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Posts posted by kenz3001

  1. i dont know alls i know is every one that has problems is a mac user and dont under stand what a right click is ... you could be a mac user alls i know is you is having problems and as a mac user we all know about problems ... wait your not a mac user ?...

    back to the topic at hand ... have you had an accident at work ?

    wait thats not right ...

    do you want cheaper car insurance ....

    wait that still aint right ...

    ok ok ....

    it was just a generic question im not saying you is stupid (i cant read but mehhh) but i know alot of people that have made this mistake


    also ... im am calling you from Microsoft Soft and my data base is telling me you have a virus ...

    • Like 1
  2. um any dynamic light is heavy hitting even if it doesn't move / change / toggle

    some things that have been said a re right but some are wrong

    it don't matter if the light moves, changes brightness or color if it does any of these things the light maps for that light get ignored and are rendered on the fly


    you could use a light function to get a similar look going but you would have to pair it with a post processing volume 

    people like to turn pp and even dynamic lights off so having a dynamic map like that might not work as intended as it wouldn't work for half the players (the cheating gitts)

    its your call

    you can always gain FPS by optimizing the assets in your map anyway not just the light (new tut from me on all that stuff soon)

  3. terrain is supported its just a legacy system that lacks features of landscape like material blending and erosion ect ...

    is there a log from the crash ( file and something in the paste bin "crash >>> hit paste in notpad" )

    i had crashing on light builds when the build took more memory then what i had or using the 32bit udk ( try using 64bit udk to build lights if you have over 4 gb in your system )

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  4. horologe is basically white out / hourglass with out the side paths ... its 2 bases 1 tunnel and a hill its a fun 5 min play map 5v5 but with 40 players 20 vs 20 it wont be good at all its an apc rape map ... if it was inf only then would be good

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