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Everything posted by omega79

  1. I think it would make sense if you keep it on one map ... for as long as you hold the silo
  2. If anything it's easier to SBH nuke, last match I did, I nuked 3 buildings because what seemed like lack of understanding and teamwork, I even hijacked the enemy vehicle they left trying to find me after I blew up the WF. Server got kinda deserted after that.... must have been the other team not taking care ... stealing is easy now cuz of the huge amount of fresh meat who do not know the basics yet in general a SBH is more easy to see, I see them more easy now than in classic renegade the laserrifle has an insane spread, makes it very useless imho and hotwires/engis can carry sidearms like tiberiumrifle ... those kill any infantery in seconds due to the splash
  3. aww okay ... thats true ... but yet not a fitting topic anyways, no he knows the truth
  4. Thats Renegade! I have the feeling in RenegadeX the SBH is far more visible than in the original ... so in fact it got more hard to SBH nuke ... but again ... SBH nukes are part of the gameplay ... even if they can be a pain in the butt
  5. I have the feeling that anything between 32 and 40 is kind of the perfect server size
  6. it is not only free to play ... it is absolutely free ... for ever ... no microtransactions, no ads, no donations or any other monetizing
  7. i feel the same ... i think it changed from original renegade ... mainly because the red/green color decision
  8. neither can I ... but sorting the list by ping does work ... so you can sort it by ping and read the server names to find out wich dircetion you sorted (some servers say locations) it seems to work
  9. aint there any AC solution for UT that could be used?
  10. I heared the same from someone who wants to defuse my nukebeacon at the loadingbay of the refinary on islands it clearly was not the last 10 seconds and he already said he can not defuse the beacon
  11. well if the enemy is so close to your base that you get killed every time you leave a building ... it is endgame and almost over ... but even in endgame that is very rare to happen
  12. i remember a lot games where the chat is lower left or kill messages are upper right ... thats different in many games but a chatbox in the PT would be sweet ... or an optional chatbox that floats over the hud if you press a certain button ... maybe dragable i like the way it is in natural selection now ... if you press the chat button it opens a small box where also can ready the past chat if you play normal, the chat does fade in and out like it is in renegadex now so if you see something you just press the chat button if it fade too quick
  13. damn can not wait to see all those
  14. the match just started and i just left the building, these are the first few steps in the first picture you can see i still holding the timed c4 like it always happens after a fresh spawn I just switched from first to third person, can not remember doing anything else
  15. I agree and I feel like the kill messages and the chat shuld change position and now, clearly, a chatbox inside the PT would be sweet to just read something again
  16. probably a terrorist? or a fetishist? I can picture him in the Hospital explaining to the nurse ... "Seriously, someone did put that thing on a chair and i accidentally sat down on it" //edit in this case i would have loved to have free aim ... some part probably stuck out at the front aswell
  17. sweet, thank you great job so far!
  18. I noticed that you can not access the options while connected to a server. It would be very good if it would be possible to at least be able to access the controls menu, and probably the audio menu
  19. Seen the same ... creepy Small version Big version
  20. I always sucked in aim ... but in renegade i get more kills than ever ... and still in renegadex
  21. on maps with no bd gdi is losing far to much vehicles but let the people learn
  22. Great, TY!!! since my wife is coming home now i have to wait untill tomorrow Thank you! working fine! Danke fast volle geschwindigkeit ... knapp 3MB/s
  23. you know that professionals do not do this? normaly you "lock up" a software in a stable version a few days b4 you push it out to the public ... last minute changes have a very high risk of making more troubble than they do good ... even with a public beta you would delay any (minor/huge) change to a stable version to a point after the release last minute change caused a lot of delays ... and ofcourse dates with a too high preassure this does not mean that the devs are not keep on working on the game, but most decide to not touch a stable version like a week b4 the release ...
  24. i believe they said time zone will be europe ... probably gmt
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