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Everything posted by omega79

  1. You have to use the UDK, its not so easy that kids can use it but it is not hard to use either ... (I smell doubble account here)
  2. this guy is either 8 years old or just a troll ... wish there would be an ignore list to ignore him completely
  3. happy I am to not see you their
  4. I havent seen any hacker for a long time ... some accusations, but nothing i could agree on ... the matrix server is hackerfree and well moderated as far as i see (I only play there) i only saw one guy crashing the matrix server, i know they have his IP, i hope they pass it to you ...
  5. here you go https://www.unrealengine.com/products/udk/ thats what they use ... and seems not to hard to learn if you really want to you just need the files from renegadex to actually make the map a renegadex map ... but that will come after the beta is over
  6. but there is no way to force anyone do something you want them to do ... and i believe that is good ... because if so, someone could force you too ... noone likes to be forced ... and someone forced to do something will most likely fail or do a bad job
  7. On european daytime and evening there like 60 to 100 players online ... not much but i still have fun ... and beeing a regular on a server, knowing each other, is even better if the games got fixed it issues the playernumbers will grow again i believe ... there is just a small amount of players who really enjoy the beta with all its problems ... (I am one of them)
  8. maybe team donation would just be the best ...
  9. okay, thats all i want to know ... i just want to point out that those bold caps are in fact a drop down menue ... you can choose different versions ... and since i have no clue about anything yet i thought i might better use an older version ... but anyhow ... thank you very much
  10. There is one that came with UT3 ... thats the one i now played around with or is that just an level editor? but okay ... say i go here: https://www.unrealengine.com/products/udk/ is it okay to use the lates? think not huh? must be UE4 ... or doesnt it matter?
  11. Hey there, after years I thought I give that editor an other chance. Back in the days I bought UT3 Black for RenegadeX Just installed it and played around in the editor ... the basics are good to learn, and the bonus videos are helpfull But I would love to see some other Tutorials on the web (Higher resolutions and such ...) The problem I stumbled over is that every single Tutotrial seems to be for an other version, even within UT3 My editor says: Engine Version: 3809 Changelist: 328909 So What version should I use? Do you have a favourite Tutorial site for that version?
  12. omega79


    i loved to keep the hill clean from enemy hill campers not always a success i admit that, but it was a good job for a defender like me ...
  13. the benefit of the picture thing is that it can not be googled ... specially if you use pictures you took yourself I remember that I lined up certain fruits or objects in a picture and asked something like "name the object on the right" or "name the fruit left of the bottle"
  14. happens with all C4, and does not matter if friendly or foe ... but not happens always you got C4 on you.
  15. thats a good idea too ...
  16. If you have your own pictures and ask questions that need a different answer than yes/no, numbers or colors ... something like that: Possible Questions and answers: Q: What is the cat doing? A: sleeping / relaxing Q: What animal is on the picture? A: cat Q: What Instrument is the cat sleeping on? A: Guitar Q: What material is the guitar made of? A: wood So if you have like 5 Pictures and 4-5 Questions to each you have 20-25 combinations ... I did use a system like that when i did run a vbb4 board ... after activation of this we never had any spam anymore ... any new registered user gets only 1 question ofcourse, and an other one if the answer is incorrect
  17. infantery should not be able to stand on vehicles ... maybe they should take slow damage, even on friendly vehicles ... for what you write, it sure is a bug!
  18. omega79


    I loved hourglass ... I think it was disliked so much because people did not understand the map ... Whiteout therefore is the worst map, after field, in the current game ... if the hill would be bigger and at least 3 turrets on each base it would be better ... a secont techbuilding would be sweet also ... I would love to see hourglass return
  19. seems not to work huh feels like there more bots now
  20. i am not a fan of shells ... that was modded in later ... team donate would be also sweet ... like "Tdonate 10000" and this 10k got split between all teammates
  21. but even then, you put your team in danger and waste money if noone takes them ...
  22. thats interesting ... but i can not imagine how it could be added and look good ... but in general not a bad idea ...
  23. lets hope so thank you
  24. i did provide ways to either destroy a building or break the sige //edit so those are vehicle exits?
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