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Everything posted by omega79

  1. Thanks guys like I said, it happened only in RenX so far. Because I thought it might be a overheating issue I did Stresstests b4, GPU and CPU 100% load for 15 Minutes ... No Problem Thats why I thought it might be some issue with the game BUT I did not think about the RAM ... and it seems to be the RAM, aida64 cancles the RAM stresstest after around 2 minutes speacial thanks to Kenz for reminding me about the ram guess i have to get a new ram bar
  2. Hi There I have not a lot time to play games anymore ... job/family ... you know But now I am a "grass widower" for a few weeks, so i came back to play a little The Problem is: If I play RenX a longer, or sometimes a very short, time my PC just turns off ... completely ... like someone cut the Power on a desktop PC. It only happens with RenX , and it never happened b4 (even with other versions of RenX) My SYS: Win7 Intel i73630QM (4 x 2,4GHz) 8 GB Ram GeForce GTX 660M (Driver up to date) The game is installed on a SSD drive I know its a Laptop, and not the newest Hardware, but that havent been a problem with any game yet! did that happen to anyone b4? any ideas?
  3. i did that but the SDK seems to completely ignore the ini file. it still says STATUS: FULL in the PT (I even want to mute the music for testing, it does ignore that also) and if i got the file loaded with notepad++ while running the SDK, i get the message "This file has been modified by another prgoramm. Do you want to reload it?" it always changes this line to zero: VehicleLimit=0 I really got no idea whats going on there thats my ini file: [RenX_Game.Rx_Game] MinNetPlayers=40 NetWait=20 bWaitForNetPlayers=true bAllowWeaponDrop=false DonationsDisabledTime=180 InitialCredits=150 SpawnCrates=True CrateRespawnAfterPickup=30.000000 bIsCompetitive=false VehicleLimit=0 bReserveVehiclesToBuyer=True TimeLimit=40 bFixedMapRotation=False RecentMapsToExclude=3 MaxMapVoteSize=5 bAutoShuffleOnNewRound=True bAllowPrivateMessaging=True bPrivateMessageTeamOnly=False MaxSeamlessTravelServerTime=0.000000 MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Field",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=6) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Walls_Flying",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-GoldRush",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Whiteout",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Islands",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-LakeSide",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Mesa_ii",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Volcano",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Xmountain",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Complex",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Canyon",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-UnderRedux",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-Deth_Rock",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) GameVersion=Open Beta 5 GameVersionNumber=5001 bBotsDisabled=False bHostsAuthenticationService=False bRandomTeamSwap=False bDisableDemoRequests=False CnCModeTimeLimit=0 bAllowNonTeamChat=False bWarmupRound=False bForceMidGameMenuAtStart=False bLogGameplayEvents=False ClientProcessingTimeout=30 WarmupTime=0 LateEntryLives=1 ResetTimeDelay=0 GameplayEventsWriterClassName= RequiredMobileInputConfigs=(GroupName="UberGroup",RequireZoneNames=("UberStickMoveZone","UberStickLookZone","UberLookZone"),bIsAttractModeGroup=False) RequiredMobileInputConfigs=(GroupName="InitialFlybyGroup",RequireZoneNames=,bIsAttractModeGroup=False) bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled=False GoalScore=60 MaxLives=0 StandbyRxCheatTime=0.000000 StandbyTxCheatTime=0.000000 BadPingThreshold=0 PercentMissingForRxStandby=0.000000 PercentMissingForTxStandby=0.000000 PercentForBadPing=0.000000 JoinInProgressStandbyWaitTime=0.000000 DefaultGameType=RenX_Game.Rx_Game DefaultMapPrefixes=(Prefix="DM",bUsesCommonPackage=False,GameType="UTGame.UTDeathmatch",AdditionalGameTypes=,ForcedObjects=) DefaultMapPrefixes=(Prefix="CNC",bUsesCommonPackage=False,GameType="RenX_Game.Rx_Game",AdditionalGameTypes=,ForcedObjects=) DefaultMapPrefixes=(Prefix="RenX",bUsesCommonPackage=False,GameType="RenX_Game.Rx_Game",AdditionalGameTypes=,ForcedObjects=) AnimTreePoolSize=0 MapHistory=uedpiecnc-deth_rock MapHistory=uedpiecnc-deth_rock [RenX_Game.Rx_SystemSettingsHandler] DefaultFOV=90.0 BloomThresholdLevel=0.2 CurrentAAType=0 GraphicsPresetLevel=3 TexturePresetLevel=2 TextureFilteringLevel=2 UIVolume=1.0 ItemVolume=1.0 VehicleVolume=1.0 WeaponVolume=1.0 SFXVolume=1.0 CharacterVolume=1.0 MusicVolume=1.0 AnnouncerVolume=1.0 MovieVoiceVolume=1.0 WeaponBulletEffectsVolume=1.0 OptionVoiceVolume=1.0 MovieEffectsVolume=1.0 AmbientVolume=1.0 UnGroupedVolume=1.0 bAutostartMusic=true [RenX_Game.Rx_HUD] NicknamesUseTeamColors=false ShowInteractableIcon=true ShowInteractMessage=true ShowOwnName=false ShowOwnNameInVehicle=false ShowBasicTips=true [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Money] BaseProbability=2.5 ProbabilityIncreaseWhenPowerPlantDestroyed=0.5 ProbabilityIncreaseWhenRefineryDestroyed=1.0 MinutesToGiveSmallSum=5.0 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Spy] BaseProbability=0.3 MinutesUntilProbabiltyIncreaseStart=10.0 ProbabilityIncreasePerMinute=0.05 MaxProbabilityIncrease=1.0 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Refill] BaseProbability=2.0 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Vehicle] BaseProbability=0.5 ProbabilityIncreaseWhenVehicleProductionDestroyed=0.75 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Character] BaseProbability=1.0 ProbabilityIncreaseWhenInfantryProductionDestroyed=1.0 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Speed] BaseProbability=1.5 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Suicide] BaseProbability=0.0 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_TimeBomb] BaseProbability=0.5 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Nuke] BaseProbability=0.2 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_Abduction] BaseProbability=0.6 [RenX_Game.Rx_CrateType_TSVehicle] BaseProbability=0.1 ProbabilityIncreaseWhenVehicleProductionDestroyed=0.2 [RenX_Game.Rx_Rcon] bEnableRcon=True RconPort=-1 bWhitelistOnly=False Whitelist= ConnectionLimit=5 SubscriberLimit=3 MaxPasswordAttempts=3 bHideAttempts=False [RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl] bRequireSteam=False bBroadcastAdminIdentity=False bSteamAuthAdmins=False [iniVersion] 0=1441285193.000000
