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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. QUOTE (Demigan @ Dec 25 2009, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i would go for a evga card then as thay give a limeted lifetime warranty as standerd
  2. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Dec 23 2009, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> background is temporery but it wont be seen when all the fx go in yer i know about the spelling ... im not a strong speller or touch typer lol as for the comp ...i have a wallpaper in at the mo and this is not fineshed so it wont be entered unless somthing miraculous happens lol thanks for your input
  3. well it seems i have a lot of spare time lol i got a mock up and would like some input on the layout and colour scheme i know that i have no GDI in at the mo i havent had the time to go back and forth geting every character to have there pic taken ( cheese ) so just mirrored nod for now adding some fx late when i got the main layout sorted hope you like By kenz3001 at 2009-12-23
  4. will there be beacon pedestals in the game ?
  5. lol kk, i was going to make it for the comp but didnt have the time will give it a go just for a laugh in my spare time need a new project anyway
  6. is there no point making it then ?
  7. i was thinking of remaking the original renegade loading screen By kenz3001 i just wonted to know if there was any point in doing this ?
  8. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Dec 20 2009, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> still good job getting there :lol:
  9. cubera, cool use of liquify filter looks good
  10. QUOTE (Gasolin3 @ Dec 17 2009, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> use RypelCam link: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3394
  11. i have replaced my screenshot with this 1 name: Full in the face
  12. will try and make it last 1 was ace
  13. bloody hell i thought there would be more people in this comp ... only a few days left
  14. i had the same problem but it was not my card (8800GT) it was my pci-e 2.0 slot 1 .... it was very temperamental tho .... any time i shut the power off (unpluged, no light on mobo) and after installing new hardware new fan, hdd ect.. then turnd it back on, the card would not work (no power) but if i used an old card (ATI 2400 pro) every thing worked ... so i shut down left power on (did not unplug, light on mobo on) changed the card back to 8800GT and all worked ... dont know what it wrong with my mobo (asus m2n-e sli) but that is the only way i found to fix it. btw i dont think its power problem as i have a 800w psu and if you didnt have enuff power the card would not work at all proboly just get that beeeeeeeeeep telling you that there is no power. try the card in a friends pc
  15. QUOTE (vitus @ Dec 6 2009, 05:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ''ffs'' which 1 is which ? coz thay both look like screenshots
  16. lol its coz the host is down ... its hard to keep a pc on all the time due to reboots and such
  17. ok i might aswell have a best screenshot entry too and i think it might be a bug too lol
  18. the last dev night was ace would be cool to make a thing of it having every 1 in the renegade-x community get to gether 1 night of the week
  19. kenz3001


    QUOTE (Conquer @ Dec 1 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> always people playing Renegade-X during the evning ... UT3 is an ace game in its own right and even better with titan mutator in warfare ... Renegade-X is just the biggest bonus of having UT3
  20. how do you spectat lol is it a command or somthing ? i know you can spectat at the begining of a game but can you in the middle of the game ?
  21. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Nov 30 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yer tell me about it i set a nuke/ion beacon and then it switches me to other team and i killed my own building ... WTF is that about ?
  22. QUOTE (bug @ Nov 30 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> can you spectat in this mod ... i know of RypelCam but thats not spectating is it lol
  23. dont see how you got a virus warning there is no virus attached lol... its just a jpeg made by photoshop
  24. just typed in to google best ut3 mod and low and behold renegade X
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