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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. Added and updated Added and updated. Also added to post #2 for download
  2. Server and link updated.
  3. Web server is back up but now OVH seems to be blocking some ports I need. The current port that the testing server runs on is blocked and I have no spare ports to use as the only other open ones are 80 and 443. I submitted a ticket but until OVH unblocks those ports, the testing server will remain down.
  4. Yup, anyone who uses OVH in North America as their provider is gone. Storm, subglobal, and myself use OVH.
  5. All of those servers were running on the same physical machine but with different ports, that's why they're all down.
  6. Well if you're trying to download maps or access the map server, it's down at the moment. OVH is a shit company apparently. http://status.ovh.com/?do=details&id=9603
  7. Do you have a laptop or a desktop?
  8. A server like that would be really awesome! This can be arranged. I'll get it running in the ConstructiveTyranny server.
  9. Updated Updated Note: @DaKuja The last two releases you've sent me only contain the UDK file and not the environment (UPK) file. I'm assuming the old environment file still works, however, new people installing the map will need the environment file as well. I will update your .zip to include the UPK file but if you could include that in the future, it would be much appreciated. Another note: If the map devs could please upload your maps in the .zip format that would also be much appreciated. While I have 7zip installed, I'm sure there's a few folks who don't know what a .rar is and how to deal with it. I'll be converting all existing .rar archives into .zip archives. As always, good work on the maps guys, keep 'em coming.
  10. I'm at work right now but I'll get both eyes and TrainingYard updated as soon as I get home.
  11. The mirror for ModDB isn't working and from what I'm aware of, you can't search other people's Google Drives. Please post the link to Drive here.
  12. PLEASE upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox and not that crappy upload.net website.
  13. Added Fixed
  14. @both Mirror updated and added to Ren X server
  15. There's an anti exploit mutator on there causing the link gun kills. The anti afk kicker is on as well. I will disable both while I'm at work tomorrow. Both the anti AFK kicker and the anti exploit mutator are disabled now. Happy testing.
  16. Mirror updated and server updated and currently running your map.
  17. There's an anti exploit mutator on there causing the link gun kills. The anti afk kicker is on as well. I will disable both while I'm at work tomorrow.
  18. I can get you the mutator you need when the time comes.
  19. Server and links are updated.
  20. not really On Tapatalk it's far from great.
  21. I'd be more than happy to set you up with FTP access to the demos folder.
  22. It's added and running on the server as we speak.
  23. Unfortunately not. You would have to set up a server on your local network, add bots and then both of you could have to connect to it. If you need help, I'm usually on teamspeak on ts.thematrixren.net Pop by and I can help.
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