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Posts posted by kenz3001

  1. the powerplant makes maps with defences berible to play

    making defensece have a low power attack will just make decence maps even more shity

    the main reason feild ild plays so crappy is that it dont have a powerplant and that the powerplant isnt in an easy place to hit

    only thing that should be changed is the cool down on the ob back to what it used to be back in beta 2? /cnc ren

  2. remove ob / agt all problems solved no more bitching about field plays like shit... or add a pp thats easy to hit...

    im not doing it im doing enuff mapping right now...

    if you think you can fix it carry on some one took time to do goldrush... field should be the next community project

  3. Beach Head v1.3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/mo099 ... d+V1.3.rar

    - added soft world bounders around the entire map

    - added out of map post processing volumes

    - removed the PT kismet and applied settings via properties box's

    - added tib lens flares to tib fields

    - made the wet sand look more "wet"

    - added new sounds to helipad kismet (should only play to client)

    - added a new check for helipad (must have silo to gain air units)

    - made all pt triggers client side only (unsure if servers will see air unit vehicle spawns)

    - fixed lost materials on foliage trees

    - added flowers to landscape (so pretty)

    - added vehicle blocking volumes to infantry only paths

    - change the sky material

    - played with the fog make it look a bit better

    - optimized the map a little bit more

    (Beach Head needs online testing for kismet and PT properties)

  4. looks like you had a brush and then clicked Ctrl+A

    what you have there is CSG just slap a build brush box around it and and hit the subtract button on the left side

    or you can "drag box " select the csg and you should get a blue / yellow box and you can then select "this class" to delete them all like you would a mesh

  5. ok so some things were intended and others not ... a new version of the map is being worked on but right now its at the discretion of the server host

    vehicles are not meant to be on the outcrops ether side of the bases

    going out the map and back in is intended and as such new paths can be made (at your own risk)

    i dont see walls as the biggest problem when it comes to the soft boundary's there are far worse things in some of the other maps that not many people have found yet (again being fixed)

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