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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. i think so using kismet dont ask me how tho lol
  2. can it be set to chat and team chat ? that would work would it not ? it cool tho but a bit cartoony ... needs better graphics for RenegadeX dont you think ?
  3. GDI stood no chance lmao nice rush, nice vid
  4. them rocks are in the editor as is but you can modle and import any thing you like
  5. lol you need to uninstall renx (delete the renegade folder from ut3 folder in my games) then reinstall
  6. Mint the nuke look amazing cant wait to get it installed good work as always
  7. Happy Birthday RenegadeX time dose fly when ya having so much fun playing RenX lol
  8. kenz3001


    nice to see the ingame player count back on the forum cant wait to get stuck back in to renx
  9. i always kneew that pedigree's had problems but never knew how bad some breads are, some of these breaders and the kennel club are just sick thay should be put down. me and my family have always had whipits and all of them have been prone to cancer im just shocked that the kennel club is letting these dogs become worse with evey generation. shocking and saddening
  10. 4pm where ? GMT -5 ? 9pm GMT ?
  11. i have a steam account but after getting band from COD6 just for playing, (steam thought every 1 was cheating when thay updated and now i cant play COD6 online "wankers") i have not been on but as renx is like the number 1 game i like to play ill have a crack at it as for Xfire well i got nothing good to say for it so ill leave it at that lol steam name = kenz3001
  12. im playing now if any 1 wont to join me
  13. AlienXServers Server IP: Port: 7777 use renx-ip or use command line by hitting F10 in main menu and type in "open" with out the ""
  14. GMT-5 ? 1AM GMT thats pushing it abit for europeans lol ill see if i can make it and it dose help to spesify a server lol as as there is only 1 running at the moment here is the info lol AlienXServers Server IP: Port: 7777 use renx-ip or use command line by hitting F10 in main menu and type in "open" with out the ""
  15. the team is dedicating a week or two to fix problems in 0.5, as i understand it the UDK (standalone) single player project is in test stage but thats just what i gather from bits and peaces that has been said over the weeks the project is not dead and will be more alive than ever soon NICE
  16. just wait for the HOTFIX like the rest of us, the standalone will only be a single player level for now you will have to wait even longer for the multiplayer version
  17. Sam Bass is/was the Lead Designer of Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight glad or embarrassed ? its a tough 1, it depends on what he likes about it lol
  18. kenz3001


    at the moment you can use the game spy login for UT3 and will set your nick to your game spy login nick, or if you do not use the login your nick will become "Player###" but you can change it in game by hitting TAB and typing in "setname nickname", if you do not use the game spy login you can not save settings people can use your nick in game as long as it is not being used at the time (your not on the server) ... this happend to me where a hacker came in with a bot and killed me about 50 times in a row and messed my death/kill ratio up , i just hope there will be a serial or login in the standalone
  19. np's anyway back to topic is this server down now ?
  20. thay are both (.exe), did you download both of file filefront because i could not open them untill i renamed the extention to (.exe) if you dont know how look here its the same on all windows OS's (vista/7 look in Control Panel for "Folder Options")
  21. umm you need the latest UT3 patch 2.1 (patch 5) and helps to have the tittan pack too UT3 Patch 2.1 (patch 5) Tatan Pack you should see this menu may be a diffrent character but you need to see the Carbon fiber looking menu and it will say v2.1 unlike this 1 that says v2.0 click instant action and you will see renegade mode
  22. he proboly did not enter the right ip ort lol
  23. you are working on it now, nice, cant wait to play renx again
  24. kenz3001

    Hey guys

    Hi Zunnie, good to see ya still about, nice to see the MP-Gaming server will be back up when the serverlist get fixed
  25. liking it renx was first lol but wait whats this: Renegade X by Renegade X Team shouldent it be: Renegade X by Totem Arts anyway nice to have publicity
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