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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. Much appreciated, thanks for your quick response, Kenz!
  2. You mean the feedback forum that only has sections for bugs?
  3. I see that there's a feedback forum but I envisioned a balance section more like this: Head Category: Balance This is where general balance discussion would take place such as what units are currently OP and what do you feel needs balancing. Sub Categories: Units, Building Mechanics, Credit Mechanic, Map Balance (etc) This is where the specific discussion of each thing that needs to be addressed is discussed and kept more organized.
  4. Hey all, Balance seems to be a key issue in Ren X at the moment. If they devs could please add a section for Balance on the forums so that we may discuss balance issues in a more organized manner, it would be much appreciated! Thanks, DoctorB0NG
  5. Agreed. Even the flechette rifle sound doesn't set off the alarm bells like the laser rifle does though. I feel that once SBH are visible and shooting, they should attract lots of attention and not be very powerful.
  6. I think your idea of allowing hotties/techs to purchase a sidearm and it replacing a timed C4 is good as they would still be potent while repairing and less fearsome during infiltration. I would be worried, however, that players would be confused as to why their timed C4s are disappearing from their inventory. We would need to make sure the tooltip is updated to reflect that the sidearm would replace the C4 ONLY for the tech/hotty.
  7. Hey all, I've started thinking lately that SBH and Tech/Hotties should NOT be able to purchase sidearms. The whole thing that balanced those units in the original Renegade was that their weapons were not very powerful. SBH already have the element of surprise and the ability to place nukes darn near wherever they please. Because of this, they also shouldn't have the ability to purchase an uber powerful flechette rifle or carbine. Hotties/Techies can destroy a building by themselves and can repair things very quickly. With powerful sidearms, I find myself exclusively buying those units. By removing sidearms from Hotties/Techies, I feel the spectrum of characters that players buy will be diversified. Thoughts?
  8. 1) airdrops (nerf) 2) rocket soldier damage to vehicles (nerf) 3) rate of silo credits (nerf) 4) flechette rifle (nerf) 5) shotty (needs rebalance, not just nerf) 6) McFart (nerf) 7) Officer (nerf) 8) Stank (buff) 9) Remove sidearm from SBH and tech/hotty (nerf) 10) More credits/points for repairing tanks and killing infantry
  9. Agreed. Shotties need a slight damage or ramge nerf and the clipsize of the officer should be reduced. With rocket soldiers, my main beef is that they kill orcas and Apache in 5 rockets. That seems a little too powerful for how well they lock on, how far the rockets travel and how cheap the actual unit is.
  10. Are there any plans to nerf the flechette rifle, rocket soldier and officer? I think the flechette rifle needs some more spread/damage or range decrease, rocket soldier needs a 15-20% damage nerf and officers shouldn't be hitscan.
  11. Hey all, As of late the level of public games seems to have taken a bit of a nose-dive. Weekly PUGs with higher levels of play are a great way to get some great Renegade-X awesomeness in! Every Saturday at 21:00 GMT (5 PM Eastern) we will be hosting a few pickup games. TEAMSPEAK IS REQUIRED! Team picking is done on TS and also the password to the server will be given out on TS. Please make sure you have TS configured and working prior to the game. TS Address: ts.thematrixren.net -- Let me know if you have any issues connecting to this server! See you all on the battlefield! DoctorB0NG
  12. In the meantime all you need to do is either blow up Swahhh's vehicle that he's humping or just run your character into him and it messes up his exploit.
  13. We didn't apply the mutator yet. I'm doing it as we speak.
  14. You think I'm using some kind of third party program? Ha-ha-ha... Not even close... Your exploit has already been reproduced by numerous TmX members and we have a mutator that prevents it that we'll be applying to our servers tonight.
  15. TheMatrixRen community has started doing server auto-switching at late night North American times. After 1 AM GMT, we switch players over to our NA server after the last game ends on the EU server. We're hoping this will spur the NA population a bit.
  16. Never heard of trolling? Why not go troll a different game? What you're doing isn't game breaking by any means, it's just mildly annoying and we're just gonna keep banning your VPNs.
  17. Around this time I think. Man, you're a pretty cool dude.
  18. Just because it was in old Renegade doesn't mean it should be in Ren X.
  19. At times they are undisarmable which is pretty crappy if you're a lone hotty trying to sneak in.
  20. Floating mines are technically an exploit and as such are forbidden on our server.
  21. Was thinking the same. This would probably be best done with a small group of people. I need to think of who's got a good tutorial voice though. Yo
  22. We need some ingame tutorial. YouTube videos are good supplementary material but there needs to be something built in.
  23. Honestly the more I think about the more ridiculous it is that a tutorial hasn't been a higher priority thing for this game. The learning curve for this game is steep and the community can be rather unforgiving.
  24. This is 100% the way to take care of it. The only problem is that RCON is currently bugged and doing a disarm command disarms ALL mines on BOTH teams...
  25. I think one of the biggest issues is that there's NO tutorial whatsoever with this game. New people hop in and have no idea what they're doing and start mining the front, tunnels, etc. The Ren X website needs some materials on it to educate people and hell the game itself needs some sort of tutorial section where McFart runs a player around and teaches them stuff.
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