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Posts posted by kenz3001

  1. about time some one made a volcanic map

    There is one Volcano, you made it yourself :D

    never knew that ........ shhh but there is actuly 2 volcano's one on volcano its self and one in another map ... but thats not the point .... what i should of said is .....

    about time some one out side of the dev team made a volcanic map

    but any way its looking sexie as ... hope it playes as well as it looks

  2. applying terxtures to landscapes / any thing is not like slamming an image on it ... you have to make the material (shader) for the asset you with to "texture" with in the material you can set what the material can be used on and if it is translucent and what not lots of tuts on youtube about materials and little tricks you can do with them (also my making of series in my sig shows almost 100% of making a map including landscape mats and making tunnels )

    you can also used landscape materials thats are packed with the renx sdk

    if the visibility tool is making massive holes it is likely your landscape is set up to small with very few components in each quadrant

    depending on the "type of tunnel" if its just a cave in a mountain or if you can walk / drive over the top there are to main ways of making tunnels

    if its just a cave just make them out of assets like rocks and what not

    if its one you wish to walk over you will have to use one or more landscapes and then cut holes with the visibility tool

  3. crates needed to be a game changer or there is no point in having them full stop... thats why there is a risk in picking them up... boom ya dead or boom ya got a titan... sorry boink ya dead or boink ya got a boink tank

  4. 8600 GT is a extremely old card ... i had 2 8800GT's in sli when i started on the beta testing renx (black dawn) i had to upgrade to a bigger card right away and the mp version is more of a proformance hit then black dawn was

    also had a amd athlon x2 and had to upgrade that to something bigger

    saying all this i could still play the game ... but it was choppy and not worth playing

    your rig will struggle to play renx even on low settings

  5. even when some one takes the lead you alwaysd second guess them and try and split rushes up ... you just need to shut up and do what ya told unless you are the leader !

    i never said you are a bad player ya just a bad team mate

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