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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. exellent good work
  2. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Mar 3 2010, 02:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i press L and the horn works lol might be coz i sign in to gamespy to save my settings
  3. QUOTE (Qbert @ Mar 3 2010, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> press "L" in a vehicle in renx thats how loud it will be lol
  4. ohhh yer but its a bit short lmao
  5. :lol: QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Mar 2 2010, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ahh right looks like its been doctored (black outline on the kodiak and space station) lol but if you say so ... i never got into the show
  6. QUOTE (alexrirak @ Mar 2 2010, 04:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol its a doctored image thay would be similar
  7. i would of stayed but my m8 from the army droped in lol :blink: was not too happy was looking forward to getting my ass kicked (carnt play renegade any more renx just kicks its ass) thanx Renx team you killed renegade for me lol (i think that was your goal ?)
  8. ok server is named difrent on the server list lol its not [MP] ReneGamebut it is named ReneGame
  9. any word on the ip of the server it like 8:53 GMT (3:53 EST) carnt get in ten mins early if the server is not up lol
  10. will have to dig out renegade then ... will there be any mods/patches running or just the bog standerd renegade ?
  11. now that flamer was a bit poo lol took all that time to kill you nice rush tho .... flamers will always kick ass
  12. had no chance lmao good vid
  13. thank you Skeetrpan for all the hard work ... i can now get out my ride to help repair a building with out the worry of some gitt on my team steeling it Woot Edit: shouldent this be in "Maps, Mods, and Mutators"
  14. QUOTE (Jamnub @ Feb 18 2010, 02:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nice is it auto or is there a command ?
  15. QUOTE (Qbert @ Feb 17 2010, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol dont let ya sister near them ...she likes to use them as a coaster ! always the good games too ... had to replace loads of games and dvd's but hay i carnt play TS any more its just too fast, have to limet my cpu evey time i play AI will always beat me now lol (i build 1 thing at a time and the AI builds 2 things at a time ... cheating AI) even worse when it places things faster than you can and build things faster ... man i used to rock at that game .. but now i get power plant and im dead from super weapon lol "thats fun" !
  16. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Feb 17 2010, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> me too ... scrached to hell now lol ... always had an iso backed up so i could play it
  17. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Feb 15 2010, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol yer i know ... was being realistic lol the teaser looks mint .... carnt wait too see it in coulor and in front of me
  18. QUOTE (They. @ Feb 15 2010, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol its a nuke ... by all respects it should blow up the map lol a nuke is not a small explosion lmao
  19. kenz3001

    Renegade X

    there is a lot of things going on with RenegadeX at the moment .... the game experiance is a lot better than it was with v0.3# and now with v0.5 and the new patch that will be coming soon (fix's some bugs and add's some cool stuff) the game is / will be better than ever, fans are making maps such as Xmountain (there is a DM map in the works ... the beta on the mp-gaming server) new mutators are getting added all the time, the UDK (standalone) wont be here any time soon there is a lot of work that has to be redone RenegadeX mod for UT3 is almost the same as the origanal renegade online i think most people like Zombieguy who only wont to play when the game is finished will be the down fall of this mod (no offence intended) this Mod and Dev Team needs all the suport it can get i say again this mod is awsome and is getting better all the time and there alot of FREE UT3 mods out there not just FPS (the ball [now standalone], snowreal, ect)
  20. kenz3001

    Renegade X

    QUOTE (ALTEREGO @ Feb 14 2010, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well getting ut3 is worth it ...you get ut3 to play (good game in it's self) and you get all the cool FREE mods like RenegadeX it's not a pain in the ass to connect to servers as there is a little application that opens the mod and connects for you (internet) loads of people play and know about the mod ... look at bottem of the home page of this forum (We have 4,392 registered members) getting on the servers at the right time is a good idea as every 1 that plays are in diffrent time zones (6:00 - 8:00 pm GMT is usaly a good time) it is 09:15 pm now and there are 16 players (but it was a dev night) but usaly get 20 + players on 1 server at peak times it says if there is any players in the servers at the top ( There are curretly # players playing Renegade X. ) hope this helps you deside this mod rulez btw
  21. people would just put a vehicle in the way of the harv and blow it up with out getting run over !!!!! hmmmm pointless .. makes it too easy to blow up the harv
  22. i had same message ... just a forum spammer ... god i hate them !
  23. QUOTE (Atlas Tasume @ Feb 9 2010, 09:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 8:00 pm GMT always add 5hrs to what ever fobby says for GMT
  24. cool carnt wait for this
  25. personal ion cannon flamethrower C4 (all) Gunner sniper (both) there are loads of weapons that can take out tanks
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