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Posts posted by kenz3001

  1. enable composite dynamic


    and you may need to change some light / environment settings i go over this in a future vid (need to render and upload when i have time)


    EDIT ... revert ALL the light environment settings back to default in the world properties

  2. i started on this almost a year ago but due to reasons out of my control (baby) i never got around to editing and uploading this series (its not 100% finished but will do for what needs to be done right now)


    so this series is all about getting maps to a playable state for low end pc's

    these are the steps i take to make my maps playable (some what)

    1 . light and precomutatedvisability





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  3. mesa was changed for good reasons ... the unit balances might of made the old version play a little bit better but nothing like what the current version does.

  4. the materials for units are not bound to maps they are a consent over the entire game only way to change the texture is to change the material / material instant constant (MIC) texture that is used on the unit (if you change the package you can not join a server with out it re-downloading that package and reverting the change you made)

    the only way textures can be changed is if the client and server have the same package (witch is a good thing to stop cheaty textures)

    but to change the texture in the MIC code needs to be added ether in game or via a mutator to swap out the def, spec, normal, ect texture's a bit like we do with the cubemaps and colour of units in the map world props

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  5. 12 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

    @kenz3001 / @Ruud033


    the radar domes behind Nods base got no collisions. There's a soft border timer, but you can avoid it and snipe the hill from inside the domes.

    @kenz3001 is there a chance Whiteout gets a fix for all the mentioned issues any time (soon)?

    i give up on the soft boundary shit ... there is no amount of map fixes will sort it out 100% the boundary code need to be fixed

    i could fix this but would need to know exactly how its done


  6. Yoo.... !

    the time i took on making the map has nothing to do with the dates i posted the vids ... add up the mins / hrs of each vid then add 20+ hrs of light builds and prep time + bad recordings (there were alot of bad recordings witch meant the entire vid had to be remade)


    hope you inspire more peeps to make maps coz the game is nothing with out a community that has passion

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  7. ok ok you got me .... i am mad and have never been declared mentally insane

    also i'm not the guy in my avatar i'm the girl

    and my maps is bad






    dont have kids they take over ya life

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