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Everything posted by omega79

  1. omega79


    I would love to see airstrike markers beeing smoke grenades ... that would mean everybody sees it straight away and you actually need to carry it somewhere to throw it
  2. I hope they never change this ... this is one thing that actually would make me leave, because it is essential renegade gameplay ... a team that manages to do more damage with less buildings is clearly the better team! changing that would mean your team could win just because of 2or 3 teamplayers while in the other team 16 players act like a team to defende the rest of the base while still making points ... even worse, it would favour nod a lot, 1 single sbh nuke on the roof of the wf could win them the game in the last second just because gdi lost 1 building and nod did not lose one ... maybe the pedastal beacon could change that! it is a way to win with 1 beacon, but that one beacon is not hidden sneaky somewehere ... it is on a pedestal somewhere in the base (used to be in the bar and hon) i liked to use it and won quiet a couple of matches where the dominating team left their base completely alone
  3. Beta ... they needed feedback ... I believe they could not have waited too much longer ... and the Birthday was a perfect day to release people will come and check it again
  4. That is how renegade works ... simple as that if you lose by points you are not the better team, does not matter if you killed 4 out of 5 buildings of the enemy ... no the opposite is the case! A team making enough points for winning with only 1 building left is a good team and deserves the victory!
  5. omega79


    ofcourse, anyways we do not need to nudge people in those
  6. He is right, they say it is buggy but the competitors are aswell and they cost 50 Euros
  7. @Delta_34 If you not sort the list you will join the server you picked you only join random servers if you change the sorting
  8. I doubt they have the time and ressources to develop an AC ... they can fix a lot problems that hackers use to hook their cheats they maybe can also provide some sort of serial (i.e. SteamID/hardwarehash) to ban the casual cheaters but the rest is probably up to the community to develop an AC and to moderate/administrate the server properly ... i think thats how the situation is
  9. does not show ping for me
  10. Well ... hate to repeat it ... but ... BETA! FREE TIME PROJECT! and i doubt it will die some may leave because it takes too long to get finished, but many will at least check it once it is gold because the game is free! ... and even if some not try it once it is done, they would not have stayed anyway ... only those who like the gameplay really much will stay or come back so what ever ... i will stay
  11. omega79


    it is not stopable ... but there are ways to limit the numbers of cheaters to those who really want to cheat ... those people who put an efford in cheating, those who pay for cheats, those who are willing to pay for vpn and willing and able to use tools that massively change their systems to hide identity (stupid idiots) ... and probably those who are able to actually code a hack them self ... if it could be limited to those cheaters it would be far more easy to moderate! at the moment every single free hack that came out for UT3 seems to somehow work ... and there tons of free cheats so every 8 year old is able to cheat and could you please remove the name of the cheat site? everyone can easy think what is the name of the site ... even if it is popular, we should not promote it here!
  12. Good to see I am not the only one and yes, the menue should be redone (sorry for those who put in a ton of work in it) it just not feels fluid
  13. omega79


    some hackers change their name every second to an other name of a player on the server ^^watch the player on position 1 on the nod side he also bought GDI units on GDI terminals and killed the GDI REF with an ion the Havoc that appears on the left side (walked from WF to PP) is the cheater
  14. i just did observe that disarming beacons does not give enough points anymore i remember gdi won matches cuz nod keept planting beacons even if they were far ahead in points and clearly winning
  15. Well ... doesnt the anti speedhack cause speedhackers to stand still? but only in multiplayer ...
  16. it do show interest, not more ... it shows that this game did clearly got some attention ... it shows how many people at least tried it ... it sure does not show how many actual players there are ... it does not show how many people like the game and still think 125k (counted) downloads are still very good for just 10 days!
  17. It would be sweet if there will be at least some option to require steam if you join a server ... that sure not prevents but it would stop the very casual cheater i know some software uses a hardware hash to generate a serial ... i dont know how hard it is to code such but that would thin the cheaters even more
  18. All serverowners (at least the biggest) did sing up, didnt they? so why not send an email to all in the group server owner?
  19. happened to me yesterday when i wanted to try something in skirmish ... but seems to not be the case in MP .. joined a server with 450 startcredits already
  20. thought so fobby btw, all major gaming sites depend on the industry ... every single site that has previews, or gets invited to a studio to have interviews and such ... so if they want to keep that they can not be critical ... borders between advertisement and actual information are fluid, and in many cases it is just pure advertisement in camouflage everybody should keep that in mind! but in this case i actually think it is honest
  21. i remember that this happened in classic renegdae from time to time ... would be nice if it could be fixed but doubt it
  22. possible ... but you think TotemArts did pay them?
  23. Well in original it was not included there were only money crates I would say reduce the amount of superweapon deathcrates ... maybe normal explosions would do the job aswell ... or replace some superweapon crates with a tiberium dust cloud that just damages everyone in a small area for like 3 seconds and maybe more money crates with amounts between 1 and 150 credits i am not against deathcrates, i just feel very very bored of superweapon deathcrates ... they should be rare ... it is like you be overfeed of something you really enjoy eating superweaponeffects are very nice and i know why the devs want to show them ... but it is far far far too much!
  24. I am german and normaly my english is pretty good but sure it is far from a native speaker and it probably lost quality while i lived in SE-Asia (spoke a lot pidgin english there) i did missread that part of the post indeed ... what ever I still think it should not be supported by regular renegade-x, as it is the core component of the C&C_Mode ... If they will add other game_modes (what they are actually planning), i could imagine reviveable buildings
  25. what i mean is the point you say it is disrespectfull ... i thought you mean it would be disrespectfull to classic renegade ... but what you mentioned was never in classic renegade ... and since it was modded in later in classic renegade, i brought up that it will be way more easy to mod renegade-x once mutators are supported (mutators will be supported by renegade-x) so i think later on every single server probably has its own mods running some probably will allow donations to rebuild a destroyed building
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