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Everything posted by omega79

  1. they sure know about the doors about the PT bug, i kinda think it is not that you are stuck more that the forward button needs to be tabbed again
  2. they just want to kill the fun and troll ... thats their reward
  3. EA still got games on steam ... probably cuz of old contracts ... BUT if they really want to take them off they could ... EA could say something about not getting to steam ... but it also could bring vakue to EA if it were on steam
  4. The Tiberium saga ended with Firestorm ... Avatars do not exist in this universe ... sad enough the tiberium somehow made it in RenegadeX
  5. 55% is pretty well balanced for a game with so fundamental different teams
  6. I am the only one huh?
  7. i just feel the laser of the SBH is total rubbish ... i would rather see the damage it does and the rate it fires got nerfed ... in exchange it gets as accurate as it was in classic renegade with the SBH rifle i feel like this:
  8. http://www.pcgames.de/Command-und-Conqu ... st-1111827 Nice german review ...
  9. i am sure there can be a fix to this ... or remove the possibility to attach c4 to infantery
  10. sweet, totaly missed those
  11. i noticed yesterday that shooting a SBH does not make its blue shiny silhouette like skin come up like it was in classic renegade ... I was scanning for SBH with an APC gun, then I realy did hit one ... but I only saw the blood where i did hit ... in classic renegade the blue lucent skin of the SBH was visible for a short period after hit
  12. the timer should be the timer to disarm not the timer for the actuall weapon hit the ground! after the time to defuse is up make a small animation and let the beacon explode like a timed c4 ... maybe with a smaller blastradius this would fix: no more complains about beacons not can be defused beacons not just dissapear into thin air
  13. but would that not limit you fov or maybe blind you? sure it would give you some huge blind spots at least ... not sure you could move quick and save enough to actually have good chances to get some where (not that it wont work every once in a while) Some people like bubble wrapped gaming. yes, i feel the same ... in all games you have always mechanics that you do not like but you have to deal with it for me that is part of the game ... I am also fine with modding a game and its mechanics ... so if there would be a mutator that prevents planting c4 on a friendly unit, fine ... but as long as it is possible it should be fine aswell ... even tho i am not a fan of this either
  14. I Added it as a non steam game to my library ... so I can show my friends what I play and share ScreenShots
  15. they kinda stress that it is free, no MT and not F2P
  16. http://www.pcgames.de/Command-und-Conqu ... r-1111485/ pretty good news
  17. that absolutely right!
  18. For the former at least, he actually says correctly that you cannot enter a vehicle until either the owner gets in or the hijack timer expires. Says it here but he also claims that it is useless ... he says something like "whats the point of an apc if you can not get in" so he makes it look like the apc is useless ... again, over all he did a decent review
  19. could be possible to make c4 damage your own vehicles aswell or make it impossible to plant c4 on friendly units ... meaning they vanish also if you plant them on a neutral vehicle and you or a team mate enter it later
  20. I just not play on servers where I not like the rules ... I always felt, in any game, that anything what is possible by regular game mechanics shall not be forbidden by serverrules ... as long as it is no bug or glich So I avoid those servers AND btw ... C4 counting towards the minelimit does help ... planting 10 c4 on a unit would take away 10 mines from your vulnerable spots that means, there is actually a mechanic to make "flaming" not only an advantage and it is possible for both teams aswell, not a one sided thing ... I can not see any reason why someone should forbid this, except for cry babies
  21. it is so sad I would buy this game for 25€! It sure is woth it like DayZ or Natural Selection 2 and once finished it sure has the same quality I believe! I Hope you guys can stay together and form a professional studio and develop some own IP to earn money from or at least find good jobs in a good studio ... all your effort on RenegadeX should get you some reward!
  22. i do not see why this should be against the rules ... it is no bug and glitch it seems to be a valid tactic ... yet i see some servers will not allow in the future
  23. classic tactic works with infantery also
  24. you also can put mines on infantery
  25. i think its fair also ... except for some critics he has for things he does not understand yet like you have to wait for the owner to get in he apc b4 you can enter it or the arcade style guns in an arcade shooter but over all a fair review of the current beta
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