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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. If you are getting that message it means that your batch file doesn't have the correct file path leading to your udk.exe
  2. I'll add it to the server today. I've been busy the last few days with college graduation.
  3. Any chance you can get me a dropbox or google drive link so we don't have to wait for modDB to verify the link?
  4. Time limit is set to 0. Also, clients only need to change the mine limit if they want to try the map on skirmish. If you just plan on connecting to the server, I take care of the mine limits server side.
  5. The thread is about ammo for infantry, isn't it? Yeah it is. If infantry want to have similar utility to tanks, why do they finite ammo while tanks don't?
  6. Ok I will try the torrent instead. Sounds good. Let me know if you still need any assistance.
  7. I'm very much looking forward to the beta release of your map. When it's ready, post on this thread and I will be sure to add it to the official testing server. viewtopic.php?t=75116 Thanks for your hard work.
  8. Sounds like your download is corrupt. I would use the torrent instead of a direct download. If you have intermittent wifi or if your ISP is prone to packet loss, direct downloads will likely fail.
  9. do you have a microphone and would you be willing to hop on TeamSpeak?
  10. Have you tried a fresh install?
  11. Are you able to connect to any servers or just not matrix and ekt?
  12. It takes a long time to join a server running the new Balance mutator for the first time. How long did you let it sit after you clicked connect?
  13. I run a GTX 670 paired with an i7 2600k at 2560x1440 on ultra and it rarely dips below 60 fps. You'll have no issues with a 970.
  14. The map has to compile shaders on the first run. This can take up to 10 minutes the first time it's run. Let it sit and it should work itself out.
  15. Having one full, crowded server doesn't help though. Who knows how many people sit there and try to get on the server and give up and don't play then because they didn't get in. If there were two slightly smaller servers, the turnover is more evenly distrusted and people have a better chance of getting in at any given time.
  16. Map's looking great. One thing I'd like to suggest: please don't put any more than 1 silo on the map. The next patch is going to nerf silos to 1 credit per tick and adding more silos undoes some of the balance in my opinion.
  17. One step at a time. Also things still have to actually be... you know... coded. As well as tested on a server as opposed to just skirmish mode.
  18. Download this zip and extract it. This is an up to date version 4.02 (4.009). I've tested it myself on multiple machines. Let me know how this works for you. http://doctorb0ng.com/renx/renegade%20x_4.02.zip
  19. My apologies if you tried to access the test server and it was down for a bit today. I migrated to a different server provider.
  20. viewtopic.php?t=75116
  21. You can always download it and hop on the official testing server to see a bit :mrgreen:
  22. Server and mirror are updated and ready to rock. Updates are good, people like seeing progress
  23. I'm pretty sure this is being worked on and will be the way maps are distributed when they are officially supported. For the time being I can see if some community members would be willing to write and handy dandy utility for us.
  24. DoctorB0NG


    An alternative option would be to remove the disable voting mutator temporarily (maybe even permanently ) and use the original anti-position glitch mutator that RypeL wrote. It works flawlessly.
  25. 4.009 is the most up to date version if I recall. There were 7 prerelease patches therefore 4.02 corresponds to 4.009.
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