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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. QUOTE (Lavama @ May 2 2010, 05:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the virsion that is out now has a editor or you can use the ut3 editor to edit scripts its all the same thing
  2. looks good, good work
  3. nice, lots for power will player count be increaset for events like DEV night ?
  4. bloody hell it comes when it comes ... whining for an upate is not going to make it come any faster im dieing to see an update but hay ive waited this long why not wait another 1-2 months more, im not bothered as i can still play renx 0.5 take your time DEV team we dont wont a half cocked job
  5. very good, keep it up man coz the list is always down .... very handy app
  6. nice, good work, man keep it up P.S. Looks good BTW
  7. if you have an ATI setup and have an old Nvidia PhysX enabled card you can run PhysX alongside ya ATI. well its been possible on XP for some time now but win7, you just could not do it because two display drivers could not work togeather. but hay there is now a patch (hack) to remove Nvidia's blocking code that shuts off Nvidia attributes like PhysX whan another brand (ATI) was detected shame on you Nvidia Win 7 only read more and download im not an ATI fanboy but i do like the quality of the graphics ... just think of the power you will hold with the added oomphf of PhysX card (BooM)
  8. QUOTE (alexrirak @ Apr 11 2010, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nice my rank is working now
  9. QUOTE (Nasenspray @ Apr 10 2010, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hi i think the RengadeX teamspeak server is only avalible on the TS2 client (some 1 correct me if im wrong) Renegade X teamspeak server MP-gaming have a TS3 server too irc.mp-gaming.com:9987 just press connect and enter the addys and ports hope this helps
  10. QUOTE (alexrirak @ Apr 10 2010, 02:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i have been playing quite a bit and my score has not changed at all for about a week i got like 4000odd points the other day and it was not added, that would of shot me in to 3rd place but it never updated, its been stuck at 286743 and it never changes ... ill try again tomorow it hasnt changed since i made this my G15 LCD screen witch i made on the 3rd of april and now it is the 10th of april :blink: i have played about 6 times with in that time and yet it will not update my score <_< edit: i just played 2 maps with a score of 4000odd on each (8000odd total) and my score is still the same :wacko:
  11. QUOTE (alexrirak @ Apr 10 2010, 12:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the score dose not update in turn the rank dose not update ... well i think it all dose not update ! the rank pagedose not update aswell i would of PMed you on irc but ya never on any more lol
  12. as all good things... it broke about time it was fixed dont you think
  13. QUOTE (Demigan @ Apr 6 2010, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> seems to me that you need to convert the video ... use any encoader you like lol ... imtoo mpeg encoader is very good but you have to "pay" for it
  14. QUOTE (Demigan @ Apr 6 2010, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> do you mean ut3/renx demo ? this is data from the game not a movie best to use fraps or some sort of capture tool when playing the demo in ut3/renx demo use RypelCam when make ya vids in the ut3 demo its ace you can make the cam go anywere and do any thing link: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3394
  15. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Apr 5 2010, 02:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it didnt help with the server list and website being down for as long as it has been
  16. QUOTE (Cacutar @ Apr 4 2010, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LCD Studio dose not support colour yet ... and as i do not have a G19 i cant test it i have read some were it will work but only in black and white.
  17. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Apr 3 2010, 08:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> its a 1 off at the moment as im using a web image (will only show my rank and score) but its easy to change the image address
  18. i have made a MP-gaming score and rank lcd display for the logitech G15 its in beta at the moment and using alexrirak's renx image for the score and rank ... hope in to use code from renx later (need to figer that out) but thought i would share this with all you G15 owners this looks the same on my G15 but in orange lol i used LCD studio to make this and as such it is ran by it too
  19. QUOTE (Demigan @ Mar 22 2010, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no offence but its people like you waiting for the standalone to be compleated that there are low numbers of players in game, shame on you but i agree about the overhaul of an old game to what we see today in RenagadeX, it should of been Renagade 2 not a remake of a amazing game ... but in away it is the second renegade just coz thay say its a remake dont mean that it is ... its just better in every way thats what makes this Mod/soon to be game i think thay succeeded in killing renegade for good where im concerned i think the dev team should put a price on it just coz its such a good game ... i will buy it but hay pack to topic .... man it has gone a bit quiet lately where is this update/patch what was mentioned last month just kidding take ya time i got all the time in the world playing on version 0.5 its ace
  20. what a big pile of EA shit .... EA do what you do best and pay game companys to put the EA logo on the game, dont make them ya self, we are always disapointed i wont buy this till its in the bargin bin (around 2 months away dont you think ?) and i will only buy it to compleat the collection proboly wont even play it again its soooooooo BAD its not funny
  21. cool, good work, looks great ... you make maps ? have ago at 1 for RenX
  22. nope EA can stick it ... thay messed up CnC3 was more like war of the worlds than CnC
  23. very good, hope you go far. Congrats
  24. nice work man will put it to good use
  25. i havent played renegade for a long time so i dont realy have any habbits, but i do keep hitting Q button for hoverboard thinking its UT3 lol but i do keep trying to repair with proxie C4 thinking Hotwire's first weapon is the repairgun handy but not when ya building is almost dead lol
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