hotty/tech, ramjet or sbh ... i would prefer it stays like it is now
  15. but why is fubar the only one? today again .. count was 39 online were just 3or4 and 2 bots ... i watched it and connected 2 or 3 times in around 15 minutes i asked if they are faking, no answer ... after 15 minutes i managed to join the matrix server (crahses really take your motivation)
  16. gdi can walk from behind the nod tiberiumfield to the tunnelexit at the airstrip ... through the tunnels you can reach the obelisk mct or ion the strip ... mot sure if it is possible to reach PP, could be ... from obelisk tunnelexit you might go to ref if the ob just fired, that needs luck even with teamwork
  17. later that day it only showed 5 all time ... but did not join to check ... the map image still was not available
  18. okay i stop here ... people do not understand that the game is only in beta ... that there is a lot polish to come ... lets talk about this if the the stealth part of the game is finished or at least a bit more tweaked ... not ask devs to put something in that needs new code and balance if the current system is far from beeing finished
  19. They still doing it ... it showed me between 16 and 38 in the serverlist ... barely 10 when i joined ... even the map image is not available for this server ... sure they do try something shady
  20. maybe that helps http://techissuesresolved.wordpress.com ... ess-error/ seems to be a problem with your computer ... either software or hardware ... (google less than 1 minute ...)
  21. it could be an "issue" in smaller games like 6vs6 or 8vs8 ... but after all, it would need luck and teamwork to actually do damage ... and probably not fixable
  22. 1. I do not think NOD (i do not care it is Nod ) only can win by Nukes, but it is a major part of NOD gameplay 2. Mines are not really weaker, only if you walk in mines they do slightly less damage, confirmed by DEVs (use search) 3. Minelimit was always in renegade, it is a fundamental game mechanic 4. searching a beacon is a major part of defense, and you need teamwork for that ... it already works with a decent team! At least on the Matrix server I have seen very good teamwork on both sides. (Only the glich spots are a serious problem and hard to defuse even if found, spotting wont help there either) what needs to be changed to polish the balance with SBH is: (Global) Beacon planting sound that alerts the team already b4 the actual beacon is planted (see/hear: )Stealth units need to flicker if they got hit by a projectile Stealth units need to flicker in contact with Tiberium Stealth units need to flicker if they take any damage 1K Characters have to have a higher range for seeing stealth units Glichy spots you only can reach if you either follow 1 certain way to reach the 1 single spot to defuse or where you have to jump into non exitable areas, need to be removed Glichy spots that are unbelieveable far away or behind far objects (damage through walls/objects) need to be fixed Glichy spots where you simply not can see the beacon, therefore not be able to disarm it, need to be fixed after those changes are done it will be like in classic renegade, and you will see it plays a lot smoother then ...
  23. the only thing i miss is the global sound that plays once someone starts to plant a beacon ... just as long as the progressbar needs to be filled while you plant ... Spoting a beacon would make it impossible to defende it if gdi is defending good ... even with 10 sbh Players already learned to defende ... it is much harder already to plant a beacon the biggest problems are still the glichy beacons ... just let them sort this out and you see that spoting a beacon is not needed
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