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Posts posted by kenz3001

  1. 2 hours ago, DoctorAnubis said:

    I can't figure out how to do that, I tried spawning in a deployed beacon but as everything automatically spawns as gdi it fails

    bots cant be told to deploy weapons like remote c4 or beacons ....  but you can spawn tem with say a volt rifle and be told to hit a mct 

  2. in the ut3 mod scorpion hunter was made into a multiplayer map ... was an interesting map but with the player base at the time it didn't play all to well due to the base buildings being split up

  3. it was added as an automatic update so its not in any mod download and the update files are long gone .... unless @ZixXer has his original files its a lost relic sorry to say

    unless some one with a very old hdd with a fully updated renx mod is reading this

  4. 17 hours ago, Ryz said:

    Congratz Kenz indeed! When is she going to play Ren-X :P

    She dont need to play it she is in it ... Sakura ! (yes my little girls name is Sakura but not coz of ren lol my wife picked the name a long time ago "like i had a choice in the name lol phhhhh")

    but this thread is not about me and my goings on ... whats happening in 2017 for all you lot ?

    • Like 1
  5. Well 2016 was a good year for me and renx.... Renx got lots of cool updates as for me 2016 was more awesome then any other year in my life may of you know I got marryed and was expecting a baby in Jan 2017 but I guess my little girl couldent wait and was born on the 29th of Dec

    so 2017 is going to be alot of sleepless nights and lots of coffee as for renx I have some tutorials coming I just need to finish the last one and render them all... I mighr even add some more to the renx essentials series 

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  6. sorry i dont have time to make a tut but ...

    wile in the map you are taking the mat from

    alls you need to do is copy the mat to your package open it up (the one you copied) and look for the textures and in the properties box at the bottom (when the texture node is selected) there will be the texture reference ... click the spyglass it will take you to the texture in the content browser ... make a copy to your package then hit the green arrow and it will be referenced to your package (rinse and repeat for all textures) if you still get the error wile saving the package /your map you missed something and will have to search the mat for more textures

    • Like 1
  7. ahhh i take it you are pulling the mat from goldrush / some other map ....

    some maps have all there mats textures and assets saved to the map and not a package so the game can not open 2 maps independently like a map and package can

    the problem is that a / some texture in the mat are referenced to the map you copied the mat from (you will need to find copy and re-reference the textures in the mat (i say this in the vid)

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