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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. map has been updated to "Renegade-x-MountainRC" http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php...amp;#entry32227 pic, video and download links with in the first post
  2. well you could always download the maps and place them in your maps folder saves time downloading from the game servers my map will be made public for downoad when i update the textures and add some stuff (next release most proboly) its a good idea having custom maps mixed with origanl maps if you think the map is not that good (not saying any will be other than mine lol) you can always vote in another
  3. QUOTE (Jamnub @ Feb 2 2010, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i pressed the wrong button ....has been edited
  4. QUOTE (Sqeena @ Feb 2 2010, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> dd http://www.direct2drive.co.uk/4/5395/produ...mp;esvtk_s=bgss disc play.com £6.45 dont know if thay deliver out side the uk tho can get it on ebay.com $10.00 (used) $14.00 (new)
  5. see what im doing lol god, of course im going to be there
  6. big wet kiss ? :huh: if you insist :blink: but seriously love the mod its the best thing since sliced bread Good Work Dev Team
  7. can only import .t3d as terrain ... i need maya
  8. i am making a map in cinema 4d (just the terrain) .. what format do i need to export as to get it in to renx editor ?
  9. QUOTE (bali @ Jan 26 2010, 10:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i have see some heavily-modified versions of the unreal 3 engine (Medal of Honor's single-player campaign being 1) as the UDK is now free to use by developers so it must be open for editing too (not 100% on that) and having the dev team re writing the net code would be asking alot ... i dont mind the "lag" it puts alot more skill in to the game ... and its a bit more life like, you carnt aim at some 1 moving over 100 metters away and hit them in real life you have to aim infront of them, yes not by as much as you do in the game lol you can revert all programs back to sourcecode ... you just need to know the language it was writen in (dasm. is a good 1 but i have only used this on mac) i do not recomend exploiting this, but it is handy to see how things can be done (dont just copy and paste code its not fair on devs for all there hard work) btw new beta of the udk is out 2010 version link: http://www.udk.com/news-beta-jan2010.html
  10. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jan 24 2010, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> are you on about you have to aim of to 1 side when you are try to hit something that is moving ? thats not lag thats the physx the only time i get lag is in vehicles ... but im in the uk and most servers are european so i not know how it would effect other people in us and such
  11. cnc renegade is more fun because of the amount of people and just that ... it is more frustrating too just for the BAD LAG ... renx is getting a bigger and bigger following and when the standalone is out even more cnc renegade players will get converted (they are all cheap they wont buy ut3 for 8 bucks) me personally i proffers renx just coz i can shot some 1 that is there (cnc renegade i can shoot some 1 that is not there) .... i love the graphics in renx it just makes the game more enjoyable to play i think the biggest problem is that renx is a "remake" of a very good game so not many people like to entertain the idea or a remake now if the x was a 2 than see what would happen lol cnc renegade has a bigger following at the moment but this will change amount of people on the servers make the game (i always search for the biggest server in every game i have) having such small amount of people at 1 time makes games shot and boaring (there is no 1 to defend the bace at the start of the game) the first team to get a mcv and or long range weapon wins need to make a time for every 1 to come play (like a DEV night with out the DEV part) devs welcome lol
  12. kenz3001

    RenXBot 3.0

    bummer need to lock my ride bloody hell you need a drop down menu in renx now just so that you dont need to remember all them lmao idear for new mutator use a bind key for the menu ....like the ctrl and alt (get in the vehicle ... ect) but for all the new bot commands lol
  13. kenz3001

    RenXBot 3.0

    god all the !commands remind me of the good old days on DC++ lol good work tho ... will there be a lock vehicle command ? im sick to death of jumping out of my ride to repair a building or somthing and some 1 makes off with it
  14. QUOTE (alexrirak @ Jan 23 2010, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Havoc89 says that he will be making 1 QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Jan 12 2010, 06:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  15. hmmm what would be the point in that ? alls you will get is the vid of what you see !!!! and you might be shit at the game and not were all the action is (you only see your side of the game) ... now by using Rypelcam you can scan the whole battle like a GOD i see what you mean in that you can not export a video from u3t/renx mod witch is a bummer ... but why would you just wont 1 persons view of a battle in a video free cam is much better ... can do what you like than put the res down ... you dont need 1080p its not like most peole have a 32" tv as there monitor (yes i do but thats just as a second monitor to watch films on lol some times cod 6 lmao)
  16. QUOTE (GDIViperM @ Jan 22 2010, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the HUD thay have now it awsome ... it just needs a outline (stroke) so that it can be seen on islands and under and the chat text needs it too or some sort of opaque/translucent panel that appears when text comes up coz text to speak pisses me off when loads of people / bots chat at the same time
  17. ok just gott a little update to the image not much i know (i got board lol) tell me what you think .... i am thinking of swoping the bottem to the top and top to bottem if you know what i mean edit : the swop: the only problem with it is that the map name and UT3 text coming up over the loader giving you tips like alt fire and stuff over the top of the bottem half but i would really like to know if there is any one out there (maybe a DEV ) that could make me an animation of Havoc and or Sakura running on the spot with the cam rotating around ....you know like the origanal renegade installer animations i would most appreciate if any 1 could have a go for me .... im pants at 3d and carnt export upk files as i dont have maya or 3d max
  18. QUOTE (Blacky @ Jan 20 2010, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -login=xxx -password=xxx if im not mistaken was added in v1.2
  19. QUOTE (Retrofraction @ Jan 19 2010, 11:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ummmm you can with it alraedy but it records the entire 3d environment so you just need to use a app like fraps to film what you wont and if you use RypelCam mod you can make some well cool vids as spectator with a cam on a track you can swoop, sweep, pan the lot
  20. good job ... carnt wait to get my nick on there ... i just need to find the time to play now
  21. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jan 17 2010, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i ment so that it hovers or place on the ceiling of a tunnal like some do on islands
  22. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jan 16 2010, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmmm but wouldent peolpe just put the c4 in the most awkward place thay can... i know i would lol... so that annoying "floating C4" bug would still be there yes it is a good idear but that bug needs to be fixed befor you could use it which defeats the point of it, i think but it would be a nice feacher to see where ya c4 is going to land
  23. i gotta good new feature for ya .... adding a team speek loader in to it so when you load ya game it loads up team speek and the right server channel for the server that you wont to go on (optional setting) would love to see that
  24. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jan 12 2010, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yer i know my shift key does not work that well due to extensive gaming lol i just took the renx and pasted it on top with a feathered edge where i should of used the renx from my signiture and just used a layer effect but hay i just rushed it lol
  25. By kenz3001 at 2010-01-12 there ya go looks ok i think
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