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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. Yeah the processor is incredibly important in Ren X. A Pentium 4 is a steaming pile in this day and age.
  2. 1:00 PM Central US 6:00 PM GMT
  3. I talked to yosh last night and he confirmed that we will have a mutator to retain teams in between games. This should help make the games run more smoothly.
  4. I'll be there. Supposedly yosh said he'd have the team retention mutator ready for this PUG.
  5. I'm in position! I'll be there this week. Sorry about last week
  6. Any plans to up the price of the buggy to a well deserved 800+?
  7. Great job on this one, but have you really stooped to the level that an official has to bash another official's work on an official forum thread that many people read? Grow a pair, please. *sarcastic thumbs up* Awesome! Could i ask though, who exactly worked on this change? I recall multiple people working on this. Mesa has been bad since original. Now in Ren X it likes to crash clients too. I wasn't too heartbroken about Mesa being gone especially if we're picking up 3 new maps.
  8. I had to help my girlfriend's sister move into her apartment... It was a blast...
  9. It's getting to be that time of the week again. Who's excited for our weekly PUG? I'll for sure be there, ready to rock!
  10. I'm running it on 10 here with no problems.
  11. I'll be here for it
  12. With the recent changes to Lakeside, it has become one of my least favorite maps. Orca/Apache navigation is incredibly awkward now as there are very few ways to fly without either running into an invisible wall or random cliff. If there would be a way to implement the seamless boundary (like in Canyon) for vehicles, that would be awesome. Also, the cliffs blocking the HoN/Bar should be removed. In addition, the invisible blocking volumes near the cliffs should just be turned into tiberium damage volumes to prevent sniping up there (although I really don't see that spot as much of an issue honestly) What are your CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts?
  13. EKT and Matrix have been having technical difficulties with their servers for most of the day (I'm sure you're well aware being a veteran senior mod at TmX). The server list is and was working properly. Launcher is bugged since beta one. The only thing is that no one ever take a look at it. What in particular is broken? The reason Matrix and EKT weren't showing up on the list was due to network issues with those servers, not because the launcher is cherry picking servers.
  14. some invisible walls should block these paths Honestly the last thing this game needs is more random invisible walls. We need to come up with a more immersive way of blocking areas off without abrupt, intrusive walls. For example: the seamless boundary for infantry in Canyon.
  15. EKT and Matrix have been having technical difficulties with their servers for most of the day (I'm sure you're well aware being a veteran senior mod at TmX). The server list is and was working properly.
  16. That just makes Renegade even more RNG based and less coordination based. The power down crate was also not originally I'm Renegade, it was added later.
  17. Yup, it's missing.
  18. The best way to get a hold of Goku is to head on irc via their mibbit link they have set up. http://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23RenX ... zeteam.com
  19. Glad the PUGs went well! Sorry I couldn't be there this week, I'll be back in action next week, ready to rock!
  20. Undisarmable C4 has been driving everyone crazy since release date. Good work, team! Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
  21. PUG is definitely still on. I'll be around via RDP to make sure the server is ready to rock but I'm busy getting ready to move to my new apartment :mrgreen:
  22. Stop having such an exciting life
  23. With mobile platforms with integrated/discrete switching, you typically need to force Renegade-x to run on the dedicated card. Right click the Renegade-x shortcut and look for the option to run it with the dedicated NVIDIA card. Here's some more in-depth instructions if you're missing the "Run with Graphics Processor" option when you right click: https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/documents/ht082304
  24. Not every map needs a silo.
  25. I been lazy, but I will renew the info/countdown for this week. Bio was supposed to take over, let alone show up, but life happens and I know that, and anytime he comes back with an interest I would be glad to let him. I slept too much last few days to renew the info for next week. Countdown Link: Saturday RenX Pickup Game ^Updated for July 25th^ You set the timer to 1 AM central. Let the confusion begin!
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