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Everything posted by omega79

  1. What about Stealthunits ... will you work on the visibility? In example: Stealthunits flicker when hit by a projectile Stealthunits flicker when recive damage Stealthunits flicker when move on Tiberium Stealthunits may be seen from a little further away by certain GDI units (like 1k characters) Will the directional microphone for 1K snipers return? What do you think about the idea to reveal all enemy units on radar if they sprint? even SBH @Jam What date will this topic be closed for questions?
  2. Just dont feed him ... and i not mean godrider ...
  3. I agree on the first two points ... the flicker argument has ben said many times, i am sure that is something they think about and stealth in general will be overworked the thermal view would be horrible imo ... but i would love to have the directional microphone back I am absolutely a fan of mini basedefense I would love to have a real BD on this map (AGT/OB) and a higher hill ...
  4. i prefer a poll cooldown for players
  5. What is the status of the crash issue? any ideas, solutions?
  6. What is the actual amount of maps you want to have for the Final product? (I mean those which you think that have to be in RenegadeX, not those you have Ideas for. You may name some but I not demand names ) Can you give us more informations about C&C_City_Flying? (Must be the most demanded classic Renegade map. I guess everyone would love to hear what are the plans for it, what are the issues with it and the general status of the map.) Do you remember rebuyable turrets, and is that a concept that would fit in your idea of RenegadeX? (There was a mod in classic Renegade that allowed to rebuy the small turrets. Players had to collect a small floating icon that did (re)spawn after a turret got destroyed. Each time you collected it, it took 100 Credits from you to raise enough funds to respawn the turret.) Is it possible to have more than one refinery? Or to have 2 harvesters with 1 refinery? (Everybody knows that from the RTS game. I think that would get a nice twist and would have a high recognition value. Ofcourse I am talking about new maps and not the implementation for current maps.)
  7. i think this is not a bug
  8. because thats how it works ... humans decide a lot by the first impression ... it is the way we work ... specialy if it is for something that is not necessary ... something like video games specialy if you have no relation to it .... advertising agencies make shit load of moeny with that knowledge
  9. sweet, did not get to that so far
  10. dude why dont you google or contact epic for your self? i think it is not that hard to figure out!
  11. I welcome you
  12. I am still for the limit, not just because I think the game is not made for more than 64 players in any way, but because it gives a false impression for new players who just downloaded the game and join an overcrowded server ... or a 200 player server with barely 40 players ... that will turn a lot new players away ... you might say that those can try a low cap server aswell ... but most wont ... for the most it is the first impression that makes them stick to a free game or let them turn it down ... about the donation for the license ... we all do not know any details about their agreements with EA but since the $99 license allows them to make more than just 1 game (they could make their own project and earn a lot money with the same license) i think that could lead to some problems with EA and their legal department
  13. i just think who would like to play a match with more than 64 players (Thats already absurdly high) on the given small maps? you would need new, much larger, maps ... imagine 100 players each side on walls or islands ... worse: Field not to forget the balance, the game is not balanced fo such a playercount! I hope the keep the limit at 64 max ... i love the actual 40 player limit
  14. if i get this right: https://www.unrealengine.com/products/u ... -resources it would be US$99 for the license ... and because TA are not allowed to make any money it would stay at that but in this case it might be better to contact them first at udklicensing@epicgames.com
  15. sorry, that C&C influenced OST from RenegadeX is way more suitable than yours your music is just too flat, nothing dynamic but after all, i always turn off the music in shooters anyways
  16. i like the video thanks for shareing about the turrets, i am not sure anymore but i believe the original had turrets for nod but not for gdi
  17. Have not watched it right now but since i am in process of learning how to use the UDK i sure will thank you for the upload is here the place to ask a question? well ... i will ... Will you add turrets on both sides like they were modded in later? i kinda liked the turrets at each exit of the inf tunnel on gdi ...
  18. i would volunteer as a spamguard ... only delete spamposts ... no demand on any internals
  19. let the team fix the crashes, bugs and gliches in this beta and you will have even more fun I think as the beta grows the fun will grow aswell after all is fixed and the beta is over there will be more players i am very sure
  20. 1 click ... more easy than reporting them
  21. maybe get some moderators aswell ... i noticed that there are almost no moderators
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