  4. thank you kenz, will try that tomorrow I did find the ini in the SDK configs ... but if i change it, it gets overwritten as soon as i try a "play from here"... if i do enable the windows write protection it just ignores the ini O_o is there a solution for that?
  5. I used this tutorial ( ) to play the map in the game ...but still, it says "full" in the PT when i want to buy a vehicle
  6. this map really plays fine and has a great look! thank you
  7. How can I buy vehicles in the SDK? If I do a "play from here" i never can buy a vehicle, but I would love to try the rolloutnodes
  8. The timer I refered to was from the old command and conquer footage in the picture with Kane. I think there are many people who can help you if you have scripting questions. ah okay, did not think about that ... just posted the image to show what i mean with "classic RTS" about the scripting, i see that comming I use the tutorials provided by kenz (THANK YOU KENZ, great job!!!), I made the Harvester work with those ... i hope i can complete this as a basic map thank you i hope my ideas work
  9. I just do a regular C&C map,I am a newbie with the SDK. The timer is just the regular timer of the game (if you not play marathon) but yes, GDI had to win a battle to setup their base ... that will be more visible later (craters and smoke) while Nod had the island first
  10. Hi there, I am working on this for some time already ... the progress is slow but i got not a lot spare time This map is my first map and is born from just tryn the possibilities ... I tryed an other map at first, but for a newbie like me it was far to ambitious (setting was a huge meteor crater) So far I got the basic layout and the basic textures. right now I am placing some decoration and tryn to find the gliches (like hitting buildings from where it is not supposed to happen) The GDI side is 85% done while NOD has just the buildings so far. There is a cave that is 90% done but the outer field is just 65% done. C&C_Deth_Rock is inspired by the way the classic RTS maps were designed Meaning those cliffs that seperate the different hights and the beaches to land your mct The weak point of each base is the side where the refinary is located and the ref is the most vulnerable part of each base. but if you lose it there are 3 silos what could provide income. It is part of the map that there is a steady income that is higher than usualy. Since I did Put some effort in this project I just would like to hear some feedback MORE IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/Ml7UP#0
  11. thanx kenz your first series of volcano was pretty good! inspiration and a small nice insight of the work you guyz do
  12. true ... hopefully there will come more ... with comming updates Beta3 is a significant step forward!
  13. probably 90% of the players
  14. i noticed that as hotwire ... after placing AT mines i was not able to get back my normal mines even changing to a basic soldier and rechanging to hotwire did not help had to die to be able to get normal mines again
  15. I worked on a map then moved on to an other map cuz the first one was just to ambitious for me as a newbie ... I feel pretty good with that second map i made, but if you are limited to the basic assets of UDK you quick get to a point where it is impossible to finish at least the layout and the optics ... not to mention any scripting or stuff like that
  16. It does not always happen to me ... just sometimes
  17. I like em, but they should not influence buildings ... except for turrets maybe i think they should dissable any movement of the vehicle, even the guns decloak sbhs would be an option but SBHs are very easy to see and you can spot them (Q) even if they are cloaked in BETA3 I have no problems following SBH through the base (Been already called a cheater) in this build
  18. I think there is no way of any kind of donation for what ever reason ... Servers already can force players to login to steam if they want
  19. after playing serval games i think the arstrikes fit perfectly as they are
  20. omega79


    I like em all, some more some less ... exeption is field, but they are working on it and whiteout, in general a good map (hourglass like) but needs some adjustments ... to much favour for nod all others are great, they just need the bugfixing
  21. omega79


    just seems to get more rare ... at least on the matrix server sure it is still the most voted but islands gets a lot votes the past days even lakeside and mesa become more popular
  22. not possible now
  23. HAHA ... I deleted the part where I said "I rfuse to set a higher gamma just for 2 maps" I mean, the other maps are perfectly lit, the colors are brilliant, little "shady" areas ... If I up the gamma it would fit for mesa and field but the other maps would be to bright and washed out A little bit more light would be good, but I see the problem for mesa
  24. I amnot the only one ... the other maps are perfectly lit ...
  25. but he is right ... Mesa and Field are awfully dark ... I always have to shut all windows to prevent the sun from disturbing me .... Mesa and Field are much to dark!
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