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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. I like to play.
  2. You're gonna have to set up a dedicated server and connect to it. There isn't really and easy way to just hop into a LAN unfortunately.
  3. This. The community benefits when people have a choice of what server to play on. If your choice is Marathon with X mines or Marathon with X mines and you don't like Marathon with X mines, you're in a position where you're not going to enjoy the game nearly as much. While I personally don't prefer marathon, I realize that others do prefer it, and that's awesome. Variety is the spice of life but currently Renegade-X is lacking options in terms of which servers you can play on and the bottom line is that it hurts the game. Hell, just look at OP. He hops on wanting to play AOW and he can't because the marathon servers have been seeded to high hell.
  4. We ran into a similar issue during the pickup game today and it almost cost us the Wep. It happened right after an incredibly noisy orca Rush
  5. Crates were higher than normal for tib sun vehicles. The values have been fixed already and will be back to normal for next week's match.
  6. Eyes updated to 1.4. Also, the map server is down for a bit here as we're working on a way to auto-download maps quickly when you join a server and it's 95% working
  7. DoctorB0NG


    Nobody does that though. If one rush fails, everybody seems to give up and just camp. As the community devs have been discussing, camping is way too advantageous in Ren X (as it was in Ren) and needs to have some major detriment.
  8. I'll be there. People need to show up on time at the right time.
  9. Sorry about the server being down. I was doing a lot of work on other stuff on it and forgot I had shut it down.
  10. OH SHITAKE MUSHROOMS, YOSH'S NAME IS ORANGE. EDIT: Do it without cursing next time =p
  11. This is a server-side option that can be adjusted by server owners.
  12. I'm sure I could find someone who could write a mutator to do such a thing if people really want it.
  13. The ConstructiveTyranny server has increased drop rates for the new vehicles for the next few days so that new and old players have a greater chance of seeing them early on. Feel free to hop on and check them out
  14. Please use the out-of-game launcher to connect to servers. It appears that the in-game server browser is still showing Beta 4 servers even though the current iteration of the game is Beta 5.
  15. Please add the torrent for the SDK to the download page http://constructivetyranny.com/renx/Rx_ ... ip.torrent
  16. How, without switching to internet protocol over unreal's own protocols? If by "internet" you mean http, then yes, that's how it's done.
  17. also if you have any questions you'd like answered, feel free to hop on our TeamSpeak3 server at ts.constructiveTyranny.com to talk to either Yosh, BroTranquility, or myself. We're usually around
  18. Feel free to hop on the ConstructiveTyranny AOW server to test it out. Agent/the Unreal community figured out a way to make mutators download faster
  19. Server is up and running.
  20. Coastal 2.3 added to server and updated post #2
  21. Map updated!
  22. That would be up to ThommyK0104 to make himself. We're not using this topic for his map specific related stuff. Edit: Kenz his map added to post #2
  23. Coastal 2.20 added to the server and updated in the download link in post #2
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